''thanks, but i think it's not over, cause we have more problems then only this'' said rex and walked to giratina and stared right into his eyes and giratina stared back
''giratina are you alright'' asked rex and giratina recovered from suffering and nodded yes ''alright then, use draco meteor'' said rex and giratina used draco meteor on darkrai
nexorej sighed ''well this is gonna be fun, well where is the vehicle lab'' said nexorej and walked around for a bit a boy from 19 was walking around a poor district many where afraid for the kid he had chains around his arms, and two gunkatana, but there where also people who weren't afraid for him and walked to a store ''look who we've got here'' said one of the 2 men in the store ''if it isn't the weapon maker of the blood brothers'' said the other ''oh shut up, just give me my stuff'' said rexejon and the 2 men laughed and gave him his stuff ''thanks'' said rexejon and left again
''well what should i do go after her or let her go'' said nexorej walking past zack
''and it's getting interesting by the second'' said nexorej and walked slowly to them
nexorej saw zack and aiphos and heared what she said ''well this is interesting'' nexorej said watching from a distant
nexorej was still in the elevator but heared the alarm ''oh well i thought i would never do such things as this'' he said and made a hole in the floor of the elevator and jumped in it and grabbed the wall then he jumped to above and landed on the roof of the elevator and started to run against the wall upstairs and came on the floor wher the labs where and started to search around the labs nexo was running around the sector he lived and searched for rexejon
nexo was walking around trough the 1st floor of the shinra building ''man oh man where is that little brat now doing'' said nexo while watching his message and bumbed against nexorej ''hey bro what's up'' asked nexorej ''well the little one is not on school again, if they ask where i am then i'm searching a little brat called rexejon'' said nexo and runned to the exit ''ok'' said nexorej and walked to the elevator and stepped into it
''alright kid we help you but now we need to kill some people'' said rozardo ''cool, if you don't mind i come with you, cause dead people, they can have secrets'' said the kid ''he really is a killer boy'' said rexejon ''that'your nickname for now, killer'' said rozardo and the three of them started to run
''yeah it's hard to explain, oh well i hope kadaj get's lynn fast cause i'm bored, and those two are the dumbest from the whole group that we're fighting against'' said rexejon and sighed
OOC: thanks bic: ''man there nothing to do here'' said rexejon while walking trough the castle
OOC: damn i totaly forgot about this one, well then i think i need a recap
OOC: believe what you want bic: ''hey gilgamesh on whose side are you anyway'' asked rexejon ''yeah, cause you look better then those 2'' said reno
OOC: well that's for the deepground soldiers but the sveits are elite so their stronger then 1st class, why do you think they locked them away ''rex, maybe they gonna try to kill us with boredom'' said fleugel ''yeah but you know them ego's just think their better, but when they start to fight their weaker then a normall human'' said rexejon ''yes and if they where better then they say, why didn't they locked them away and waited for the time to get them out'' said nero ''that's because their weaker then us my brother'' said weiss
insane rexejon dashed on full speed to nexo and did a uppercut and blew a darknes wave to nexo but nexo dodged the wave and landed on the ground and summoned a earth spike under insane rexejon and it stabbed him
''well you do have time for us, but you guys are cowards'' said rexejon appearing before zack and genesis so they couldn't go to the lab and the rest of the group ''where ever you want to go, to run away like a kid, you can't'' said fleugel who appeared next to rexejon
Name: rexejon Gender: male Age: 18 Appearance: Weapon:2 gunkatana's and chains (chains from appearence) Bio: when he was born his parents left him and his brothers, from that day on they live on the streets of midgar, they where known as the blood brothers, when 2 of his brothers joined SOLDIER he went to school but didn't go everyday Other: he loves to make his own weapons and blood Played by: overload Name: nexo Gender: male Age: 21 Appearance: Weapon: lance (from appearence) Bio: when he was 3 his parents left him and his brothers, after the lived years on the street he and his one of his younger brothers joined SOLDIER Other: is third class SOLDIER, loves blood and fighting Played by: overload Name: nexorej Gender: male Age: 20 Appearance: Weapon: scythe, magic scrolls Bio: same as nexo anly he was 2 when his parents left them Other: is third class SOLDIER, loves to make vehicles and sometimes blood Played by: overload SOLDIER
''oh well if they don't fight then it's obvious that they think they're the best'' said reno and walked to rexejon ''yeah what do you expect from ego's'' said rexejon ''hey rex but why did you wanted those 2 for'' asked reno pointing to weiss and nero ''well i think weiss will know about it'' said rexejon ''indeed i know what you want from ask 1 of your 2 brothers'' said weiss ''ah i know now who you mean brother'' said nero
ooc: project G was the mother of angael cause her name started with a G and angael was born from it bic: ''are you guys going to ego tripping about how great you are or fight'' said rexejon and coughed after that he said 'great you are'
OOC: twilightblader i think your right, and wasn't it that sveits got the dna of project G and they said that deepground where better then SOLDIER