My boredom has been quelled... for the moment. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni friggin' rocks. It's not as disturbing as I thought. It's coo'. On to Ep. 14!
That's based on the Katakana spelling (shi-o-n). However, it probably is still Xion/Xeon, since Xigbar's Katakana spelling is "shi-gu-ba-ru," therefore, Shigbar.
Le gasp! You've never heard of Pandemic II?! *shuns*
Same movie. Gluttony. Friggin' freaky lookin'. O_O
I had heard that that show was a little off the top. Same for Hugurashi-no Naku-Koro-ni. ^ What about when Light somehow gets a small television in an unopened bag of chips? And then epicly eating them. ^^
Just as the title says. What do you think is the most disturbing scene in an anime you've seen. Since we have no spoiler tags, put them in the white color code. Me? Fullmetal Alchemist: When Ed and Al found Tucker and the talking chimera. Ed realizes that the chimera is Tucker's daughter and dog. That was messed up.
Well, I don't think I heard about that. But, uh, [SPOILERS]#1: Kids killing a puppy. #2: A litle girl gets her head ripped off. #3: Ummm... RAPE. Or implied, anyway. #4: A lot of other stuff.[/SPOILERS]
My edit was made too late. ^Saki: No. No headphones, therefore, no(t too much) ecchi.(referring to Sayounara, Zetsubou-Sensei) ^Demitryx: I've seen the "Most disturbing anime scene" thread at Anime News Network. Not such a good idea.(referring to Elfen Lied)
Seen both. Loved Death Note, Inuyasha's good, but it's too long. ^Saki: No. No headphones, therefore, no(t too much) ecchi. ^Demitryx: I've seen the "Most disturbing anime scene" thread at Anime News Network. Not such a good idea.
Need... new... anime... I'm bored to friggin' death and I need a fresh new anime to pass the time. Preferably sci-fi and/or ecchi.
O_O Dang... That's stupid. Really, really stupid.
I tried it. It didn't sound too much like L's though.
*gives cookie* It's in all of them, I think.
*Is still barely alive* *draws a symbol with blood* Kore-de saigo-da!! Indignation! *room fills with lightning* That should get him. Right guys? Guys? Guys? GUYS!!!!! *cookie for reference. The attack, I mean* EDIT: This thread is made of ultra-concentrated WIN.
I have mysteriously come back from the de-*shot*
I have some information. I will have to tell you quickly, as they're trailing me. The sniper's name is *shot*
Because the majority believes in it. No one really believes in Zeus or Ra anymore, so they're considered myths.
One word suffices: awesome. It was definitely a good movie! I recommend it.
Yeah, but it's for text, not images... Besides... it friggin' sucks for Japanese. But there's nothing really on it that we don't know yet, so there's no need.
Friggin' awesome! Can't wait to see trailers for them! I wonder if this means that 358/2 will be the first one out? Probably.