Bursting into song is just so stu- Tsunaida tamashii-no hi-ga mune-wo sasu-nara Kotoba-yori motto tsuyoi hibiki-ga ima, kokoeru-ka? SOUL EATER FTW!
LOL Am I the only one who thinks he got it? Think, beaver is slang for...
*epic facedesk*
... Not only was that stupid, it was kinda racist. Therefore, phail.
俺の目・・・俺の目が殺されたんだ!そして、俺の耳もね。 --------------- My eyes... My eyes have been killed! Also, my ears.
見たこともうあるぜ。次へ! -------- Already seen it. Next!
俺って奴は詰まんねぇから、俺を持て成してやれよ。 しないと、ぶっ殺しやがるってんだよ。分かんのかよ、おめぇら? いや、実はさ、俺が詰まらないのだ。君達を殺さないから、恐れてよいことではない。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm friggin' bored, so entertain me. If you don't, I'll beat the crap out'a'ya! Got it? Nah, The truth is, I'm bored. I won't you kill you guys, so don't be afraid.
lol It says "Omedetou-gozaimasu, Repuriku-sama!" basically, "Congratulations, Master Repliku!" EDIT: that post is even shorter. You alright man?
Oh snap! Repliku made a short post! Hurry! Run for the bunk- *universe inplodes* loljk. Your first Japanese congratulatory greeting: おめでとうございますぅ、レプリクさま!
What was your shortest post eva? What your first impression of me? What is your impression of me NOW? Did somebody set you up the bomb?
I have a spectacular aura about!
Madi-chan! Hisashiburi (long time no see)! *glomps*
Well, it's a myth that humans use 5-10% of their brains. We use all of it, though we do make new axon(?) connection every time we learn something. And I really wouldn't that idea "magic." Perhaps "aether? (the air of the upper world in Ancient Greek mythology)" Telepathy? Nah. At least, not right now. And most likely it's not evolutionary possible. However, we know that we can control computers with our minds using computer chips in our brains, so why not up the anti and place a chip in two people and see if they can communicate. Telekinesis? A lot more fare-fetched. I honestly can't think of any evolutionary or artificial method to achieve it. It appears, while telepathy may be at our fingertips, I feel telekinesis is for our children's children's children.
This is a debate. In such a debate, the affirmative must provide proof of their claims. Also, magic isn't what holds everything together; it's the strong and weak nuclear forces.
1) Intelligent discussion. I'm not telling him to not believe it. I know the First Amendment. This is a debate. If someone does not want their beliefs shot down, they should not post here. 2) That's not magic in the sense that most of us mean. Why do you think that anyway? And, we CAN create a person in a lab. We just don't want to, as most of us (ironically, including me.) feel that that would be stepping on holy ground.
Proof? Evidence? A tiny hint at the existence of these wizards? This "magic" was the beginning of simple medicinal practices. There was no magic. Just intelligent people telling the ignorant peasants that it was so they'd believe they'd heal them. I'd like to see some proof for the claim that scientists have found out about magic and ghosts. Also... that last part... so, if I believe that the world is made of cheese, it's made of cheese. YOU'RE LOGIC IS HORRIBLE! No amount of belief will change reality. No matter how much I believe the world is made of cheese, it won't change the fact that it's not. Oh yeah, that's convenient. You can't see it unless you believe it. On stage? To-ta-lly FAKE. The proverbial "smoke and mirrors!" Also, where have you seen it in everyday life? Good Lord, God, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Mohamed, Buddha, Zeus, and Odin! Use some logic people!
It does not matter what it is; if it exists, it needs to be studied. Can you give us an example? Enlighten us.
So, the only way to prove it is to do it? You've seen these things? If these things have been proven without a shadow of a doubt, why hasn't science got into to it and studied?
... *facedeskfacedeskfacedeskfacedeskfacedesk* AAARGH! *ahem* Can you please provide for this... claim (at the very best)? If people can really do this stuff, why haven't we harnessed it for good or even realized its existence?
Face, meet desk. Desk, face. *slam* *throws science books at everyone* Okay. First off, magic DOES NOT exist, at least not the usual definitions. For example, a stage performer. He is using tricks of the mind and eye to make people believe his tricks are truly magic. If these tricks were proven to be magic, and therefore unexplainable by scientific means, then I'd think the scientific would look into it more. Also, on the "undetected energy" topic, it doesn't make any sense. What is the properties of this energy? If this magical energy really existed, why haven't the performers got down off the stage and the limelight and use this "power" for good and not filling their pockets? Ki is not said to be used for "magic." And, as Apocalypse says, it is impossible to prove something supernatural. If we could, it wouldn't be magic. *rubs brow.* Aye, aye, aye. The scientific knowledge of this forum is appalling.