''uhm are they stupid or what'' said reno ''yeah they didn't knew the time of deepground and the sveits'' said rexejon ''their calling us newbies, did you hear that brother'' said nero ''indeed i heard that, what a fools we're handling with'' said weiss
''whatever dude do what yo want, i just stay here'' said rexejon and his eyes changed slowly ''let's use insane for this one'' he said to himself and when his eyes where fully changed he started to laugh insane ''finaly you gonna fight in middle power'' said nexo before the barrier stood a boy called nexorej and took a scythe and tried to destroy the barier
''big words, why don't you attack first'' said rexejon and after he said that someone fell on the ground ''hey reno late but good, did you bring them'' said rexejon to the man on th ground and he pointed to above and people landed on their feet ''well interesting'' said nero ''well let's see if we can do what we need to do'' said weiss taking his 2 gunkatana's
''who says that'' said rexejon and smiled ''oh and i think one of his minnions will try to break this barrier'' added rexejon
''whatever oh wait now they lied about dead man can't tell tales, and man they are such a ego's'' said rexejon and stood up klarinette did the same and fleugel watched
''well i don't really know but we are n a barrier as he breaks out of this he will run, and tries to destroy cities and villages, after that......oh well you will get it if you knew the legend itself'' said rexejon
nexo stepped behind ''alright then'' said nexo ''hey zen, d you want to defeat this guy, then you need some help'' said rexejon
'' you ask me if we can beat some dead guys plus a ego triping guy who tries to impress a girl who doesn't like him, sure why not'' said rexejon and stood up
nexo sighed and disapeared and apeared behind zen and wanted to slash with full power but rexejon came between them and stopped the attack with his 2 katana's and they both smiled evil
nexo rolled his eyes ''sure whatever'' he said
''oh well, that's to bad'' said nexo and licked the poisoning earth spike
''not realy i said i need to warm up, it's not my fault that you guys are so slow, oh are you good against a deadly poison'' asked nexo cause he felt more energy coming inside him
nexo took his sword in his other hand and blocked the attack again and putted fast his hand against zen's chest ''darkness and earth, hand spike'' said nexo and out the hand came a poisening earth spike
before the attack could hit him took nexo his sword and blocked the attack
''i'm storing energy don't you see that, man 500 years ago they where so better'' said nexo ''and 500 years ago was my light side way much better'' said nexo and stored energy ''shut up'' said rexejon and took his 2 katana's
''well i think it's going not as interesting for now cause i first need a warm up so i use you for that'' said nexo and lookied around ''a barrier, i see, and it was a little funnier with my minion, oh well'' said nexo and stored energy
OOC: sorry i pressed the n to long bic: ''so what your just a phoenix like i care'' said nexo
''the lonliness from a person, a dark side that comes once in the 500 year, this time it's mine ark side, nexo'' said rexejon ''good that you learned that, and who is this kid'' said nexo watching zenn
a dark shadow came out of rexejon and a sign appeared on the ground, the ground started to shake and the dark shadow stood on the sign the sign started to crumble and the shadow fell into the hole then three colloured flames came out the hole and a man appeared
rexejon's blue flame changed into a green flame ''you know what happens when these 2 different colloured collide with your blue flame'' said rexejon and shot the flames against the extending blue flames