~Headmaster's office~ Yu nodded and entered the office, taking a seat that was offered. ~History Class~ Tsukasa yawned with hand ove rhis mouth, finding thsi class so boring, why did he pick this one again? Oh he didn't the teachers did, what a annoyance, he'd rather be in a glass he actually woukld put some effort in. "I swear this class was simply born to made people want to sleep it in it." he thought to himself rather asbently.
Name: Captain MarvelousDescription: A rather reckless youth who desires everything to be stimulating, he also has a rather hearty stomach and exceptional strength, even with weights on.Occupation: StudentSeries Character is from: Kaizoku Sentai GokaigerOther: Picture Name: Joe GibkenDescription: A master swordsman in his own right while taking every oppurtune moment to train, he is in fact Marvelous's first mate and owes a life debt to him while he was escaping a organization named Zangyack who had a explosive collar set on him.Occupation: StudentSeries Character is from: Kazioku Sentai GokaigerOther: Picture Name: Gai IkariDescription: A rather over-excited youth to others who is actually a fanboy of the previous 34 Super Sentai and one day, apsires to be a hero liek them and save the world. Occupation: StudentSeries Character is from: Kaizoku Sentai GokaigerOther: Picture
Character Name: Asbel Lhant Game from: Tales of Graces Appearance: Picture A brief Bio: The next in line to rule over Lhant, a town nearby the border beween Fendel and WIndor. Asbel as a child wanted to enjoy having fun and ahted following his father's strict rules until oen day, he and Hubert came across a girl on Lhant Hiil sleeping in the flowers, this girl is later named Sophie after the flower of Sopheria, but one day, while meeting with Prince Richard in the Barona Catacombs, a monster kills Sophie and it was then, Asbel resolves to leave Lhant after Hubert, his brother was taken by adoption and go to the Knight Academy, running away but in adulthood, he and his friends would undertake a journey of exploring the bonds of friendship to save the world and his best friend, Richard from the one who Sophie supposedly killed with her. Timeline: Post game from Main Story (Before Lineage and Legacies) Character Name: Lambda Game from: Tales of Graces Appearance: Picture A brief Bio: A black, aura-covered sphere, but deep within the black aura covering him, he is a fairly small, young humanoid. he was cared for in two different ways, a growing human boy by Cornell, a scitentist and as mere data from Emeraude, he was ordered to be destoryed by their superiors as it was claiemd if anything injected with his cells woudl become monsters, Cornell however, shielded him and was shot down before giving him a chance to escape ina shuttle, he has teh ability to possess people's bodies and was the one behind the scenes of stealing Eleth from the Valkines and from the Lastailia's Core hasd it nto been for Asbel and co to stop him and save Richard from his control, once defeated, Sophie prepares to destroy Lambda away at the cost of her life, but when she attempts this, Asbel jumps in the way and takes her place. In a limbo type area, Asbel and Lambda speak to each other, and Asbel decides to become one with Lambda to seal his power within himself to show him the world for its brighter side, hoping to become his friend like he did Richard. From this day on, Lambda lives through Asbel, being represented through Asbel's now purple left eye. Timeline: Post game from Main Story (Before Lineage and Legacies) Character Name: Zack Fair Game from: Final Fantasy VII Appearance: Picture A brief Bio: A rather energentic young youth who dreams of becoming a Hero when he reaches SOLIDER First Class. Timeline: Begining of Crisis Core Character Name: Squall Leonhart Game from: FInal Fantasy VIII Appearance: Picture A brief Bio: A lone wolf who prefers to be on his own, tending to avoid being in groups, he is a student who trained in the SeeD Program and eventually, graduated as a SeeD along with the unexpected surprise of being commander of Balamb Garden in the battle against the Sorceress alongside his allies, he soon grows less cold and cares for others as evidenced when Rinoa fell into a comatose state forced upon by Adel and walked the tracks from Fisherman's Horizon to Esthar with Rinoa on his back without notifying his allie. he chosen the gunblade which is a difficult weapon to master in itself. Timeline: Post game (After Ultimecia is defeated)
Reserving Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces F), Lambda (Tales of Graces F), Zack (Final Fantasy VII), Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) and finally Squall (Final Fantasy VIII) Template will be inserted at a later date.
Star only wants Masaru in the party since she did find it irritating throughout that day that people were coming betwenn her and Masa-time.
Star and masaru are currently in her house, waiting for the next day to roll on so they cna get tot he mission for a specialore for her blacksmithing.
...I have no comment to respond to that question.
I highly doubt Kayaba Akihiko would create a Amusement Park within a world of monsters and swords, the most closest thign to a date is town wandering ro going to Hill of Memories where many flowers are for example.
~Hogwarts Battle~ "Potters, take care of dark porcupine!" Gokai Red said as he was struggling against Caius who merely wasn't showing the slightest effort, it was time for a change of costume and he jumped back. "Gokai Change!" He said as his form was coated in red and the Mobirates called out the Sentai team this Ranger was. "SHINKENGER~!" P-ShinkenRed formed a rather huge sword in his hand. "Rekka Daizantou!" As the huge zanbatou was engulfed in flames and he slammed it against Caius's sword in hopes to keep it down "Now woman!" He called out to any Saber. Harold nodded and fired a Stupfey at Mephilles. "Sorry whatever you are, she's not going anywhere." He said aloud and thought to himself. "If this guy counterattacks, Serenity, you're up." He commuicated to her.
Not a problem ma'am.
Reserving: Name: Ryotaro NogamiDescription: A young shy male living with his older sister.Occupation: StudentSeries Character is from: Kamen Rider Den-OOther: He is possessed by the Imagin riding on the Time-Travelling Train, Denliner. Name: MomotarosDescription: a hot-blooded Imagin that si able to poessess Ryotaro, he prefers to fight and ryotaro assumes the manners of self-absorbed punk. His hair spikes up slightly with a single red streak and he gains more muscular definition and the physical strength to go with it. He takes on an extremely rash and ignorant personality, exactly like Momotaros. This form is referred to in Japanese media as M-Ryotaro.Occupation: ImaginSeries Character is from: Kamen Rider Den-OOther: Name: Urataros Description: Urataros is the smooth-talking Imagin that possesses Ryotaro, he tends to flirt with women more than fight, as well as lie to further his goal and Ryotaro assumes mannerisms of a teen idol casanova with the right words to woo women and convince almost anybody. His hair is straight and calm and has a single blue streak going through it. He also wears a pair of black rimmed eyeglasses and sometimes a suave attire. He takes on a very professional and crafty personality, exactly like Urataros. This form is referred to in Japanese media as U-Ryotaro.Occupation: ImaginSeries Character is from: Kamen Rider Den-OOther: Name: Kintaros Description: Kintaros is the physically strongest of the Imagin that are linked to Ryotaro, he will possess Ryotaro whenever he hears someone say anything resembling "cry", and Ryotaro assumes mannerisms of a martial artist. His hair grows such that he has a ponytail with a golden yellow streak through it. He takes on a very noble and firm personality, exactly like Kintaros. However, his increased strength often results in self-injury and clumsiness. His usual attire in this state is a yellow-and-black striped kimono. This form is referred to in Japanese media as K-Ryotaro.Occupation: ImaginSeries Character is from: Kamen Rider Den-OOther: Name: Ryutaros Description: Ryutaros possesses Ryotaro so that he could be the conductor of the DenLiner, seeking to destroy Ryotaro to achieve his goal as part of his deal with Kai. However, Ryutaros refuses to carry out the deed due to his feelings for Airi. He also has both a love for break dancing and animals, possessing Kai's ability to control people by snapping his fingers., and Ryotaro assumes the mannerisms of a 1980s hip-hop break dancer, incorporating it into everything he does. He grows one long purple and black streak of hair and is always seen wearing a brown cap. His reckless personality infests itself upon Ryotaro, and usually causes him to destroy whatever is around if he gets out of control.Occupation: ImaginSeries Character is from: Kamen Rider Den-OOther: Name: Sieg Description: He is a swan-based Imagin that first opens a contract with a newborn human infant. He is brought onto the DenLiner by Ryutaros because of his love for animals. He soon possesses Ryotaro and tries to return the infant he had possessed while the baby is still in his pregnant mother. He soon begins to deteriorate because the baby does not have enough memory for him to continue to exist, but it is then revealed that he had actually opened a contract with the child's mother Shiori Takayama to keep her son Yūsuke safe. He leaves the DenLiner and lives in the year 1997, the date of Shiori's fondest memory, her wedding day. But Sieg offers his aid to Ryotaro in a few occasions.. When possessed by Sieg, though they never forged a contract, Ryotaro assumes the mannerisms of a prince. His hair is styled in cornrows and has several white highlights with one longer white and black lock on the left side of his face, and a white feather boa appears around his neck. This form is referred to in Japanese media as W-RyotaroOccupation: ImaginSeries Character is from: Kamen Rider Den-OOther:
~Lowee: Campsite~ Aoi was yelled at the guy asking him to identify himself he grumbled lowly. "I swear by Arforie, doesn't a CPU get any respect?" He sighed and called out in return. "I am Aoi otherwise known Lord Blue Heart, hailing from Castfield, my companions are Silca of Aincrad and Maka and Soul of Meister Academy, we come unarmed and seek medical attention to Lady Purple Heart or as she calls herself, Neptune!" he said and waited for a response.
~History Class~ Tsukasa watcehd as genome literally ranted and he wasn't phased by the outburst, shrugging it off. "Reminds me of Natsumiikan's temper." he dully thought and he felt a shiver up his spine as in Tokyo, a black haired girl sneezed and Gentarou was amzed by Genome's rather...bellowing vocal chords. ~Outside Headmaster's office~ Yes, Yu Narukami was still waiting ever so patiently outside the office to learn wher ehe'd take part in hsi classes unless someone has the deceny to notice this youth, otherwise, they'd have an angry uncle tickled off and yelling down the phone about forgetting his Nephew's first day in a new school.
Inuyasha was indeed part of Crossover Cove intially, but he left via wormhole as I saw no further need to develop his character or powers as...
Masaru nodded, it was a dangerous Sidequest but the reward must be a quite the nice benefit plus, the normal spawning monsters weren't much of a threat to say the least, but the golems sound like a bit of a unknown factor, it woudl depend what kidn they were, big bulky ones or ones that favoured lightness and any special abilites they'll have or switching phases witha different weapon or such, as ina desperation move., the Absorbption Slash Skill would of helped out greatly here if he got hit and redoubled that damage to them but that wasn't a option anymore. "Plus I'd have to change my strategy to utilize this new Skill, mos l ikely, I'll test it on a minor monster and see what it's capable of." he thought to himself, but night was soon approachin, plus they needed a smuch sleep as possible to completely focus on the task for tomorrow, especially if this quest claimed lives.
will do.
Tsukasa P1 – History P2 – Music Lunch P3 – Gym p4 – Art Gentaro P1 – History P2 – Astrology Lunch P3 – History of Card Games 101 P4 - English Yu Narukami P1 - History P2 - English Lunch P3 - Modern History P4 - Music
~Forests of Lowee~ Aoi trudged along the path until some people came into view, one looked like...a blue haired version of hismlef? Except well, longer hair, red eyes and assets that make you a woman was the first thing to catch his eyes and he came closer into view, noticing others and he breathed a sigh fo relief. "Oh thank Lady White Heart, I found others!" he muttered and came closer. ~Campfire~ Ichigo heard the planning for a removal of a disk as well as distranctions. "How fast is this guy?" he asked theCPU's.
Masaru had finished eatting and was lead by Star to her new shop and pulled through the crowds and deny their requests and the interor was quite nice in respect, his home wasn't as fancy as his Col was spent on weapons and armour or items, all he ahd was a normal house with a kitchen, wooden table and chair and bed. "It's better than what I'm used to." He noted the other rooms and the room Star entered was the bedroom, but there was a small snag, she said there was just the one bed and they'd have to share it, but he honestly doubted the floor or kitchen chair was suitable accomdation for sleeping even if this were virtual reality. "No helping it I suppose." He agreed with her rather calmly. The day he thought he'd share a bed with a girl was not on his mind at the time during this game or anywhere else, sure, he and his sister slept together when they were little but that was a different thing altogther, here it was two grown people and more so, she was an idol that people dream about being in bed with and would kill for the chance but Masaru didn't see it this way, it was just honest surprise and the nerve to remain calm throughout it all.
And yes, Masaru's Unique Skill was replaced by the system, meaning Absorption Slash is up for grabs.