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  1. overload
    rexejon takes his zanpaktou and left the base and runned to the gate that leads to the real world ''well let's see if somethings going on'' said rexejon
    Post by: overload, Sep 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. overload
    geist appeared on the scene ''hey since when can the prince have fun without his friends around'' said geist and the wolfs stopped again ''yeah wolves now you've got big problems cause you defied the predator king and his family'' said geist and then stared to the people ''oh man i can't fight with worthless people around'' said geist
    Post by: overload, Sep 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. overload
    rexejon was walking around the 11th sqaud base
    ''ok ok, why isn't there something to do'' said rexejon and sighed
    Post by: overload, Sep 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. overload
    ''nope i only go out against the best opponents, you are not one of those oppponents'' said rozardo waiting for a attack
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. overload
    rozardo dodged the attack and dissapeared then he appeared above the wolf and did a circle saw slash
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. overload
    ''bla bla bla, just be a good wolf and give up already'' said rozardo and jumped of the tree and landed on 2 feet before the wolf
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. overload
    name: rexejon
    age: 17
    gender: male
    race: soul reaper
    zanpakto name: hageshii shinotora (bankai: norowareta taiga no yami)
    zanpaktos appearance: black tiger with red signs on his body
    ability : absorbs the attack to get more power (the opponent will be slower then)
    element: blood
    squad: sqaud 11
    rank: sqaud member
    appearance : [​IMG]
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. overload
    ''fool every predator needs to listen to their king,queen and their childeren, i'm the predator prince rozardo, the earth predator'' said rozardo and took out a sword made of stone
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. overload
    ''how dare you to defy me'' said rozardo and used his claws and runned to the top of the tree and made signs into the air
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. overload
    rozardo jumped into a tree and stood upside down ''is that the best you can do'' said rozardo
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. overload
    OOC: woohoo, a wolf who defies his master finaly......i mean bad bad wolf

    bic: rozardo noticed the pitch black wolf but didn't say anything about it
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. overload
    ''don't worry, if you don't attack them they will not attack you'' said rozardo
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. overload
    ''well yes of course, if i say to them to attack to do that if i say to stop they'll stop'' said rozardo
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. overload
    rozardo watched to them and sat down on the ground and the wolves stopped with bowing and stepped backwards
    ''well i hope none of wolfs will defy me'' said rozardo
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. overload
    rozardo saw some people and some wolves and his eyes turned red
    ''so those are the people who attacks the wolves, but that little girl is not the best one'' said rozardo and walked to them and all wolves stopped with growling and bowed to him
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. overload
    rex entered the backyard and took the duskball and trowed it into the air
    ''come out giratina'' said rex and giratina came out the dusk ball

    so our first match was not a failure said giratina telepathic

    ''oh you know for what i summoned you'' said rex getting angry

    yeah i know you want your father back, but i don't break our promise, if you would catch me i would bring your father back said giratina telephatic

    ''that's good, i think you and i will be good friends giratina'' said rex and a big dimension hole appeared and a male with profesor clothes on fell out of the hole and the hole dissapeared

    ''come back giratina'' and putted giratina back in his dusk ball and walked to male ''welcome back dad'' said rex and helped the man who was his dad up
    ''thanks son, long time no see'' said rex's dad who now stood on his feet
    venus came to them ''welcome back, profesor'' said venus ''well i knew i would see you to venus'' said dad

    archie took out a pokeball and skarmory came out ''come one let's go'' said archie and they left
    Post by: overload, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. overload
    ''oh and archie i've got a request for you, we know you've got registeel and someone has regice, so i want you to seek regirock and capture it'' said rex

    ''ok but what about what those guys said something about a group called cipher'' said archie

    ''well we don't have to worry about that cause if they come here or somewhere else i'm gonna stop them'' said rex with a evil smile and archie stood up

    ''i'm on my way,too bad i can't see dad come back'' said archie

    ''i'll say hi for you'' said rex and archie left his house
    Post by: overload, Sep 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. overload
    rex,venus and archie entered rex his house and rex sat down in a chair, venus and archie did the same
    ''so when are you gonna bring your father back'' asked archie
    ''before tomorrow'' said rex
    Post by: overload, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. overload
    ''well i'm going to my house now, it's not hard to find it's between the gym and the docks'' said rex and walked back to archie and venus and with the 3 of them they walked to rex his house
    Post by: overload, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. overload
    OOC: lol doesn't matter

    ''yeah i was raised her i became the champion here and i live here, but i'm almost always by my sister and archie'' said rex
    Post by: overload, Sep 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home