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  1. overload

    The Mimics

    rexejon smiled without open his eyes his katana's had appeared behind him
    Post by: overload, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. overload

    The Mimics

    rexejon closed his eyes emotionless and insane they are both a part of me and together they make something only what..... thought rexejon and took a red flame and a blue flame
    Post by: overload, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. overload
    rexejon stopped by the office and saw archie and klarinette and a evil smile appeared on his face then he heared archie's voice ''come out little bug i know you're here'' and rexejon jumped of the wall and landed before them ''well it's fine to see you guys'' said rexejon and waited for something ''it's not so fine to see you rebbel'' said klarinette and archie stared to the 2 ''well my mistake then miss but i need to place something in the office'' said rexejon ''try it, or do you gonna give up, you liar'' said klarinette and rexejon smiled ''it'not my fault'' said rexejon and took his 2 katana's
    Post by: overload, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. overload

    The Mimics

    (doesn't matter now it's getting more interesting)
    ''damn,i need to do it, but i need time for it'' said rexejon and waited for the next move when he saw the cirkle he smiled
    Post by: overload, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. overload

    The Mimics

    Name- nexorej
    Age- 14
    Gender- male
    Species- human
    Personality- mysterious, shy (rage mode: hyper,insane)
    Power(s)/Abilities- fire darknes
    Class- summoner
    History- unknown
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- conected to rexejon
    Played By- overload

    Name- nexo
    Age- ??
    Gender- male
    Species- human
    Personality- ego,dark
    Power(s)/Abilities- fire,darkness,earth
    Class- ????
    History- born once in the 500 years when three sort of fires collide
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- dark side of rexejon (in this time line)
    Played By- overload
    Post by: overload, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. overload
    ''hey kadaj why don't you take lynn to the base and let them search for us, then we take them down with the all of us'' said rexejon sitting and watching

    reno and nero entered the centrall of the mako reactor and reno saw a man that sat on a sort of throne with 2 gunkatana's ''well never thought that we would get visit from a turk'' said the man ''well i was searching for you guys in order from rexejon'' said reno and started to look around ''ah rexejon i knew he would get our help again, well where are we waiting for bring me to him turk'' said weiss ''uhm...ok but my name is not turk but reno so.....yeah'' said reno ''does that matter now'' said nero walking to the exit when weiss stood up ''alright let's go'' said reno and walked to the exit
    Post by: overload, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. overload

    The Mimics

    the dark flame and the blue flame fused and a explosion came
    Post by: overload, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. overload
    ''alright'' said rex and took his dusk ball and trew it ''let's do it'' said rex and giratina came out ''giratina dissapear'' said rex and giratina dissapeared into nothingness '' giratina shadow force now'' said rex and giratina appeared behind darkrai and used shadow force against darkrai
    Post by: overload, Aug 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. overload
    OOC: i know their not with caps lock oh and of course their better then SOLDIER
    Post by: overload, Aug 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. overload
    ''is he going to summon" asked fleugel to rexejon ''we will see about that when it's impact comes'' said rexejn with a evil smile

    reno found the secret entrance to deepground and entered deepground HQ and walked to mako reactor 0 ''i've heard story's about this place but this is really creepy'' said reno and entered reactor 0 and saw a man with machine wings ''well never thought that a TURK in this place of darkness'' the man said and made a realm of darkness around reno and reno apeared on a circle platform in the middle of the circle was lava and above reno was a vulcano upside down and saw the man came out the vulcano ''well TURK you will die here'' said the man ''but i came here for a mission given by a friend of mine'' said reno and started to run cause the man's machine wings became wing with machine guns in it and started to shoot against reno ''and what is that mission then'' said the man and the wings where still shooting and reno was still running ''well i need to find persons the sveits called nero and weiss'' said reno ''so you need to find me and my brother'' said the man who was nero and landed before reno and the guns stopped with shooting ''yes and my friend is rexejon so if you know him'' said reno and they appeared again in mako reactor 0 ''ah one of his brother is a secret sveit, i'll bring you to brother but dont touch him'' said nero and both of them started to walk
    Post by: overload, Aug 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. overload

    The Mimics

    rexejon stopped the counter attack with one katana again and putted the other away in flames and putted rexejon's hand against his chest ''fire blow of unending darkness'' rexejon whispered and a giant wave of dark fire came out his hand
    Post by: overload, Aug 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. overload
    maybe maybe not

    ''you're a infected human right'' asked the little kid while looking to rozardo and rexejon ''yes i am, why do you ask'' said rozardo and stared to the little kid ''wait a second i know you you're the son of one of my old masters right'' said rexejon ''good notice work, i woudn't expect more from the blood predator'' said the kid ''that's funny, but why did you ask anyway'' said rozardo and stared to the sky ''well my dad doesn't want that i become jut like rexejon, you know a ninja, samurai etc. and i noticed that me and my father are infected to'' said the kid ''so you want us to train you'' said rexejon with a smile ''yes'' said the kid
    Post by: overload, Aug 13, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. overload
    rexejon entered the KRG HQ trough a high window and started to run against the wall that no one should notice, rexejon stopped and took a lamp and waited till some of the KRG where away and then runned further
    Post by: overload, Aug 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. overload
    ''well i've sended gliscor on observation and he's back, lucario you know what to do'' said rex and lucario asked telpathic to gliscor what he had seen
    Post by: overload, Aug 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. overload
    ''rexejon we need to kill the ones who kills the wolves, if we don't do that then more will be killed'' said rozardo while walking '' i know i know, you really are the prince'' said rexejon while walking with a smile ''i know and it's strange for me to be here, nobody knows i'm here'' said rozardo and laughed ''keep it down those humans are watching us'' said rexejon ''alright but one qeustion from a human and their dead'' said rozardo and a little kid came to them ''oh i don't think so rozardo'' said rexejon and smiled ''alright not every of them'' said rozardo and watched the little kid who was walking to them
    Post by: overload, Aug 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. overload
    rexejon coudn't stop laughing cause they where more busy about their appearence then for what their here
    ''well that's funny'' said fleugel and klarinette started to laugh together with rexejon

    reno was walking around the old ruins of the shinra HQ and was searching for the entrance to mako reactor 0 ''man why has rexejon given me this difficult job'' said reno while walking around inside of the HQ
    Post by: overload, Aug 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. overload
    rexejon was running trough the streets and came in a dark alley and saw a man in dark clothes you coudn't see his face under his hood ''hey rozardo what's up, you never come out to talk where humans are'' said rexejon with a smile ''so you noticed it was me oh well, it'not so great news some people are killing predators, and most of the time wolfs'' said rozardo walking to rexejon ''what, what did the wolves ever done to the people'' said rexejon worried ''well maybe they think that they are with the outlaw wolves'' said rozardo ''well then we must do something'' said rexejon and walked out of the alley and rozardo followed
    Post by: overload, Aug 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. overload
    OOC: -.-

    bic: rexejon heard what gilgamesh said and laughed, fleugel and klarinette apeared next to him
    Post by: overload, Aug 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. overload
    ''uhm xaale i asked something, can i help'' rex asked
    Post by: overload, Aug 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. overload

    The Mimics

    rexejon defended against his attacks with one katana and started to slash rapidly with his other katana

    ''boss boss, rexejon has some mind troubles'' said wolf geist almost hitting wolf klarinette ''that's mean trouble'' said the leader ''klarinette you know what to do and me and the half of the pack is coming with you'' added the leader wolf
    Post by: overload, Aug 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home