O_O I think someone needs a nap... or meds, whatever works.
LOL "Watashi" used by male = WTF?! ... Oh snap. Forgot. ^^ Please, let us continue.
Ooooh... 日本語が話せるのですか?
Wrong anime. Leave. loljkjk FLCL rocks!
Yes. *points to username*
Finally... in the best possible way. Let's get this party started!
Agreed. Let's start! Hajimeyou-ze!
I shall try this game again. I apologize for not posting earlier. There's this thing called a life... man, I want one of those.
Cin... You're back! YAYS!!
Hmmm... Unless of course, you're a friggin' pro at it, but the chances of that are rather slim. You check out fine... for now.
It's either proof you're not Kira, or proof you can use Paint. You ain't off the hook.
Let us look at this logically. There are nine of us. There's a 1/9 chance of any of us being Kira. I only have one idea to who it might be, as there is an 7/8 chance that I'm wrong, and the real Kira would kill me. *sits like L* Anshin-shite-kudasai. Saigo-wa watashi-ga kachi-masu. :)
It will be difficult to catch Kira, as the new Death Note was dropped randomly; anybody could have picked it up! ICSP, you should put up how many players there are in your OP.
I'd like to be Kira. Whatever works. You're the... Game Master, I suppose?
I'm not sure how far this game will go, but it sounds. I shall join. EDIT: ICSP isn't even on right now.
LOL Too funny. Okay, the vid itself was funny, but there's just something about the Osaka dialect that makes it funnier. "Wakatte-ru-nen-dee."
*buzz!* It's one of the Haruhi novels! Let's see... Garfield?
I this thread, you say a phrase, quote or whatever that refers to a book, TV show, movie, or anime, and the next person guesses the reference, and adds another quote or whatever. Like: Poster A:
Needs more Mirai. What the heck. It's LOL.