jerry woke up under the bridge with the fire on ''oh man did i fall asleep again'' said jerry and stood up, he felt way better thn before he went to sleep, he saw that his wound was healed ''good now i need a way to get by the ressistance before more country's will get into this'' said jerry and started to run he heared german soldiers so he crouched a part.
OOC: so it's a sort of WW:I sequal (lol) oh then i know enough (what for weapons i gonna use, anyway i got to go now, seeya later
''i have the whole day to fight, so i'll wait for your move'' said rozardo
OOC: alright, sorry and i try to make it as realistic possible, i will trow my machine gun away bic: jerry fled to a safer place, and ended up under a bridge, jerry sat down against the wall and tried to heal but couldn't, ''oh man i can't do anything good'' jerry said and looked around the place ''i hope nobody will find me here'' said jerry and took some sticks and tried to make a fire
rozardo chekked his sword for a second ''interesting'' said rozzardo and waited for a next attack
rozardo could stay in balance and dodged and while dodging he slashed it with his sword
in the middle of a battlefield a 16 year old boy stood in the middle of the battlefield and was surounded by dead bodies of soldiers laying on the ground, ''alright i need to get out of here as quick i can'' he said and tried to walk but he saw and felt the deep wound in his chest, he felt how his blood was dropping of his shirt ''oh man i always need to have this when i try to escape'' he said and before he knew it he was surrounded by many soldiers ''here we go again'' he said while he was putting a bandage around his chest and took a machine gun ''well good bye'' he said and jumped into the air and started to shoot on the soldier, some fell dead on the ground, jerry landed on the head of another soldier and shot into his head and jumped from the one to another soldier and while he jumped he shot every soldier, jerry was to fast that the soldiers didn't had a change to counter his bullets
Username: overload Name: jerry 'codename: insane j' Age: 16 Race: human Prisoner or Guard: prisoner Crime: he stole top secret stuff out of top secret labs and wanted to kill almost every one on the planet, after he started he went insane and was stronger then ever, 100 oficers where slain, but they found his weak point and captured him Weapon: cyber katana Appearance: Username: overload Name: rex ' code name: bloody r' Age: 18 Race: human Prisoner or Guard: prisoner Crime: he killed innocent people and aborbed the life of people to become stronger and stronger, his goal was to destroy the earth and make a new better world, he was captured when they found a opening in his defence Weapon: claws,chains and swords Appearance: Username: overload Name: fernando 'codename: smart f' Age: 20 Race: robot (former human) Prisoner or Guard: prisoner Crime: he hacked every computer in the world and wanted to let it explode on the very same time, when a oficer came in he made the pc explode where he was on and lost his body, lucky for him he had programmed a file that he would fuse with a robot body, he was captured when he was still offline Weapon: everything he has programmed in his body Appearance:
Username: overoad Name: jerry 'codename: J' Age: 16 Gender: male Personality: nice, alter ego: not so nice Appearance: Other info: has 2 sides and is good with every kind of weapon Soldier or other : a alone standing mercenerie, who is running away from the soldiers Theme Song(Optional): downfall - trust company
''not so fast, i first need to discuss the plan with my father, a profesor and scientist'' said rex calmly against akua
''hey'' said rex ''oh one thing, i think i've got a way into aqau'' said rex
''now this is getting interesting'' said rozardo with a smile and saw geist '' prince rozardo do you need any help'' asked geist '' no i don't need help just search that assisstent of the king'' said rozardo ''yes my lord'' geist said and jumped away
rex walked to the door and opened it ''yes can i help you'' rex asked and the saw it was seth ''oh hey come in'' said rex
OOC: uh xaale rex is still in his home archie is the one who flew away on skarmory
''if you think that, foolish boy'' said geist and sat down
''the girl is safe when the comrades of the predator king are here, no predator will attack us and if they do our duty is to kill them and take their dead body's to the king and his family'' said geist staring to advent
rexejon came into the human world and searched for hollows çome here you hollow i want to kill you'' said rexejon searching hollows
one of the wolfs came to geist why should we defy our king, we only potect our terretory, oh and the assisstant well we shall search for him said the wolf telephatic to geist and the wolf left ''that's good then'' said geist and turned to the other people ''i don't know if you knew but the wolves hate it when you come in their terretory'' said geist to them
rexejon entered the gate and walked to the exit that leads to the human world ''i hope i find strong hollows to fight'' said rexejon while running
''alright you stupid beasts this is the message given by the predator king, it says that if we don't find his secret assistent before the ritual then my mission is to kill you all'' said geist to the wolves some growled to him ''i know it you don't like it but a order is a order, or do you want to dissapoint your queen'' said geist and ignored everybody and waited for one of the wolfs to come to him