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  1. StardustXtreme



    Marvelous gave a corner smirk. "Then's let's head there, we're casting off!" he ordered aloud to the inhabitants.

    ~Lowee Campoground~

    Ichigo heard Noire's explanation and merely nodded, sheathing Zanegstu on his back as he tried to sort out his thoughts, he let himself lose in his anger, after all, Not all Hollows back home were evil, a prime example was Nel who previously was the 3rd Ranked Espada along with her subjects, another example was probably the Vizard and the Gotei 13, whod espite differences, helped out in the WInter War, and finally, his old man who was a Shinigami himself.

    "Maybe all this stuff is stressing em out... I almost swore Madara was another Aizen..." He thought to hismelf and a shiver went up hsi shien at the mentioned man, he was such a powerful adversary had Ichigo not trained within the Dangai at teh suggestion of his old man and beat him by sacrificing his Shinigami powers had they not becoem hidden deep inside him, he prayed another Aizen wouldn't resurface and force him to train a condensed space for three months to re-learn the Final Getsuga Tenshou all over again.

    Dean looked at Vert. "Okay, that's a good enough plan for me!" he said and Aoi heard Vert planning she, Noire and Neptune would fight the main battle and raised a hand up. "i'm going with you three, you could use a helping hand, as CPU of Castfield."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    Masar should of been surprised by Star's kiss but he wasn't surprisingly aand gave a curt nod to Star's words, noting the workd kun used on the end of his name amd used a teleport crystal as well, teleporting back to the desert town wondered what he should do? he practically confessed his feelings for her and she the same, but now there was a problem, Inferna would most likely target him more often now with Star caught in it due to her saving him, so they both weren't practically safe and it was no use hiding in your house as Safe Zone and the town's are PvP and PK protected, but people had to go out and train and to clear the game, so there were only two options here.

    "EIther do things the same as before and keep my guard up to not get into that situation again or stay with Star until Inferna's either Jailed or killed." he thought to himself, he didn't much like someone being killed, even if it's PKer, he'll probably buy a preset Jail Crystal and jail Inferna, but he moved onto the love interest problem, they obivously didn't want to part afetr discovering their feelings and either one of them could die at any given moment, especially since the higher floors are bound to get more and more difficult, even monster spawns despite only being roughly halfway there.

    "Star, i know we just recently discovered about us, but in this game... we could die at any point and well, there shouldn't be any regrets right? I mean... who knows what could happen, especially with me working constantly on the Front Lines..." he trailed off, trying to find the words he was trying to say, should he go through with it and risk a break-up right there and then or would it be considered? They have seen each othe rplenty of times after the First Floor, mainly for items, weapons and small banter between them and gradually became friends during that time, as much as people detest the Beaters. "I guess what I'm tryig gto say is...will you be with me...? Always?" he asked, a blush creeping up his face, proabbaly because he subtlely suggested marriage.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme


    Zack gave a grin as the man asked him where he came from. "Gongaga! But I'm living in Midgar now so I can become a hero in SOLIDER, that's my dream!" he said rather chipperfully. "And who are you? I don't recongize you from anywhere I been." he asked him before noting another approaching them.


    Squall clecnhed hsi Gunblae as the woman attempted to fight bakc and he saw the strangemechanism that is her weapon change from a blade into a gun? "That's impossible, Esthar doesn't have a weapon like that, a actual functioning Gunblade?" he asked hismelf in his thoughts and heard the woman's words. "Sanctum? I'Cie? What is this nononse, there's nothing called either of those things." he thought to himself, this woman was a fighter to say the least, the way she stanced herself and distanced was a solider's reaction, not to mention, she seemed to handle her weapon skillfully as Gunbaldes were a hard weapon to master, so much that there wasn't many Gunblade specialists in the field.

    "I'm a solider but not for whatever you call this... Sanctum, I'm SeeD, I never once heard those words where I been,,I shall assume you were brought to this world by Owari? If so, I have to know thing, what changes will you bring to this world? WIll you destroy all of humanity? Cause if you do, it's my job to make sure it doesn't happen, I had more than enough handling Sorceresses, get in my way and I won't hold back."

    Snow heard the woman's questions, Lumina he recalled she said to the girl with goggles and asked him who he was. "I'm Snow, Cocoon's Hero!" he said, beating his fist against hsi chest. "And Serah's my fiancée, she looked strikingly similar to you, you can't be related to her and Light, they never mentioned you before." he said to her, obivously confused.


    Asbel decided to leave the city and proceed to another location, heading for what seemed to be an old castle in the distance, but it wasn't one he seen before on his time on his world, the monsters that roamed the lands however were different, and not Lambda's spawn which was a effective surprise due to most of the world's monsters have been overrun by these creatures and he placed hsi hand at his sword, and charged forrth into battle.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
  5. StardustXtreme



    Ichigo turned as Shisui apearred behind him and leapt back. speaking. "Then you tell me how a person summons a huge meteor that almost destorys Planeptune without breaking even a sweat about it and why he's got your black hair, armour like a old era samurai and those weird eyes, I literally had to do whatever I could to actually push that back with my Bankai and msot of my reiastu, so forgive me if not, lacking in the trust department for a Uchiha who almost destroys everyone on Planeptune."
    Dean heard the plan of stelaing clothes and blinked. "And the point of stealing these guys clothes is? I highly doubt as strong as they are, they won't blindly allow us to wlak up and tell them we're washing their clothes for them." he said in a deadpanned tone. "Hm?" he saw teh toad of Gamahiro beign summoned and his eyes buldged out of hsi sockets and gave out a cry of joy. "Whoa! A big toad, awesome!"

    Marvelous looked at Navi's... prediction, they hadn't been one since they obtained all the Greater Powers of Super Sentai, could it be possible there was more than the Ranger Keys to collect? "Doc, use the computers and search for these...pieces of land, after we find one, we'll cast off and go in that direction." he said and sat in his chair, leg across the other.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme
    Masaru watched the battle commence, he could see the variration of fighting styles, it was worrying that Star was a lower level than Inferna but Inferna used he rown familar as a shield to protect her but she left due to a Teleport Crystal and Star's muttering sof curses before running to him and given hima potion to heal his status ailment and she grabbed onto him as if he was the most important thing to her ever and he heard the three words no-one would expect coming from her lips, that she loved him.

    He was currently in a swirl of a emotions as he tried to process his train of thought for a few minutes and he spoke. "I kind of figured you won't, but I accept and give you mine in return." he said, blushing faintly.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme
    Masaru smiled as he was hugged and followed her to the volcano and she obtained the Magma Core before freezing up, his eyes moved to his status screen, a lightning bolt under the health bar. "Paralysis? Damnit." he thought to himself bitterly, he was on guard all the time but this slipped through due to fighting and hugged by Star, he couldn't blame her and he fell to the ground on his front.

    "Not like I got anything better planned." He managed to say a bit sarcastically., thankfully, his mouth and voice were vocally okay, it was just the body.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
    Al did learn at the same as Ed when they researched Alchemy.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    Yu heard about the Runnign for Prime Minister, hwo couldn't he when the news broadcast it for updates to the elections? He took hsi schdule and looked at the excuse, it seemed good enough and he nodded at the suggestion and couldn't think of any questions. "Not at this moment Headmaster, I thnak you for taking your time to see me." He said and stood up, leaving the office.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme


    Ichigo heard the titles. Mizukage, kazekage, hokage, if he translated that, they meant Water Shadow, Wind Shadow and Fire Shadow, he guessed those must be different countries at best with the Shadow attarched and he heard teh anme, Unchiha and he immediately raised Zangestu up at Shisui and Obito. "Uchiha, you saying you're related to that...Madara?" he asked very seriously, if these guys were anything like Madara, everyone would be hard pressed.


    Wizard looked at teh woman who asked ifhe was okay, she wore...quite a revealing outfit. "I'm fine, I dealt with worse, he's not a Phantom or a Zodiart either." he said and cancelled the transformation, revealing his civillan form.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme
    Masaru nodded and ran forward to strike at the exposed weak point his cooldown for <<Vorpal Strike>> ending which eh put to immeidtaely used literraly, ranning the blade through it's soft soft with a cry but that wasn't all, hie activated his <<Phantom Blades>> one mroe time, using the second sword to thrusrt it into the small exposed area, effectively wedging both blades inside.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme


    Squall heard footsteps on the cobbled path and he reached for his Gunblade, turning around quickly as it was pointed at a unusual sight, a pink haired woman with a simialr Gunblade, though much different and her attire seemed to be one of a miltary standard. "Never seen you before in Balamb, are you from Galbadia Garden?" he asked cautiously and calmly, he doubted this woman hailed from Trabia or the aforementioned Garden and highly unlikely she as from Esthar.


    Zack jumped at the sudden voice he heard and looked up at the man who called him out. "Genesis? No...You're not him." He muttered and looked at him. "Hey, at least i get a decent conversation out of myself you know, I train and then next thos Owari guy sends me to reate a new world, honestly, I'm more worried abotu Angeal for missing my training!" he complained.


    Snow saw two women talking and one looked familar. "Serah!" he called out with a smile and ran for his beloved but when he got a closer look of her clothes and appearance, he slowed his run. "You're...not Serah." he said with surprise and thought. "Did Light not tell me they had another sister? No, Serah said there was only Light who supported her." He thought to himself.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Oh I love this song~!

    Oh I love this song~!
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Feb 1, 2013
  14. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    I think HoT was looking for you

    I think HoT was looking for you
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Feb 1, 2013
  15. StardustXtreme
    Then if Riku's available, I like to have him.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme
    Masaru nodded at the indication of a weak spot andslashed at Magnarock a few times before rotating his body to avoid a counterattack and leapt upon it's swinging arm before jumping off in mid-air, sword glowing ina blue light as he activated the <<Vertical>> Skill, slicing down upon his head and leapt off it's shoulder, moving behind it before the sword glowed again, this time activating the <<Vertical Arc>> A V-shape tracjectory at the monster's unguarded back.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme


    gentaro was amazed by Lordgenome's abailty of rage likea tornado and even forcing someoen into submission he turned to page thirty five, lookign up this... swirl king, whoever he was for that matter, not like he heard of such a thing before, tsukasa meanwhile, dully looked at the pages. "Swirl King, leader of the Beastmen... some tale about a young man and his sidekick fighting them with spirit or whatever they want to call it with huge...machines?" he thought in confusion, was that what this all led to? it was certainly a bit more interesting than learn all human history to say the least, but somehow, this idea must of been a dream or something.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme


    Asbel walked quietly among the streets of the bustling town of Barona, or rather it wasn't packed with people, last he recalled, a person proclaimed God of this world congratulated him and chosen him to create a new world before dismissing himself as he put a hand to his chin in thought. "Create a new world huh? Perhaps here, we can work together for a peaceful world which I can show Lambda..." he thought to himself, originally, he was working in Lhant, sorting out the dreaded paperwork day after day with Sophie tending to her garden which she fileld with sophiera's, the person he named Lambda was actually an entity inside of him, sharing this body after a long fought battle, but he was asleep for six months so far.


    Snow strenched out his arms, he was brought by this Owari guy who said "Congratulations souls chosen by the Judgement of Heaven and Hell. My name is Owari, god of the world. You have been chosen to create a new world. Let your fantasy's run wild and tell tales to your children. Make this world what it is meant to be!" before leaving, if SNow had to guess, this guy was probably a Fal'cie like Barthandelus for that matter, at least he wasn't telling him to become Ragnarok or destroy Cocoon for that matter, but at least he was free to get out from the Colisuem.

    "No use standing around here all day, let's see if there's a map or something here." He said and walked down the streets looking for a map that civiallns may use, the town certainyl was very furtursic, almost similar to Cocoon in that matter.


    Squall walked down the cobbled street of Balamb, he was comteplating oh what this Owari person was truly after, there could never be a everlasting peace withina world, not if war remained aloft in the air but this world seems to have not experienced the traces of battle, and a short distance away from this famialr town was a castle that should of belonged to an medievil period with a huge green crystal showing off. "He can't be a Sorceress...could be?" he muttered to to himself, He couldn't see Balamb Garden anywhere in sight nor contact it, he was all alone, just as he should of been before everything happened.


    Zack paced hsi way in the town, recently he was partaking ina mission set up by his mentor and friend, Angeal and was brought to this strange place in a flash of light. "This is certainly not a city you'd find on Gaia...I think?" He asked himself in confusionm it certainly wasn't Midgar for that matter, but the chosen to create a new world and telling tales to children, he supposed he coudl dealw ith that. "How do i become a hero here if there's no SOLDIER around?" Zack asked and slumped his body, he tried his cell but he couldn't connect to Angeal or Kunsel, a long-time friend.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Mhm yuppers

    Mhm yuppers
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jan 31, 2013