Ah, i remember that... he then went back to zero... i also remember someone giving him a name change and Xal changed it to Vegeta that's when "OVER 9000" Really hit KH-V... ...what the crap happened to Xaldin anyways?
OH COME ON that's such an easy reference
fixed :3
* twitches *
...and you are?
It's 1 to 30 lolz
*facepalm* just it die man...
Truth is... they don't teach it much... or in any way kids will understand. well at least not the one i went to...
Pokémans ??? ...seriously, Emerald was a great third game, improved many parts of R/S and gave us the battle frontier, i'd like to see what this has to offer. I'll be more excited about 358/2 days when i hear more
Congrats Amber! 2, 17, 23, 6, 11, 28
This is an awesome idea it deserves a sticky
OH THAT IS BULLSH-- *ahem* that's just ******ed.
lol nice. 32719 32720 32721 32722 32723 32724 32725
you can't post 2 numbers 32717
got it first :3
Mind if I edit your quotes? anyways, yeah it's pretty hypocritical. in Catholic schools they teach you not to fight and to respect look at what they're doing...
Christians don't hate Santa... we just believe Jesus is what Christmas is about... anyhoo... in my opinion... either is fine... but Christians bashing Santa is kinda like Xbox fans bashing Nintendo fans...
...Madi you're scaring me