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  1. StardustXtreme
    I got like my Xyz Gadgets, HEROes, Yusei and Yuma Decks.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. StardustXtreme
    Female MC is actually called Minako by fans.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: Forum Families
  3. StardustXtreme

    Ikr? I did that, Ray at 9800 and opponent's facedown Scrap-iron, he woudl negate that then I'd send Leo Arms to attack agaian mwuahaha.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. StardustXtreme
    Well, here's what yhey're playing.

    Yu Narukami/MC - Bass
    Yosuke - Guitar
    Chie - Trumpet/Singing
    Yukiko - Sax/Singing
    Kanji - Drums
    Rise - Vocals
    Teddie - Shaker
    Naoto - Piano

    But sadly enough, you all could only practice for one song.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 9, 2013 in forum: Forum Families
  5. StardustXtreme
  6. StardustXtreme

    Yup... I watched the one and only concert of Junes!
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 8, 2013 in forum: Forum Families
  7. StardustXtreme

    ~Wherabouts of AHim and Luka~
    Marvelous looked at Ahim whoa sked him who Basco was as he was with his fellow male members. " A troublemaker you don't want to be friends with pink princess." he said, kicking his feet up on the table.


    Ryotaro was asleep and teh woke up, rubbign hsi eyes before he ntoiced the tiem and franctically moved aroudn the room tog et dressed.

    ~Somewhere within the Sands of Time~

    A train was runnign along the tracks as we move into oen fo the compartments with four very...colourful beings as there was in fact, Imagin and as usual a figth broke out over some pudding as Momotaros clale.d "Oi, that's my pudding~! Give it back kame!" he said as the blue figure casually carried the unopened pudding and swaying to avoid any attacks. "Now now, Senpai, you haven't offically opened it therefore, it's for grabs." in another par tof the roo, the yellow oen was working out with heavyweights whiel the purple oen was crayon drawing.

    These were the Taros, imagin who could possesses anyone at any given time and grant a wish to enter that person's pasta dn wreck history, but these four didn't do that and instead, chosen to live on DenLiner witH Rotaro as tehir contractor who didn't wish for anything yet.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme

    ~Kamen Riders~

    Eiji was surprised they hadn't noticed at all and said nothing, at least Ankh did.

    ~Lowee: Campground or rather, Three Voices?~

    Ichigo's ears picked up on a rather familar sound, it was that damned Mod Soul, Kon and he instinctively grabbed the plush bear and slammed him into the ground with a hand. "Of all the people who had to come from my world, it just had to be you didn't it?" he muttered loudly, he knew Kon quite well and he did hear Nero's voice... which was unfreakingly the same as his own. "And why the hell do you sound like me!?" he asked, staring at Nero
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    ~Outskirts of Castle Baron~

    Asbel was nearing the castle until a voice boomed, it was Owari's who stated they must defeat Chronos with younger bodies and he looked at hsi body, he felt... smaller, no he was smaller, back when eh trained for the Knight Academy, not to mention hsi clothes somehow shrunk with him and his sword, msot likely to ensure they weren't severely handicapped, but the main handicap was, small bodies meant adjusting to the strange sensations of short reacher and speed your own usual body was used to.

    Asbel's surroundings bcame balck and white as he heard a rather... deep toned voice within his head. "What nonsense is this?" as Asbel was surprised, Lambda woke up after his long sleep, the strange Eleth or whatever must of caused him to awaken and he thought to his other occupant. "Lambda? You're awake?" he asked and the beign knowna s lambda responded.

    "You better explain what has happened during my sleep Asbel, only a fool like you would be in this situation." lambda stated and so, Asbel explained what happened when this Owari summoned them to this realm and there seemed to be none of the usual monsters and Lambda was quiet for a few minutes. "This is most amusing, a so-called 'God' fo the world tests you humans on a whim and decides you should be handicapped for this trial, how utterly foolish." He responded in a rather same deep dark tone.

    "I don't think Owari or this Chronos even knows about you, that could become a advantage to our side, unless Cheria and the others somehow ended up here." He thought as Lambda's reponse swiftly came. "Do not think of me as some pawn to use, I could easily take you over and the person known as Asbel shall be no more." His tone was very serious, almost threatening as well.

    "It's not like that at all, you and me, we're sharing this body so... we got to watch each other's backs so I trust you, Lambda." he thought as lambda's tone changed, becoming neutural. "The title of fool suits no-one better than you Asbel Lhant." Lambda said before his presence within Asbel receededa and the younger man headed into Baron's walls.

    Zack was about to complain. "Hey I may be young but I chose this path, so I could become a Hero! That is my dream and no-one on Gaia is going to stop me!" he said before a starnge sensation overcame him, clothes and weapon shrunk down and hsi body, by 5 years, he never felt this..small since...well, Gongaga, the mako enchacements were still within his system so no worries there.


    Squall was about to say soemthign ebfore a wave of energy overcame them and he found hismelf... shorter.... his Gunblade too and lighter too, he hadn't thought about hsi childhood since... Edea's orphanhenge and he gave a scowl to what occured, keeping his midn quiet.


    SNow too was...well, made intoa small version of hismelf plus coat and gloves and hsi brand actually smaller to compenstate.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme
    His cheek was kissed as Star left to get the work done, he ahd to think, what would happen when he gets back in the rreal world? Tell his family he met up with a popular idol in the game and married her in-game and date her in the real, that would more less likely to believe, not to mention the Number One of Japan's charts from back then, the backlash and press could be a problem too as they loved tidbits of inomation to get more coin into their pockets.

    "Then there's scandals and such, gee, nothing ever comes easy does it?" He thought sarcastaically, but he didn't care abotu now, it wa sin the future and who knows when this game will get cleared? ceratinly not soon as it took this long to get to the floors in the 50's, and the bosses and monster spawns will only get more tougher and harder to boot, making it a very long wait back to reality.

    "Wonder how Misaki's doing..." he thought to abotu his sister, luckily, she wasn't dragged into this, and msot likely all the remain players in Hospitals provided by that man to watch over them and ensure theya re healthy and such since whiel wearing the NerveGear, you couldn't exactly eat or go to the toilet, he didn't want to know how they do that, but the human body can only last so long.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme
    I thought you were the steak lover Satonaka-san, since you love it so much more than Trial of the Dragon.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 7, 2013 in forum: Forum Families
  12. StardustXtreme
    Hottest freckled pink haired woman ever
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme
    It's a nice idea, but like Myst said, we already have Crossover Cove and Nintendo High going on, but if you wish to make the thread and have people wishing to RP with you on this project, I offer you my best wishes.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme
    May be a slight problem there, jaden's kinda just as retired as you and even me.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 6, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. StardustXtreme

    ~history Class~

    The Lesson was interupted by three knocks on the door and Yu Narukami entered as the students seemed more aware of this new arrival, perhaps the msot interesting thing to happen in this class. "Are you the teacher, Mr...Lordgenome?" he asked and extended a hand holding his excuse slip form the headmaster for being late. "I apologize for being late, I was being transfered and ahd to wait until the headmaster was free, he also said you should calm down in class." He said politely.

    Tsukasa gave this new transfer student a look. he hair colour was most unsual, silver for that matter and a bowlcut too, while he seemed to carry about an air of... mystery? almost like you'd want to be pulled into this guy and know him, he did seem relaxed and polite, of course he didn't know who or where he came from, there were a few other students who were late, such as the Gokaiger gang for one and the meek shy, Ryotaro Nogami, who had the day off to help his sister in her store.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme

    ~Galleon Interior~

    Marvelous heard Draco, Tommy's and Basco's words, as much as he hated to admit it, Basco was under his command now. "You Basco, is goign to eb wtached constantly on this ship. last time you tried to do something, it invovled my ship and the Ranger Keys." he said, looked at Draco. "Oh really? Then I suppose you don't mind walking the plank and falling thousands of feet to solid ground? it's either work with me or aganst me, I might even have a room provided for you in the Brig." he said and heard Tommy's question.

    "Some of you can actually help keeping an eye on Basco aand perhaps familarize yourselves with the powers of Super Sentai, the combination of me and you Tommy, already provided a nice boon during the tournament with Gilgamesh, the more power we have on the side, the better for our chances of survival to actually end this conflict." he finished and heard Patroklos awakening. "The GokaiGalleon, my ship, we've cast off before those guys could kidnap your girl, though I'm ashamed to admit the women of the fight stayed behind."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme
    Masaru nodded untilt he doorbell rang and she was talkign with a customer until she said she and him had a few thigns to do and stepped out from the smithing room into the shop, looking atat her..

    "You are right about the clothes though, I may have to sell my house and perhaps spend the Col I've accumlated to buy a new one for us to live in." he stopped to look at the man who was in the store. "I think I heard about you... you were a Front-Liner but stopped in favour to help Players in the lower levels to get better, I'm a fellow Front-Liner too, well, just recently known." He chuckled a bit at that.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme
    Masaru nodded at Star as he followed and watched her smith away and the swords revealing abailies and status ailements too, plus they could use it together thanks to the shared storage.

    "Proabably because they are more prominent, Kirito-san being a Beater and plays a sword no shield style and his clothing is always black, Asuna-san is known for her fast rapid fluid moments that is almost a blur, earning her the Flash, Heathcliff-san is head of the most known guild that consistently fights on the Front Lines and Agil is a majorly powerful Tanker, I just grind and learn whatever skills can help, sadly I never met any of the forementioned people but I wouldn't mind meeting them as our goals are pratically the same." he said almost wishfully, he'd like to meet fellow Front-Liners who could hold their own and actually commit themselves to clearing this game for everyone still alive to go back home.

    "I did hear of Silca the Dragon Tamer once but she's not heard about as much since she isn't on the Front-Lines, I even hear she's 13 and yet she gets so many marriages offered but she declined, quite right too due to her age." He said and noted a notification on the news and tapped it, there was a a rather clear shot of him in the tournament fighting alongside Star and infomation about his part- no his wife's idenity as comments were written down, some amazed, some rude and some being idiots or trolls, but he found a a rather strange nickname, the "Singer's Knight" and that seemed to have caught on, what's more, this was front-line material.

    "I stand corrected, looks like I'm gonna be well known after all." He said rather sheepishly, first Star's revelation as a Idol to the whole of the game and now his newfound title the Players named him, just like The Black Swordsmanm, Asuna the Flash, Heatcliff the Paladin, Klein of the Guild Fuurinkazan and now this, what's more, he didn't ask for it.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme

    Tahiko looked at Sakuya who asked him why eh didn't pratice his power and he spoke, rather sheepishly. "Becuase my power invovles eye contact and...touching them on the chest" He said to her in a embrassed tone.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme
    Masaru was waiting for her answer and heard it, and her words of spendign every moment with him was proabably sending his heart beating at proabably faster pace than the heat of battle, but there were pros to marriage, such as storage ebing combined and he'd use her equipment just as she would do the same, but the best thign is, she coudl ahve aset of repaired armour done quickly or his drops would aid her, but thsi did mean moving into a house together and he doubted Star had enough Col to buy a new house and a notfication indicated and he opened it. seeing a sight he enver thought he see before.

    '-Star wishes to marry you, do you accept?-'

    X O
    Masaru took a moment to consider the optiosn and variables and you know he thought? "Who cares right? Deserve to be happy after all." He moved his finger to the buttons and heard her question and he blinked for a moment, of course she didn't know his avatar name was his real one, not many people who choose to do that, after all, she was Hikari Hoshi yet her name was Star, a different menaing to Hoshi which basiclaly translated to Light Star, while his first name meant Victory, the surname, not so much.

    "That is my real name." He chuckled a bit lightly. "I wasn't so creative at the time." He said a bit embarassed, but he chsoe that name due to using it in RPG's he played as so to feel like he was part of the experience, but now it was literally he was par tof the expereince, especially knowing your death in the real world will be a mircowave emission which would fry your brain if you die or someone tries to remove the NerveGear. "I don't know many others who have their own character names as the same as their real ones." He simply said tapped the Blue Circle as the notification was gone and a gentle white light appeared on his ring finger as did Star's and from it, a ring symbolizing marriage was on it and their icons shown them to be together.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Feb 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home