@Aki - Well, that's certainly new to see, didn't expect that. @Myst - Know most of them apart from Kuzan and Touya (despite having watched YYH to the end and One Piece kinda died on me.)
Well, All I can say is that it wasn't your fault.
Yeah, probably will become weekdays and be weekend visits to come here So, mind describing how worried you were?
Depends really. would have to delve into that. AT least this 3-4 week 'holid- I mean, torture is ending, I had to play games during that time in...
So do I, and what do I learn? Mother says 1 hour? That's wrong, she said 2 and that's the limit for having a computer in the house. But I decided...
Decided to do a quick reserve. Oliver (Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White WItch) Drippy (Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White WItch)
Rob can't contact me here, well, his mother probably has our house number if he wanted to ask. And besides during the 3-4 weeks, it actually...
Sounds like Lisbeth and Silca to me there.
Oh, like what?
I see, so a continutation of Side Stories and perhaps some intreaction with the known characters of the Series itself, like Kirito, Asuna etc.
Not me, I'm sticking to convo's for the minute wit MSI notebook until Laptop gets it's power switch fixed annoyingly.
Still, 2 weeks for a pair of hinges, curse you long deliveries! But right now I'm available for convos, even your SAO idea and such.
That's okay, I did leave you in charge of them until I could return to reclaim them, but you'll have to put up with it a little longer until my...
Well, Couldn't exactly help it, luckily it was just the Hinges that broke, the cables connecting tot he monitor were still connected but out the...
I noticed, I did read via PS3's Internet Browser thankfully, sadly, wouldn't been able to post on it, I will soon return completely when Laptop...
Alot's happened for 3-4 weeks huh.
I can imagine, almost 3-4 weeks of no computer.
Oh yeah, I'm back happily...well not mostly due to MSI and annoyance fo Laptop deciding to have it's power switch connecter go, "no, not lightning...
Using a MSI, hating this screen and decided to just respond to PM's or convo's for now until laptop's power lead is plugged in again. Downside? 2...
SInce when did I reserve any SAO characters at all? -Is stared at by everyone- And yes, I'm back but unfortnately, my laptop is suffering a new problem, seems teh power lead to turn it on came out while fixing the hinges and it was moved downstairs and the lead came out again, possibly during the move, it's a hassle to unscrew everything and redo it only to find out something else doesn't work, so for the time being, I'm stuck with a MSI Notebook that my cousin given away to my mother. My posting shall hopefully resume tomorrow with my laptop back in proper action as I currently hate this small screen I'm having to work with and I prefer my bigger screened laptop, plus it has Skype to commuicate with whiel this just has the bare minimal apps. So I'm sorry to trouble Aki further but I hope she'll do today for my characters in Cove and any other RP Crossovers I'm in a bit longer.