MWAHAHAHA!! Linguistics! My forte! In order of fluency: English (doi) Japanese (min'na-wa kon'na koto-wo sh!tte-iru-n-darou-naa XD) French (tres bien, mais pas parfait) German (Ich kann ein purr sprechen des Deutsches) Spanish (mi espanol no es perfector, pero, yo quiero apprender) Italian (Io so un po' delle parole) Greek (very, very few words and very, very basic grammar) I notice that all of people want to learn Japanese. In that case, feast your eyes... on THIS!
Yeah, they were. I've noticed something odd. The Christians who try their hardest to claim God's glory (not all, just the fundies) are usually the ones to forget Jesus' sermons. XD It actually is quite ironic. One time, a group of friends were talking about how hard it is to steal from a certain store. Ten minutes, they tried to tell me that I'm going to Hell. I mean, what the hell (pun intended)? That's the problem that I have with many Christians. They're so wrapped in the cross and sacrifice and they foret what the man said.
I have no idea how many times I've been called a Satan worshipper. It's atheism! Not Satan worshipping! There's a *bleep*ing difference! Okay, but, seriously, I think religious classes would be great, depending on how they're handled. All religions, according to my belief system, are equally wrong and equally right. THat is how it should be handled. All religions should be treated the same in this class. No "Christianity>Islam/Buddhism/Judaism" or any of that. Our forefathers laid down this nation (America, can't speak for England or any others) as a secular society on paper, where all religions can get all along and none is put over the other. Unfortunately, many people forget that the Establishment Clause ("Congress may make no laws respecting an established religion or prohibiting the free excersize thereof."). So, yeah. I think it's fine as long as ALL (Christianity, Atheism, Islam, Buddhism, the works) are EQUAL.
â€iki-mashou (polite)†and "ikou (casual)" mean (roughly) "Let's go!" "Ike (casual)" and "iki-nasai (polite (normally used by teachers for directions, so don't use it, as it can be rude)" are the vocative case, or command form.
Yay, Japanese! My forte! "-yo..." It's kind of hard to explain it (like other things in Japanese)... Last I read, it implies that the listener does not know this information. Kind of like "you know," but used more frequently than its English counterpart. For example, "ore-wa kaimono-ni iku-yo (I'm going to go shopping.)." Adding -yo adds emphasis that the listener may not know this. Also, I've heard it in commands, such as "ike-yo! (go!)" For those, I think it just adds emphasis. Also, I don't mean to advertise, but if you need help, just ask me. As I said, Japanese is my forte. EDIT: This site may be useful.
That guard is so stu- Wait a sec', you're in Japan?!!? Ore, Nihon-ga chou-dai-suki-da-zo!
*slams fist on desk* Ou etais tu?! Aussi, qu'est-ce que c'est, Cin? Oh! Comment est ton francais maintenent? Et ton japonais? Moi? Tres bien. L'ans suivant, je prends francais... TROIS!!!! Et, mon japonais et tres, tres, tres bien (kimi-yori jouzuu-da-yo-naa) Okay, I'm done now. Carry on with your "monolingual" conversations.
Linkage What are these guys? Personally, I think they're just people who get a kick out of people saying "WTF?"
... see the irony in the siggy, "98% of the internet population has a myspace account. If you are part of the 2% that can resist stupid fads, copy and paste this into your signature."? Think about it... Well, to tell the truth, some may have realized it and put it into their sig just for the heck of it.
Good question. Let's see. Zero from the Rockman games: firggin' awesome Loyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia: again, friggin' awesome.
NEVAR! 6, six, seis, έξα, sex, 六, sechs.
Yes, and the misspellings of Ouija are multiplying. It's like a party of bad spelling, lol.
Don't steal my catchphrase! But, yeah, *facepalm* I laugh at this entire thread, not only because there's paranoid kids who don't understand the term "burden of proof (yeah, I know. This isn't the debate section, but still)", but also because no one has spelled the word "Ouija" correctly. I lol'd. But, yeah, Ouija boards, like most supernatural phenomena = lolwut? If Ouija boards were real, wouldn't someone be stupid enough to ask the spirit to kill them instantly or something? I mean really, if it's real, why hasn't science caught up on it?
I prefer books and websites. Though, to each his own. I already know Japanese too well to use anything but a dictionary and kanji flashcards. My grammar is perfect, I just lack in the vocabulary department. Also, with all books on Jpanese I've seen, none but one teaches informal language (and the one that does is "Japanese Street Slang"). Japanese is more complex than what the books and CD's tell you. It's like they deny that Japanese has informal language (well, they teach the plain form, but that's still way too formal.). For example, there are 6 ways to say the word "I (watashi, watakushi, atashi, boku, ore, washi)." Each one is used by a different gender (atashi is only used by girls, and boku is usually used by males, and ore is even rarer in females) in different levels of formality (watashi, watakushi, and boku are fine in almost any environment, though ore and washi can be considered rude to adults), and sometimes age (boku is mostly used from 1-30, while washi is sometimes used by senior citizens). Not only that, but same for "you." In fact, the entire language can change depending on the situation. Therefore, I hate to advertise, but, myoblivion (and anyone else who wants to), I can teach you informal Japanese. Just PM. But, yeah, I never used Rosetta Stone. ^^
I'm a friggin' variety pack! ^^ American, Native American (Choctaw to be exact), Irish (Aye, me ladie, come get me pot o' gold, ah, Lucky Charms, they're magically delicious), German (ICH BIN EIN DEUTSCHER!! Ich bin aber nicht ein Nazi), French (Oui, oui, mes cheries!), and Dutch (... I don't know Dutch. XD) Here's that same list in order of how much I relate to it/I'm interested in it: Irish Choctaw German French Dutch
Good editing. ^^ Seriously, if this was real his approval ratings would drop in the negatives.
I'm surprised at you, Darkwatch. You didn't read the thread. I researched it and found that it's from the Adventures of Mark Twain. It was based on his book "The Mysterious Stranger."
It's not really numbness... it's just... it's difficult to explain. I've had it for quite a long time. Maybe. I'll try to get my pops to get me a checkup. I think I'm due anyway.
*goes to try* OW! You killed me! EDIT: ^ My grandma insists that it's nothing to be worried about. If there was something wrong with my brain, I would be hurting or something. Yes, they know.
Since I woke up. About 6 hours. I can't really explain it. Lift up your arm and close your eyes. You can still subconsciously know where it is no matter where you put it. Well, I can't do that. Well, I can because I can feel the skin itch on my hand, therefore telling me where it is, but I can't do it subconsciously. That's probably the best I can describe it.