Try this. Hand Control Gishki This deck revolves around spamming Evigishki Gustkraken to take out cards from your opponentĀ“s hand and gaining knowledge on the remaining hand. However, due to limitation of "Evigishki Gustkraken" in September 2012 Lists, this deck-type is severely weakened. Not enough, I faced this deck unfortnately in real life tournie I had and this opponent added his whole deck to his hand in that time and reshuffled cards back in with Add to Deck spells mainly due to Gishki Aquamirror and other similar cards, this was also a timed round too, so it's best 2 out of 3, but he made the loop go on for so long, time was coming into the Round and he decided to win there and since it was Time, I had no chance to get to the second Duel, meaning I had no chance win or put it to a draw, I'd personally ban the Ritual card and the Monster itself or the Loop only goes on once and not repeated. Someone told me it was a way to win since he made that loop but I said "No, I find playing this game is to enjoy it and come up with ways to battle each other, not intentionally hold out on the match and wait until Time is called, that's being unfair, if I ever see that deck being played again in that tournie, I'll quit that match and just say. "You're not a Duelist, you're just someone who is taking the fun out of it and intentionally making so there's no way to win, so here's your 'win'. Hope you're happy and if you do get into Top Ranking, just know you didn't get there through effort, you got there by exploiting a loop which is unfair and should be ruled.
Same here along with TaJaDol and Super TaToBa
Masaru nodded and took Star by the hand to the Gate and descend down to <<Floor 20>> to reach the Sunshien Forest s he walked with her, the tresses swaying with parts of light poking through gaps downa dirt trodden path with a breeze blowing them gently back and forth, it wasn't the most impressive palce but it was still quiet and enjoyable, if they were cherry blossom season, that'd be a special moment indeed, but it was Autmn. "How long has it been since we been trapped in this game?" he asked her.
~Alexandria: Vs Weakened Tiamat~ Zack saw the creature theat was going to fight them, eh was surprised this guy commanded monsters, it didn't look all that strong and he jumped up and down, getting the blood flowing. "Great! I get a practice run before the main guy!" he said with a grin. ~Rabanstre: Vs Weakened Pluto No.1~ Tidus heard the voice that stated they were goign to fight this boss and Rydia was still changing. "We should head that guy off and mean Rydis will catch up with us then?" he asked, his tone turning rather serious and calm, he knew what damage fiends would cause to the town,d espite neve rhaving been there before, killka back home was a priem example of devastation that occured. ~Zanarkand: vs Weakened Pluto No.2~ Snow saw teh monster appeared before them eh gavea grin. "Looks like we got ourselves a guy to practice on before fightign Chronos, come on!" he said and made a mad run for the beast. ~Balamb~ Squall heard Lightning's word,s ti wa snot all the different from his own when he called Ellone, Sis and wnated to find her, becomign stronger to protect her, ti seemed he and this woman's goals if not, were similar, beat the one causing this trouble, and as mucha s he didn't like it, a ally was better than beign alone ina strange world, if eh were the old Squall, this would be a different story but with hsi friends and defatign Ultimecia, he learnt not one person can do everything on their own. "Are you certain you can defeat someone who controls time, even if he should render you completely useless by further de-aging?" he closed his eyes, waiting to hear her answer.
~Battles have ended~ Fourze gave a fist pump at the victory that was given to them all. "Yosha! We won!" He said and looked at Sailor Mercury. "You're alright now...Umm...?" he trailed off, trying to place a name on this woman in a sailor fuku as Decade gave a mere shrug at mario sudden... devoured moment of lfie before being spat back out and walked off around a corner, untrasnforming when eh was out of sight as Shotaro spoke. "AIbou, it's already finished, can't you have held off a bit more longer?" he said in a sight saddened tone. Den-O shatteered to reveal the red streaked punk as he stamepd his foot. "How half-assed! I didnt' get to perform my hisasstu-waza attack!" he complained and went off soemwhere.
PuToTyra is another.
A problem with that?
~Harold's Mindscape~ Harold noted Harry's iwsh of beign that confident as he is. "I'm only confident cause I took control of my life that Dumbes tried to control for the 'greater good' a she likes to phrase it, it was either lie down and follow dumbles plan and being stuck at Dursleys for their 'loving' affection or buckle up and control my life, I chose the latter." He said honestly and firmly. ~Galleon~ Marvelous look at Fred and George with a stare that seemed to drag on for ages as Yuri looked at Maria and crossed his arms and spoke. "I don't know about that Ronald, I know this magician lived for seven hundred years by inciting a incantation from one of Three Anicent Tomes, there are probably various ways to lengthen your lifespan, but most likely at a great cost to do so." Yueri explained to him. ~Lowee, vs Grodus~ AOi prepared his sword at teh ready until somehow, Nico appeared form thin air, most likely cause of his RPer needing a easy way to reach her, and he muttered "Save your reunion for later, right now, we're in the middle of a fight if you didn't notice, geez, are you tryign to make this a cutscene before the epic battle between Good and Evil?" he asked lowly.
Masaru looked thoughtful for a moment, the Hill of Memories was indeed a romantic place but they already been there and thoguht back to the FLoors he ventured, the Sunshine Forest was a nice area on Floor 20. "I think Sunshine Forest is a good place, low level monsters but the scenery of nature is breathtaking." he recommended to her, -ubbing his hair messily. "I'm never oen for outdoors much but it's at least peaceful and a change of pace." he honestly admitted to his wife, he was never good with kind of thing.
~Vs. S-Types- SHotaro pressed down on the Cyclone Memory in the left slot of the Double Driver and twisted his Joker Memory and isnerted it the belt and spread teh belt open, forming a W. "Cyclone! Joker!" It called out as a transformation of s small cyclone formed around Shotaro as pieces of armour forme don his bodya nd in his place, was a warrior that was green on his left side and purple on his right "Now, count up your sins!" The dually layered Kamen Rider Rider DOuble spoke. "So, what are we dealing with here?" Shotaro asked his partner as Phillip's body was now unconcicous, as his midn formed W. Fourze landed and placed Sailor Mercury down and disenaged the Rocket Switch, reverting his arm to normal and pressed down on the Cross Switch that had a blue one. "Let's try it!" he said as the belt spoke. "Launcher On~!" As his X panel was now covered by a sqaure blue box as it fired six missiles at the water type.
~Hallway~ Den-O cursed. "Damn you, stay still!" He said annoyed at teh UFO and slipped on the water agin, landing on hsi butt. "Ow... I'll make you regret thsi you ba-!" he said before slipping comcially again. ~With Tsukasa and Gentarou~ Against the Water Galboros-S, Fourze noticed mercury about to be attacked by the oncoming attack. "Whoa, Watch out!" he called out, pressing the orange Switch 1. "Rocket On~!" The belt called out as hand to elblow was a orange rockect and he balsted forth catching Mercury in his free arm and otu fo harm's way. "Rider Rocket Punch!" he called out connecting the Rocket appenge with the Water Galboros-S. "Attack Ride: Blast!" Before Decade fired his Ride booke rin Gun Mode, firing numerous balsts upon it's body. "Slippery weasel aren't you?" A man wearing a fedora and 1980's clothes was walking down the hallway with the same Belt Phillip wore as he raised the USB Stick, arrving in time. "Joker!" The USB Stick cried out. "Let's do it, aibou." he said to Phillip.
~Harold's Mind~ "It's better not to worry about it now, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Harold said to Serenity and his counterpart, crossing his arms. "We'll figure something out by then if we're lucky." he noted as well. ~Galleon~ Marvelous looked at Fred and george, wonderign hwo they got their hands on those Keys, unless one of the Gokaigers summoned them, they stole it. "I do hope you don't plan on taking those, they belong where they are meant to be." he said and opening the Treanger Box and noted something odd, Keys that were missing were back in and he picked out the Go-On Red Key, if he recalled, didn't that Doppelganger steal them, if so, who returned them? "WHoever did it, we'll have to thank them in person for getting rid of that irritation." He thought. ~Lowee~ Ichigo sighed. "I don't even know them Kon, they sure as hell sound like me but it can't be we're relatives, you'd think if there were more, I'd notice from the fmaily album or something? No something else is going on here... I know it." ~???~ In a different universe entirely, a young adult sneezed.
~Castle Baron~ Asbel heard someone speak and he shifted closer, hiding behind a pillar, and looking to see... a human with a...monkey tail? And a green haired woman woman too, were they allies or enemies? He didn't regcongize them from anywhere on Ephinea or Fodra for that matter, should he wait and litsen to acertain a solution? it sounded like a good idea. ~Alexandria~ Zack gave a nod to Basch and noted Kratos walking to find this chronos, and seeing as no-one else was leading, it seemed he was in charge. "Guess we follow that guy huh?" He walked with ahnds behind his head casually, the town did look nothing like where he been before, besides it had a impressive castle further behind him and he was sure nowhere liek that existed on his world. ~Rabanastre~ Tidus looked at the scene before him, it did remind of couples bakc home, In Zanarkand which you could catch a few times wlakign down the streets, but it seemed this two were together and the white haired man introduced them to him and thought he was a resident here in this strange town. "Clothes store?" he asked and cupped his chin to his chin in thought, it did seem the green girl, Rydia her name was needing new attire as it seemed her dress was held up by her hands. "First time I been here myself, it's nothing like I seen bere." He honestly replied and looked around, looking for signs of a store available. "That there looks reasonable, don't know if anyone's in." he said, walked to open the door to a Shop and sure enough, no owner was waiting behind the counter. "Might be something in there um... Rydia wasn't it?" he asked her, looking away from her predicament, she was beautufil to look at but he has Yuna... or rather didm, tidus took a moment to stare at his hand, as if to expect himself to turn into pryeflies but it wasn't happening, and he did open the shop door too, was he... solid? ~Zanarkand~ Snow shrugged off his black jacket and handed it to Lumina. "Here, use this." He offered to her helpfully.
Aki gets enough of the whining comments from me, don't you start lol
Masaru chuckled a bit at Star's reasonable explatnation and Mya's congratulations and he saw the clothing that was available to him, quite a wide range surprsingly but Mya pointed out nto many females came here, he unsderstood that, they would most likely have to unequip all of their equipment and be lef tin their ungarments while measurements were taken and such, he enver bothered learning suc a SKill due to surivival and trying to beat the game, but five years did sound like a long time to be here, especially when a year and a half had gone by, the human bodies they had could only do so much and if they remaiend that way for that long alot of people will be in wheelchairs, and he didn't fancy that happening. "Handsome? If I didn't know any better Mya, I'd say you were hitting on a married man." he saidina teasing tone, actually catchign ehr out for saying that.
~Lowee, Stealth Team- Dean got his costume on as a X-naut qhich was a strange change ~Ichigo and Kon~ "That day when any woman willingly goes with you is the day Hollows stop appearing." he mutetered throwing Kon over his shoulder, sighing he just had to wait for a signal now with Casshern and then, whatever hapepns next. ~Basilcom, Lowee~ Johny examined Wall-E, it seemed to be a recycleable unit, but eh did vaguely simialr to his body structure, the tank treadmills as feet being an easy giveaway, and having a soul of it's own then follow it's programming, but there wasn't any indication of beig gcreated by Nova Robotics, escpecially since Newtown Crossbie quit Nova and taht there were going to live in Montana with Stephanie, of course he asked for an upgrade to using non-leathal weapons
Character Name: Tidus Game from: Final Fantasy X Appearance: Picture A brief Bio: rising star blitzball player from Zanarkand. After the gargantuan monster known as SIn attacks his hometown Tidus is transported to the world of Spira. Lost, confused, and seemingly out of place, Tidus meets a newly-fledged summoner, Yuna, and her guardians. Yuna is to set out on a pilgrimage in an attempt to put an end to Sin, and by joining Yuna on her pilgrimage Tidus hopes he will find his way home. Timeline: Post game
~Balamb~ "Serah? A sibling perhaps?" Squall thought, he didn't know anyone by that name, even in the Garden, closest female to an S he knew was Selphie, it was likely this person was searching for this woman unless there was a motive to purposefully let his guard down, her reaction to her body's regression was apparently a surprise to her, indicating she was working alone for one, just like he was. "Never heard of her." he simplyed said and rested his Gunblade on his shoulder. "But if this isn't Ultimecia's doing, isntead, this Chronos iscasuing this to occur, if he is capable of this, then it's most likely he'll be as strong as a Sorceress." he thought and walked past Lightning to head for the Entrance of Balamb Town. ~Alexandria~ Zack nodded witha smile and gave a thug's up to Kratos and Basch. "No problem! it's just another walk in the park!" he said with his voice brimming with confidence. ~Zanarkand~ Snow had to look away for well, Lumina dsiheveled appeared, luckily, he had much to work with as he built big during his adulthood as Lumina clearly asked Rita what on earth happened. ~Castle Baron~ Asbel thankfully reached the old cast and looked at it's structure, it seem old bit quite stable, he never saw anything like this before but ti was majestic in it's own right, hsi ahnd warily on the hilt of his sword, being ready for anythign as he moved inside the castle itself. ~Rabanastre- Within the streets of Rabanastre, a blonde wearing ths unusual outfit wearing yellow and brown shoes, a gauntlet in his left hand and a black glove in the other, a yellow jacket with a white hood and a blue pauldron and armor over his left arm. The dark dungaree-type outfit he wears over his other clothes is fastened with a black belt that has a metal chain as he had a blue aquatic sword fastened to his side. "Great, where have I ended up now?" he asked hismelf in confusion, last he recalled, he just recently beat up his old man and saved Spira from it's spiral of death and yet here he was, in another world isntead of beign sent to the Farplane, what's worse, he elft his only love on Cid's airship ebfore comign across a unfamilar sight, a guy and girl huggign one another but the green ahried woman was trying to keep her dress...on. now that he should complain, he was reduced in age and had baggy clothing. "Okay... what did I stumble into?" he asked in confusion was a little blush on hsi face.
~History Class~ The fire alarm rung out clearly and loudly, as students were of course told, to head to the nearest safe zone but Tsukasa merely wandered with Gentarou in tow to fidn the disturbance, he would have something better to do and he saw the S-Types. "Oh? A challenge?" He asked and brought out the Decadriver, placing it on hsi waist as it wrapped around him and he brought out a pink magenta card with Decade wiritten upon it a she slid it in the belt as Gentarou brought out a much more different belt and flicked some switches. "3! 2! 1!" Gentarou's belt called out and both he and Tsukasa spoke one word. "Henshin!" "Kamen Ride! Decade!" Tsukasa's belt called out as he hit the sides, as Gentarou pulled the lever, and in their places stood Kamen Riders Decade and Fourze as Fourze bent over, arms crossed and pushed them out as he stood up straight, starign at teh cieling. "Space kitaaaaa!!! Kamen Rider Fourze! Let's settle this man to man!" as Decade pulled out the Ride Booker in Gun Mode and he fired a few shots. "As annoying as always..." he muttered. ~Shotaro~ Shotaro looked downa dn saw the W Belt form around hsi waist as he heard Phillip's telephatic messege and stood up from hsi chair behind the desk getting out a USB Stick with purple tiny and J emblembed upon it. "Let's go, partner." He said and went to get the Hardboilder motorocycle and head for for Nintendo High. ~Ryotaro~ He finally managed to reach the History Class but the UFo thing was... strange to see? But the dragon was another thign entirely. "E-Eehh!?" He asked in shock and then he felt a strange feeling overcoming him and he was no longer in his body and instead, Ryotaro had red eyes and red streak through his hair. "Oi Ryotaro, don't chicken out on me now! We're at the start of a Climax!" he said as a belt wrapped around him. "Henshin!" he said as a armour formed over M-Ryotaro. "Sword Form!" the Belt called out and he moved for a pose. "Ore...Sanjou! Ikuze Ikuze!" As the Rider known as Den-O charged in.