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  1. N
    They did? I never read the manga.
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. N
    And I like pentagrams.

    And black roses.

    And the colors black and white.
    Thread by: N, Oct 23, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. N
    Hmm, good point there too. So, even though if they did eat, it's not their main source of survival, they're kind of like immortals.
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. N
    I never played COM but Marluxia is too pretty to must sound weird.
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. N
    Well, they're not exactly soul-eaters like in Bleach.

    Roxas and Axel...I can see them eating at Dominos.
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. N
    I do too.

    I think in a couple other games they had weapons talking to them.
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. N
    Mine was finally whomping Ansem's butt. I was so sick of hearing those speeches about darkness..."Darkness is the heart's TRUE essecense." Driving me nuts...

    I do that to.

    I just finished KH1 last year. Sad, but when I got it I was only say what...7 or 8 and still new to video games. I'm still stuck on FFX and I'm twelve...
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. N
    I see. So, I guess even though they were hungry, they wouldn't be like 'starving hungry' because isn't starving an emotion?
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. N
    I had to close that before my eyes fell out.
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. N
    I wasn't asking if it was a important role in the story, I was just wondering if they ate.

    Yeah, this is the first time I've really thought about it.

    We should ask them what's their favorite food!
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. N
    Well, I thought because they were Nobodies that not only did they feel no emotions, they had no appetite. But, I do remember seeing Axel eat ice cream and Roxas...but, what about the others? Lexeaus must EAT something, or he wouldn't be so big, unless he's taking steroids. Saix must be eating something too, like KFC, because he's to 'kool' to eat BK. Xaldin, for sure, is having Popeyes Chicken.
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. N
    Yeah that Sora x Roxas thing is really weird, it's like father going with son...and even though I'm not a yaoi fan, Roxas x Pence? That's like skinny going with fat. And really, I don't think Marluxia would want a science freak like Vexen (and he's not very attractive either...O_O).
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. N
    Or can they just exist without eating for a week? I mean, I'm sure they get hungry every once in a while, and if they do, what do they eat? I have an idea that Xemnas secretly eats Wheaties for breakfast, that's why his teeth are so **** big! And I can imagine what Xigbar eats - a triple whopper with a big Coke from Burger King. XD
    Thread by: N, Oct 23, 2007, 42 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. N
    I have to see that again, but Xemnas really needs to stop eating Wheaties...
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. N
    Sure! I just have to get more ideas for the continued chapter. :)
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. N
    I'd probably tell Marluxia he's a real man and ask why his hair is so pretty. I'd slap Roxas and tell him that he be at least a little more smarter, and I would like say "What's up" and keep going when I see Sora, Riku, Kairi. If Xemnas touched me, he'd have a serious blackeye.
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. N
    LOL. I agree, that's hilarious!
    LOL @ Xendane, too many people to pay for.
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. N
    I agree with Bunterx's first post and his others. My grandfather is one of those people who 'panic' if something that can give you cancer, is toxic, or gives you some kind of fatal disease is broadcasted on television. And, in my opinion, stop broadcasting this and do something. The average person who isn't aware of the enviroment is not going to do anything as Bunterx said unless it affects their 'average' lifestyle. I am aware of nature, I love it, but what is there much to do? I mean, I don't have a magic wand where I can stop production of chemicals that harm the atmosphere. I can't stop deforestation, I can't stop people killing exotic animals.

    People just don't listen, because half of them don't care. Money (or whatever) is all is in the minds of people today. People want to be multimillionaires, not enviromentalists. It's harsh reliaty that people can be so ignorant when it comes to nature. There are a lot of people who are just like me - they love nature and want to help it, but then again we've got these guys who don't have a bullcrap about it.

    That's my opinion, nothing much to say after that. :\
    Post by: N, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Current Events
  19. N
    KH Remix is a story I created on my computer one day. I decided to share this with other fans on the internet, so I hope you enjoy it. I have added some of my own characters, but there will be also a lot of the original characters in the story, too. I will try and update whenever I can, and if I leave anyone out, please tell me! ENJOY! :D

    Chapter I: The Awakening

    Oh my gosh, where am I?
    Ally ran as hard as she could. She was in a huge, white castle, and the stark pale walls seemed to close in on her. She was running because a shadow was right behind her, growling and breathing icy cold breath onto her neck. It seemed to have a strange demonic shape, and when it opened it's mouth, she could see thousands and thousands of rows of sharp teeth, and a black mist oozed from it's mouth, cold as ice and smelt of sulfur.

    Her lungs stung with exhaustion, but if she stopped, she would be caught by the beast. Ally tripped, her ankle twisting. She yelled out in pain and hit the floor, her vision blurring. The black beast seemed to laugh with pleasure and loomed over her, it's large paw landing on her shoulder. She whimpered in pain, feeling the cold tips of it's sharp claws on her skin.

    Suddenly, the beast shrunk back and dissolved, leaving her on the floor. She didn't move, but slightly turned her head to the side. Someone was standing there, dressed in a long black cloak. The person must have thought she was unconscious, because their hood was down. "Is she unconscious?" a voice said, obviously not from the person standing behind her. "I guess so." they mumbled. "Go and check, don't just stand there."
    "I will, and don't poke me in the back like that, Saix!"
    "Do not yell at me, Axel."
    The person named Axel walked over to her.

    She closed her eyes but kept them half open, enough to look as if she was unconscious. A hand touched her forehead and pushed back loose strands of hair. ", what do we do now?" Axel asked.
    "I thought you heard what Xemnas said?" The other, Saix, replied in an angry tone. "How do you stand up and listen to that old man-ow!" Axel yelped.
    "Do not ever talk about Xemnas that way, unless you want to be a Dusk."
    Axel mumbled something and then picked Ally up. She took in a sharp breath, but never opened her eyes.

    "Are you sure this girl is unconscious?" Saix asked, taking her head in his hands. "I'm a Nobody, how am I supposed to know, I don't have a heart."
    "I know you don't, and when I do I'm going to strangle you."
    "That's nice, but remember - I'm not breathing."
    Saix sighed while Axel laughed, putting Ally over his shoulder.
    Ally opened her eyes, gasping for breath. She looked around. Saix was staring at her with golden eyes that were too cold and lifeless, but still had a glint of ruthlessness in them. She stared back at him, and he stopped and yanked her by her jacket out of Axel's arms.

    Ally kicked, missing Saix's knee by a slim inch. He dropped her and she hit the floor, her head hitting the cold marble. Ally tried to move her body, but it didn't obey. Fear coursed through her with cold intensity.
    What was going to happen to her?

    To be continued...
    Thread by: N, Oct 23, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. N
    I knew he wasn't in SOLDIER after watching that FFVII-AC thing. Yeah, shocking.
    Post by: N, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: Gaming