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  1. StardustXtreme
    @Aki - Well, that's certainly new to see, didn't expect that.

    @Myst - Know most of them apart from Kuzan and Touya (despite having watched YYH to the end and One Piece kinda died on me.)
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
  3. StardustXtreme
  4. StardustXtreme
  5. StardustXtreme
  6. StardustXtreme
    Decided to do a quick reserve.

    Oliver (Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White WItch)
    Drippy (Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White WItch)
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme
  8. StardustXtreme
  9. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Oh, like what?

    Oh, like what?
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Mar 13, 2013
  10. StardustXtreme
  11. StardustXtreme
    Not me, I'm sticking to convo's for the minute wit MSI notebook until Laptop gets it's power switch fixed annoyingly.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 13, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  12. StardustXtreme
  13. StardustXtreme
  14. StardustXtreme
  15. StardustXtreme
  16. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Alot's happened for 3-4 weeks huh.

    Alot's happened for 3-4 weeks huh.
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Mar 13, 2013
  17. StardustXtreme
  18. StardustXtreme
  19. StardustXtreme
  20. StardustXtreme
    SInce when did I reserve any SAO characters at all?

    -Is stared at by everyone-

    And yes, I'm back but unfortnately, my laptop is suffering a new problem, seems teh power lead to turn it on came out while fixing the hinges and it was moved downstairs and the lead came out again, possibly during the move, it's a hassle to unscrew everything and redo it only to find out something else doesn't work, so for the time being, I'm stuck with a MSI Notebook that my cousin given away to my mother.

    My posting shall hopefully resume tomorrow with my laptop back in proper action as I currently hate this small screen I'm having to work with and I prefer my bigger screened laptop, plus it has Skype to commuicate with whiel this just has the bare minimal apps.

    So I'm sorry to trouble Aki further but I hope she'll do today for my characters in Cove and any other RP Crossovers I'm in a bit longer.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Mar 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home