~Lastation, Ichigo's Arrival~ The building ceiling broke apart, somehow missing the captured CPU Goddeses as if it were a flagged event and dust blown up, hiding what had decided to coem through the roof before it cleared, revealing Ichigo Kurosaki, clenchign Tensa Zangestu with aserious expression in his eyes as he stared at Madara Uchiha. "I see...so it's you..." he said, calmly, he remmebered him for summonign that eotorite upon Planetune had it not been his insane spiritual energy and deflecting to back to space at the cost of using all his energy to bare mininum, btu eh was fully recharged and energized, proabably cause Vert was in danger. "Who are you?" he asked him.
Username: StardustXtreme In Game Name: Masaru Real World Name: (In case we enter ALO and on) Masaru Tokura Age: 15 Appearance: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130119205633/guiltycrown/images/e/ea/ShuOuma.jpg Personality: A friendly individual who looks out for others and quite relaxed for his age, but internally, all he seeks is to become stronger to protect those he cares or meets, despite their differences. Bio: A young man who was born into a reasonably wealthy family to live out in the countrysidewith a mother, and a younger sister by 2 years, he wanted to become strong to protect his sibling but he doesn’t become so overprotective but rather gives space to her when it calls for it, he does love games, especially RPG’s and saw SAO as a way to experience it completely, but little did he know, he’ll be fighting for his life to return to the world he once knew. Job: Student Level: (No higher then 70 at this time) 70 Weapon: One-Handed Swords Special Skill: Phantom Blades - Only enabled during battle by selecting the skill and last during the fight, it creates a replica of his sword but the strength between them is halved but allows for strikes while Dual Wielding. Guild: (Could be a made up one or an existing one) N/A, preferably an Front-Liner Other: He is in fact recently married to Star, who is in fact Hikari Hoshi, a well-known idol in Japan, he doesn’t actually know her IRL, so SAO is the first time they met.
Loving mah utopia's~!
yes, Ray's at 11,900 ATK, how? The Strongest Shield: Equip only to a Warrior-Type monster. Apply one of these effects, depending on its Battle Position. ● Attack Position: It gains ATK equal to its original DEF. ● Defense Position: It gains DEF equal to its original ATK. So that's 2500 + 2000 = 4500 ZW's Tornado, Lightning, Leo, Unicorn = 7400 4500 + 7400 = 11,900.
Yay first Utopia Ray V Summon!
~Command Center~ "Oi! I do hardboiled all the time aibou!" Shotaro complained to his partner and Tsukasa gave a mere chuckle. "We better return back to school otherwise they'll wonder where we gone." he suggested. ~Lunch Break~ Yu sat at a table by himself, eating his food rather quietly, then again it wasn't a surprise, transfering schools was something he always been doing thanks to his parents and never really had time to form bonds with any classmates sinc ehe left in like 3-4 months, at least Uncle Dojima offered to let him stay here to actually complete his education this year and there wasn't any annoying teachers this time around. "But then again, most people stick with who they know best." he thought to himself.
~Lowee, Zetsu's Messege~ Ichigo was surprised by teh arrival of the strange man, whoever he was but when eh heard teh four Godddesses were captured, especially Vert, he rose up, dropping Kon onto the floor before thrusting out Zangestu from his imtrpmtu sheath. "Bankai..." He called out before a sphere of spiritual energy wrapped his form and broke apart, revealing him in his Bankai attire and closed his eyes, opening them to seeing Spirit Ribbons and grasped one, surprisngly being Green. "Hey, what are you...?" Aoi said before Ichigo bent his knees and shot up into the sky with Tensa Zangestu's speed, heading for Lastation, his face being stern and serious. "Ichigo!" Aoi called out after him but it was no use, he was gone and most likely, the others in Lowee wouldn't be able to catch up with the lone Shinigami. ~Galleon~ The Galleon soon weighed anchor on Lowee. "We're here, so, what do we find?" Marvelous asked them all. ~Lastation, the Wizard~ Haruto stood quietly, wondering who his new allies were. ~Narutaki~ Narutaki saw the power of Madara and was surprised. "Who is that man?" he asked Black Mage who was still floating and the Mage looked at the viewing screen. "No idea, I'd need the latest volume of villians for that guy, all I got is Scar's motley gang which haven't gotten much screentime, but I imagine he's a main bad guy, especially if he is handling four women with such relative ease." BM commented. ~Digial City~ Takuya gave a sigh before noting the D-Tector beep, it seemed it was in range of another one, could it be Tommy? He didn't know he decided to follow the signal.
~Galleon~ Marvelous's voice was heard. "We found a floating island, seems like it's the one that bird was talking about." he said as the galleon was nearing Lowee, it wasn't unusual, they seen a previous floating island back on Earth where the GaoRangers got their powers from, so if anyone looked out the windows, they'd see it as Harold looked at it. "A floating city? How unusual." he commented. Yuri looked at it. "Reminds me of the Neaaton Float, but it's not a place where the order of the world is gonna be screwed over." he said. ~Lowee~ Ichigo lifted Kon up from his uncocnious suffocation and looked at verde who Vert, his...lover he supposed... was suffocating her through her chest. "H-hey Vert, you're gonna kill her if you keep that up." he said to her, although, he was happy vert had a sibling to look after before his expression turned solemn, he was missing his family, his old man, and his sisters, Yuzu and Karin.
I seen it, I loved the way Ichigo flies straight at teh kushana only for Byakuya to come up from behind and attack it whiel he goes through the front door and descends all floors of Hell while the FInal Getsuga Tenshou music plays in the background, whenever you hear a theme playing, you know you're screwed.
~Command Center~ Gentarou merely smiled. "Yosha! We'll be even more powerful than before!" He said as Tsukasa raised a hand. "If that's the case, we shoudl have Leaders for the Sentai, Riders and Rangers, after all, if we stay in a huge group, someone may come across us transforming and realise our connectiosn to other groups." he said and Marvelous crossed his arms. "Well thought out, I'll lead the Gokaigers, I assume we'd all have to pretend our groups have never met so the people cna fall back on alot of parties." he said and Ryotaro spoke. "That we have those...Senshi out there among other people, but aren't most of the students or teachers powerful in their own right?" "We can't drag others into the fight we're in uortherwise, we'd be having so many hostage situations, besides, if we spilt up as groups, we'll cover more ground and share out intel between each other in a meeting, especially with this S-Tpyes planned invasion." he said to them.
Interesting to actually see a duel going on again.
~Galleon~ Harold looked at them with a embrassed expression. "Oh be quiet Snuffles before I neuter you!" he said with a smiling face that kidn of...creepy. "As I'm sure Mom would hang you by your bits in the astromony tower." ~Lowee~ Ichigo slammed hsi fist down upon Kon's plushed head, silencing him in the snow. "Should I really care!?" he muttered and sighed as Aoi blinked ar Verde's introduction, Candidates? Guess the other Landmasses advanced alot of further than before, he probaby wouldn't consider one until later, seeing as he actually done his job effectively. ~Digital City~ Takuya unfortnately, seperated from his allies somehow, probably to drive a plot point or fate decided to be a helpful character for once, or whatever, he looked around the city, all alone, he took his hat off and rubbed his hair. "Figures I'd end up getting lost, I swear Bokomon was more better at this." he muttered to hismelf and placed his hat back on, walking onwards.
~Command Center~ Fourze flipepd the switches all up as his transformation cancelled, revealing Gentarou. "Yosha!, We have a Professor and a new Kamen RIder, I'm kisaragi gentarou, and I'm going to be friends with everyone at school!" he proudly declared as Decade too cancelled his transformation. "We'll see what G.U.N has in store, unless you think they can do everything theirselves." he said dryily as Royaro looked at his fellow Riders, having being reverted to normal. "But, it's the miltary, isn't that good for something?" he asked meekily and Tsukasa shrugged. "Do they even have any experience fighting aliens when we already did before in school? It doesn't matter, we'll see which way is better, the countries leaders decsion or the populance's demands, if G.U.N fails to stop this invasion, the outcry will be tremendous." he said insightfully. Marvelous crossed his arms. "So you're syaing, let them try what they want and have them see the end result and realise what they just done?" he asked and Gai looked at him. "SO it's to see if G.U.N is prepared to take on that responbilty, being the first thing that would come to people's minds, an army defending their borders." "And forcing them to acknowledge they have to show what their capabilites, if they fail... who would the public turn to? Youth's with powers?" he asked. "We'll see what occurs." Shotaro added.
~Rabanastre~ Tidus was surprised Rydia could summon the Aeons as shown with Ifrit with struck with his most powerful attack and retreated back to it's summoner's side. "No problem here! Heh!" He called out witha smile as Tiamat rear3d it's head back to breath balls of fire and Tidus dashed forward into the attack on the ground, electing cries of surprise from Cecil and Rydia but when it cleared, he was still moving and used the explosions as propelled force to soar in the air, his blade glowing blue and swiped it, rains of energy torrenting towards the monster. ~Alexandria~ Zack gave a smirk. "No problem here! Too bad Angeal isn't here to witness this!" he said cheerfully. ~Balamb~ Squall heard Lightning's words and hoisted his Gunblade on his shoulder. "Same goes for you." He said and noticed Lightning survey the town. "It's unlikely anything will be here, if the buildings are still intact, no monster's have obivously invaded, but the strange thing here is, there's no presences of the the civillans, most likely this si just a replica of Balamb Town., in which case, we shoudl check the local store and see if there's any provisions we can use for the journey, we'll set a course to anywhere we don't regcongize, sound good?" he asked her, eyes closed.
~City Street~ Gentarou was surprsied by their teacher Dante taking the reins of the Powerdizer and pressed down on the first Switch. "Rocket~ Rocket On!" It said as Fourze's right arm. "This should work, rigth Kengo?!" flying headfirst to the Invaders as Decade or rather Tsukasa slid a card in. "Try this." he said and hit the sides of the belt. "Final Attack Ride: D-D-Decade!" "Let's make it showy!" Gokai Red said as he beside Decade and inserted a Ranger Key into the Gokai Gun, it charging up.as did Joe and Gai, their weapons flashing blue and silver respectively. "FINAL WAVE~!" The weapons cried out and Decade brough tou teh Ride Booker in gun Mode and the Rider and Three Males of the Gokaigers fired togather, bullets of red blue and silver along a row of the enlargened FInal Attack Ride Card steadily building the bullet crystal blast of magenta to hit the invaders. "Yosha! We need to join in!" Sword Den-O said and brougth a scanner to hsi ben as it hummed. "Full Charge!" As Den-O threw the pass away as his sword glowe din electricity. "Oretachi hissastu waza! Part 1!" he called out, the red tip of his straneg sword shooting out. "Aibou, let's go!" The Doubel side fo Shotaro spoke and replaced the Cyclone and Joker Memories with two different ones and the belt opened again. "LunaTrigger!" As Double's left side was bright yellow and teh rigth a cyan blue with a handgun and fired, balls of yellow energy richocoting everywhere, by heading the above enemies but sadly, these attacks will not reach them sadly, due to the range limit, obivously, they weren't prepared for that snag.
~WIth Harold~ Harold strangely felt like he was daydreaming for three to four weeks when in fact little time had passed and brought his mind aroudn to what would occur later on. ~Kamen Riders~ EIji looked up in the sky, wondering what would happen next. ~Black Mage~ BM was floating in wel... no-space or inbetween Dimensions with narutaki and he was muttering. "By god... if this goes on on longer, I'll have to stab someone, preferbly you Fisherman... Oh.. my fourth wall senses tell me some guy came back after a long filler episode of Computer Problems, must be a idiot, anyhow, where's the plot going to?" He asked and narutaki ignored BM's ramblings. "it seems Lowee, the home of a Goddess named White Heart." He said and Bm narrowed his eyes. "Goddess? She better not wield a hammer and wear white robes." He said and soon a certain mage and Goddess woudl sneeze at this. ~Lowee~ Johnny Five came round and took in his surrounding, whirring noises being heard a she looked for his smaller counterpart, Wall-E.
Or so I thought, seems like the Laptop needs to remember the wireless previously used, and mom won't look at it, so have to wait until tomorrow...
Just gonna wait until this evening then boom, online!
It was there for the taking, so I referenced it, besides, computer problem is fixed so just gonna wait until evening for it and back to skype and such again.
Legolas: The White Wizard Approaches... Oops wrong Wizard it seems.