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  1. StardustXtreme


    Black Mage narrows his eyes at the new arrivals. "Godamnit... you goody-two shoes always save a fellow hero." he said in irritation and Wizard pointed the WizarGun at him. "What can I say? It's a trait." he said and BM grumbled. "Damn Narutaki and his plans, they never seem to ruddy work!" he complained and lowered his hands as a silvery viel appeared behind him.

    "Looks like i live to fight again, but seriously, outnumbering a villian, do you protaginsts have no shame?" eh said and stepped backwards teh viel taking him as Wizard fired a few rounds, only for ti to not penetrate it. "Guess that's that."


    Harold nodded to his counterpart and followed with marvelous/GokaiRed lookign to the Sabers, as if nodding towards outside for them to go.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    noted from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Arena
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme
    Masaru saw the detachment attack then Goelrat attacked her but eh used his <<Sprint>> skill to get in front of her while opening the <<Phantom Blades>> activated, spiltting his sword in carbon copies and brought them into a cross guard, grunting a bit as the pressure was coming down on him and he pushed back Golerat and spoke. "Double...Circular!" he said and dashed, slicing with left and right sword consecutively against Golerat before it grabbing oen his swords with a hand and he let go of it, forcing the copy to disappared and he cried out. "Vorpal Strike!" as his balde's length doubled and he conencted it with Golerat dealing a high amount of damage, however the cooldown would be a long one, afetr all, the msot powerful attack fo One-handed Swords skills had to have that drawback.

    "I'll handle the detaching arms, you send projectiles in, it may cause small damage but it's better thna doing nothing, besides, Vorpal Striek will take a while before it's useabel again, and Phantom Blades." he said to her, keeping his eyes on the Golems.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    it's Cardfight! vangaurd.

    it's Cardfight! vangaurd.
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013
  5. StardustXtreme
  6. StardustXtreme
  7. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Cause I do Yu-Gi-Oh!

    Cause I do Yu-Gi-Oh!
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013
  8. StardustXtreme
    Masaru nodded and heard the cry of <<Switch>> from Star and charged forward as he leapt upon it's arm and charged up a skill. "Rage Spike!" he said as the skill activated with him leaping at the Golem with an upward strike, a weak basic movebut if you were high leveled, it'll deal quite a bit of damage and he landed on the ground. "Howling Octave!" As he chained another skill, giving five highs peed continous thrusrts before cutting down, up and finally performign another uppercut, an 8-hit combo at that.

    "Switch!" He said, blocking a attack from a Golem as it attempted to crush him and hsi HP took a bit of minor damage.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme
    Good for you. I don't write SAO fics
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013
  10. StardustXtreme
  11. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    and hello to you too

    and hello to you too
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013
  12. StardustXtreme
    Masaru looked at the Golems, the first one, Magnarock was a LV65 with high attack and defense, making it a powerhouse but it's downsides were in fact low Agility and mid-level HP so it would take a while for it to keep up with speedy Players, but the blow oculd be a devastating one if connected properly while Golerot was focused on speed but had bad coordination but high Hp, in any case, they ocvered each other's weaknesses quite firmly, but if oen came down, they'd be open.

    "Can't get them both provoked and focus their attenion on one person, that's practically suicidal unless you were overleveled and confident in your skills..." he thought and spoke. "We beat Golerat first, it's speed will hinder and block us at every turn we try to attack it's brother whose slow on the uptake, so we can use space to get around.if you see Magnarock approaching, retreat from his advance, however if we get cornered by them, we spilt off and use their bodies as leverage to get out of there." he suggested, it would be a huge risk to use his newfound Skill sinc ehe barely started using it, he'd use it if the situation is really bad.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Just Stardust is fine

    Just Stardust is fine
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013
  14. StardustXtreme
    Masaru nodded and drawn out Dream Eater before opening the Skill Menu for the <<Phantom Blades>> skill and pressed it and the sword glowed in a dull yellow before spiltting a carbon copy of the sword he held in his other hand, he noted the attack power, it raise slightly but no doubt, wielding two swords meant more available attacks to deal with but also, prividing a ncie defnense to block from both sides or occupy a weapon and keep it pinned while the other blade was available.

    "Two Swords huh, this is certainly a Unique way to fight." He said to himself, two swords meant you needed to be ambidexitrous, luckily, he practiced with his left hand about as much with his right while fighting as to be abel to block from any angle.

    "Let's go." He charged forward at a Fire Gnoll and sliced it in the back and it's HP obivously took a major hit, even though it's HP neared the 60 Monster level, it's defense was balanced to say the least, but they were Level 42, he was Level 70, much farther than 25 levels higher to be safe and noted other skills appearing with the abilty and he jumping back and blocked a Gnoll's attack and pushed it back.

    "Snake Bite!" He called out as his swords glowed blue to indicate the skill's activation he stabbed foward, stabbing the Fnool in the chest before driving the second blade into it, diminishing it's health rapidly and shattered into pixels, giving him small EXP and Col in exchange and he looked at the other skills the this strange style had, it had Double Circular and Snake Bite, a 2-hit combo register while there was Starburst Stream, a 16 hit combo and The Eclipse at 27 hit combo, obivously the longer the combo, the more cooldown time it required, plus his skillset had a new status of Two-Handed Style at <<001>>.

    "Looks like after this is all said and done, I'll focus on mastering this but I think i'll keep this Skill hidden from the public, otherwise, people would think I cheated or something." He thought to himself as he returned to Star, the second Dream Eater vanishing in a flash of light, the skill only remained active during battle.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme
    Masaru nodded, he heard of Inferna through the forums or updates on the virtual newspapers, but not much was known about her since most Players who meet her and become her target, don't live, she was a rouge PKer and not a part of any Guild so he heard, but Laughing Coffin is the most prominent PK guild out there.

    "Right, we'll head off in the direction of this Volcano, I also want to do some weaker spawn battles, I want to see what my new Skill is capable of since Absorption Slash is no longer in place, this also means I can't just accept a stab and attack at close range since the damage won't be returned upon the activation of the SKill." He said to her.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme
    Masaru ate his bacon and nodded, checking his items afterwards and went out to meet Star at the Gate, changing into his armour and saw Star's expression and stance, it seemed something terrified her when he headed over, it couldn't of been the mission since she didn't shake from mentioning it, heck she suggested it herself.

    "Something bothering you Star?" He asked her in a concerned tone, if she acted like this, they had to be a reason and it could very well affect the quest they planned to set out on, after all, nowadays, you had to go out of town pretty much with confidence and a plan if you planned on living and not be killed as your own live was at stake.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme
    Masaru stirred on the bed and cracked an eye open when he saw the psoition he and Star were in and star's reaction, he wasn't hoenstly surprised by this as he had to keep his guard up most of the time in case of a attack in the Inn and teh smell of food, well, digitially recreated stirred him from his sleep completely as hsi brain was registering it's surroundings, he wasn't much of immeidate person, his brain would automatically go on autopilot for breakfast and eat until after 10-20 minutes or so, his body will wake and he'd be his normal self as he yawned and sat at the dining table.

    "Morning, what's for breakfast?" he asked a bit sleepily, using a hand to cove rhis mouth from a yawm about to escape, this wasn't the warrior who fought on the front-lines constantly but just a normal everyday youth.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme

    ~Lowee Campground~

    The ninjutsu came out of nwohere and ichigo fell to the ground in hopes of avoiding it as AOi was udfortnately tackled down as was Dean until Ichigo looked up from the snow and saw... Another Vert? "What the hell? Two of her!?" He thought in surprise as it seemed their ninjas knew these ones and ichigo surveyed them, their clothes were unatural but it didn't hide the power they had at their disposal, he could probably sense their reiastu or chakra whatevere it was called, but he knew one thing, these people weren't weak, the pink haired one, Sakura he beleived it was remidne dhim of Chad's immense strength.

    Aoi coughed out from cold wet snow and shivered a bit had it not been for the recent change in warmth from the lava early and looked at the them, he swore people were attempting to kill him, first these Akatsuki people and nwo this. "More friends of yours...umm Kakashi?" He asked the one eyed Jonin.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme
    Character Name: Snow Villers
    Game from: FInal Fantasy XIII Saga
    Appearance: Picture
    A brief Bio: A youth who talks and acts before thinking thinsg though, he can be hot-blooded and fearless in battle but he hdies whatever guilt he'd feel by acting opimistic though by doign so, peopel misunderstand him, his love for Serah is unfathomable, even when he discovers she was branded a I'Cie and chooses to help her complete her Focus, after savign Cocoon, Serah said Lightning was still alive and yet no-one believed her sicne they assumed she was in crystal with Vanille and Fang, but eh beleived her and set off on a journey to find Lightning, leaving Serah his engagement necklace. He dreamt of Lightning once and was told to protect the Pillar Sunleth Waterscape in 300 AF and approached a Fal'cie Cactuar to regain his abilites as a I'Cie, he is currently trapped in the Colisuem by a dark force and decides to hang out with it's residents until he can escape..
    Timeline: Start of XIII-2
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme
    Then i'll take him.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home