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  1. N


    Well, I think I may leave. I won't ban myself from coming back, but I've just gotten bored with sitting up at the computer on the internet. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just I have so many other things I want to accomplish outside of the net. I'm helping my mother start her real estate business, I am looking for a hunter/jumper horse to ride on the show circuit all they way to Maclay, and other things I want to accomplish, like my riding and writing career(s) and other things I'm interested in. I had fun on Kh-Vids, you guys were nice (and annoying in a funny way XD) at times, but I have outgrown Kingdom Hearts, and so on. I love you guys, and I hope you understand what I am saying. And no, I'm sure I won't be interested again. I THINK I may leave, I may come online but not post, so don't be surprised. I wish you guys good luck, and I hope you have fun in the forums.

    Good-bye and good luck,


    Thread by: N, Sep 17, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  2. N


    How come it won't be fun for 31 days?
    Post by: N, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. N


    Yeah, I cover my ears when they're like:

    Post by: N, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. N
    Yeah, then it won't really seem that dorky when you look at the rating.
    Post by: N, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. N
    The only thing with that is Disney wants it to be children friendly, so wouldn't that kind of raise the age rating to T?
    Post by: N, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. N


    Are scary, especially when they scream over their favorite characters. O_o
    Thread by: N, Sep 15, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. N

    Fat people

    You guys are scaring me.
    Post by: N, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. N
    I like your idea a lot! Especially the random battles. Those were really cool and challenging (and shocking) in FF. I think they should do that in KH.
    Post by: N, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. N
    I liked it okay. It was pretty easy to go through, I was half-way finished within five hours of gameplay on the regular mode. I learned a lot from this game that was never explained in FFVII, but I really didn't like most of the characters because they were cheesy and weirdos. But, it depends on the person. It wasn't really violent and the only cuss word I heard was 'hell' and that's pretty soft considering in FFX Tidus did utter a couple of words...which I don't remember, lol.
    Post by: N, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  10. N
    I agree, except the Sora enemy thing. The bosses were easy on Standard and I'm sure a pinch on Easy mode, a little more challenging on Hard mode but still not very HARD. I would like to have more in depth worlds to play in, the ones that were there were 90% Disney and 20% original.
    Post by: N, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. N
    Well, I suppose they could keep the older characters but add some Disney but better, more creative characters.
    Post by: N, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. N
    This is a discussion on why or why not you like the current Kingdom Hearts characters. If SE and Disney decide to make a continued version of KH (not Final Mix or anything), would you want to see new characters other than Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Kairi, Organization XIII and so on? Or would you like it to stay same-old-same-old? Explain:

    My Opinion:

    I think they should create newer characters. The ones now are, to me, very cookie-cutter and bland without much jazz and volume. Sora is the same old hero of every story, with his innocence and helpfulness. Kairi is the important but not so important female character who has an importance (kind of like Yuna from FFX who was high summoner) in lineage. Riku was the cool and collected guy who has all the confidence and self-esteem and strong powers. Organization XIII was just a bunch of guys (plus Larxene, who's female) dressed in black and aren't good or bad - so what was the point of them being in there if they weren't out to destroy (They're okay but I just don't see the point in them being there if they aren't doing SOMETHING evil).
    Sora didn't have a apparent dark side. Well, he has Roxas but Roxas really wasn't his dark side. The villans and monsters weren't very creative at all. They weren't monster-like like in FF, and the villans were ALL from Disney (Except Organization XIII) and that was annoying, because I want to actually see VILLANS, not Disney villans.

    Well, that's my opinion. What is your opinion on the characters? (THIS is just an opinion thread. IT IS NOT a debate, so PLEASE DO NOT argue).
    Thread by: N, Sep 15, 2007, 42 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. N
    I watched that movie once I never understood the point of 300 shirtless men running around, yelling SPARTA!!! and stabbing people, then dying in the end.
    Post by: N, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. N
    And I'm annoyed with the advertisments for things like and ones to 'come look at my vids, please, thank you.' If no one is looking at their vids, then they must be total c-r-a-p.
    Post by: N, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. N
    Yeah, everyone is irritated with them. I noticed the ones with adult websites were popping up A LOT. Like in every vid, even the horse-related
    Post by: N, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. N
    Some schools have anime clubs but like EvilMan said they're complete crap.
    Post by: N, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. N
    Nope, and they need to.
    Post by: N, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. N
    Yeah, I really don't see that happening, but I can understand the KH2 moral that Light cannot exist without Darkness thingy.
    Post by: N, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  19. N
    And that they just let them say whatever they want. Hasn't YouTube ever heard of RULES?
    Post by: N, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. N
    Do you ever look at how derogetory and rude the commenters are on some videos? I mean, it's kind of annoying, because it's like you scroll down and everyone is like, "**** you, *****, your such a dumb***." on certain videos.
    Thread by: N, Sep 10, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone