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  1. StardustXtreme
    Masaru was surpsied at Masamune's proclaimation of forfeit but ti was probabaly for the best sicne PKer's were watching too and he had tokeep up appearances for the guild and he bent dow and opened his Item Menu and tipped hte contents down Star's throat, healing her HP bar and then had Mya drink a Cure Paraylsis potion to enabale her to move and gave a sigh, the tournament was over, he was hungry and still had that quest to do with Star, but since was a tournament... what was the prize?

    "What a busy day... but we managed to get through this without anyone dying." he thought to himself as teh crowd were cheering at the team who won, no surprise there since it was better than a PKer winning it.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme

    Tsukasa was walking down the hallways, a shcool biefcaseslungover his shoulder witah hand holding the object and sat in hsi chair in history and place dthe case onashook ont he side fo the tableprovided and he leant back, obivously bored. "History huh, why should welearn thigns of the past when welive in the present? Such a bore..." he thought as he felt glances of some minor girls, obivously the tsukasa kadoya fanclub that was growing, he ignored the girls though, it was too bothersoem to remedy the problem.

    Gentaro opened teh door and hegave a smile. "Yosha! History first, let's all be buddies in this lesson!" he said rather enthusiastically and tapped against hsi chest before pointing at teh class as Tsukasa gave a dull sigh. "You're always diving headfirst into things Kisaragi." he said dully.

    "Of course Tsukasa! My goal si to become Buddies with everyone, that's my resolution!" he said with absolute determination.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme
    Name: Tsukasa Kadoya​
    Description: A youth who excels in many things except for photography, he even has a fanclub named after him, being oen fo the 'more' popular students of the school.​
    Occupation: Student​
    Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Decade​
    Name: Gentrao Kisaragi​
    Description: A boy who looks like and dresses like a deliquent but he's actually a friendly guy, he declares he'll be friends withe everyone in school.​
    Occupation: Student​
    Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Fourze​
    "Leave luck to Heaven: Nintendo High"​
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    You're still paralyzed by Star's attack remember?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    Tahiko heard teh dark child disappearing and threatening to kill anyoen who got in hsi way of killing while another left and he looked at his right hand and knew he couldn't go out alone, so the best choice was to stay with others, besides they probably had better powers than his own. "It's better that way... funny, I can't commuicate well with people but yet I have a power that makes me have to... why couldn't I have something more better?" He thought to hismelf as Gamore noted two children heading out.

    "You start now, get to know one another and decide on a course you feel is best, all paths will eventually join together once again." he said and vanished ina flash of light, leaving the youths to their own devices.

    ~Within a Castle very far from the youth's current position~

    A sphere of purple mist hovered in front of a round table with other shadowed figures. "Excellent, It seems you all answered my call to bring humanity to it's pitiful end." The sphere said rather deeply as it took in it's occupants into view, one was leaning against a pillar, arms crossed, hsi long white hair and uniform was noted but the thing that stuck him out was his long sword that seemed impossible to wield as his eyes were closed.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme
    Forgive me, but I was occupied with other things, it will updated to add you.

    Yes, but you start at Stage 1, if you had yoru Final Stage at the begining, it'd be overpowered, besides, you have to earn the chance to progress your powers further, take my character for example, he cna use poeple's hearts as a weapon, but as he gets gradually better, his ability will evovle to draw out other people's Voids and store them as well as being able to switch between them while using them to their full potential, hwoever, it's not without it's drawback, say Sakuya underwent something body changing, he would take Sakuya's Void and that body change inside himself, effectively becoming the new host.

    All people would collaspe from my character drawing out a Void but if he gets to know that person better and his powers change, he can withdraw that Void and allow the person to wield it as well, but if a Void shatters, the person dies.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme
    Yup, Masaru is effectively using the system's precious few seconds of changing weapons in battle, hard technique to master since no-one would of thought of it since your concentration would be fosued on staying alive and attacking, he exetensively done this around lower level monsters along with fast reflexes from battling constantly, of course, there's drawbacks.

    The Sword Skills would still undergo cooldown if used and it leaves Masaru vulernable for those few seconds but he focuses on shifting his body weight to counteract that one, Kirito could do the same himself if he thought of it, this would make Masaru a likely candidate for the Dual Blades Skill but he already has the Absorption Skill to take damage and redirect it back to the opponent by the System since he usually taken battle wounds constantly, but it depends on the System if Masaru would gain a new Uniquie Skill to replace the one he has by using this tactic, if so I know what it would be called.

    <<Phantom Blades>>

    Basically, Masaru would spilt his sword into a duplicate but the power is divided between each sword but in return, it allows him the chance for more rapid blows, it would be similar to <<Dual Blades>> skill but Kirito has both Swords at full power and the option to use it at all times while Phantom Blades would remain until after the battle.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
    Masaru was surprised at Star's selfless act and he grabbed ahold of her an dlaid her down on the ground, she was out for the count. "Idiot... if Ihe hit me, I would of given him back the damage..." He thought to himself and picked his sword up, it was all down to masamune and hismelf now and he held hsi sword tightly. "Let's finish this, no ribbons allowed, I'm sure everyoen wants a clean fight." He said and received a nod from his opponent and he charged forth, his sword colliding with Masamune's but witha quick movement, he opened the menu briefly with a free hand and tapped an icon, the Dream Eater sword vanishing in a flash of light as Masamune's sword was coming close to him as he ducked and his hand rematerialized a different sword, the one he wielded before he gained Dream Eater and it bypassed Masamune's defenses as he couldn't have time to react to block it now it was behind his weapon and sliced into his body as it most likely surprised him.

    "Cruical spilt-second timing is needed for that to work, that what I trained out in the Front-lines, simultaneously opening the menu and attacking for the few seconds the system changes weapons, drawback is, the sword skills would still undergo a cooldown." He thought to himself.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    ~Lowee CPU Battle~

    Aoi gave a annoyed growling before feeling his SP reach it's required limit he gave a grin. "Sorry guys, but those ladies are staying with me." He said as he produced a blank disc and raised it up. "Transform!" He called out as his transformation sequence played out and he brandished his sword at teh two. "CPU Blue Heart has arrived on the scene." He said ina rtaher more mature tone and he charged forth witha burst of speed in midair, slicing through one of Kakuzu's tentacles and grabbing Neptune with his free arm and turned, giving a calm look. "No-one takes my party members, now hand Blanc back or I'll just have to take her back too, you wanted a proper fight? Then bring it, if I win, you return Blanc and leave us, but if you win, I'll go quietly with you in exchange for Blanc and Neptune's safety." He finished.

    ~vs Grodus~
    A crescent attack came tearing through the air and connected with Grodus quite directly anstanding a few steps awya from the battlefield, stood Ichigo, wielding Zangestu with a serious expression. "Sorry I'm late, had a detour." He said and he did look alot better as Dean gave a smile. "Not bad Ichigo! Good thing that berry restored most of your energy then, now then..." he said and brought out two strange guns from seemingly nowhere. "The reinforcements has arrived!" He called out as Ichigo bent his knees and leapt towards Grodus as Dean ran forward.

    ~Lowee Library~

    Johnny looked down at Wall-E, it was trying to prounce his name. "Please, call me Johnny, Wall-E." he said to reassure the fellow robotical companion.

    ~Hogwarts: Hallway~

    After getting compelling answers from Sakurra Matou and the Servants, it was agreed to leave Hogwarts in the Galleon after Harold and Marvelous explained the situation the world currently faced and that it was better to stand united than be seperate forces. "Now then... is there anyone else In this castle?" He asked aloud.

    ~Takuya's group~

    Takuya nodded and followed them along with Ventus. "He seems like a little brother to you Takuya." He said and the youth gave a smile a chuckle. "Yeah, he's the youngest of my group and well, he did need a big brother figure to look up to where we were at the time." he said sheepishly..
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme
    Gamore looked upon the youths and agve a smile as Tahiko thoguht to himself. "I suppose I should help..." He thought as Gamore heard one fo the tyotuh's questiosn about when their enemy will come, it was obivous this one was arrogant and itching for a fight. "That is up to the enemy to decide, it is most likely they'll test you and before you ask, I do not know who Void has summoned to his cause, howevere, if you are ever beaten or killed in battle, the rules of this....conflict will send you back home alive and well, with no memory or power prior to everything that has occured, returning your normal everyday lives." He finished.

    "Now I summoned you all one by one and explained in detail what you've obtained, so no-one here knows the other's abilites, it is up to you to choose whenever to tell or keep it a secret, however, to sue yoru abilites, energy is required to execute the moves you require, the more powerful ti is, the more exhausted you shall become, so I recommend not being reckless or you'll be easy pickings." He explained to them.

    "The power to use a person's heart and use them as a weapon... he told me I have to maintan eye contact as I do it... but why give me this power when there was countless others to choose from?" He asked himself in his thoughts.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme
    My apologies, I shall edit it.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    Sorry about the Ribbon.
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Twilight_Nobody13, Jan 12, 2013
  13. StardustXtreme

    ~-Takuya, Aqua, and Ven-

    takua nodded and wondered where they should go from here on out.


    Johnny Five heard teh small robot's answer, it was intriuging to see such a small version of a sentitent lifeform, it surely didn't look like those robot toys Ben made in New York. "Johnny Five, sentient lifeform and alive." He introduced himself to Wall-E.

    ~Vs Hidan and Kakuzu~

    Aoi was managing to dodge the unpredictable swipes, it was obivous there was no set pattern to this man and he brougth hsi swor dup to guard and hold the scythe back as he brought otu a blue pistol from seemingly nowhere and fired a Wind Elemt Bullet a few times straight to his head and use dteh scythe as a foothold to flip backwards. "Sorry, dying's not on my schedule right now, can I take a rain check on that one?" he duly answered and felt hsi energy be just at a right level for a tarnsformation.

    "Must be the Special Power charging up from the battle, great!" he thought to himself.

    ~Kamen Riders~

    Eiji was surprised by this turn of events as was Gentarou and Shotaro/Phillip, before they were enemies but now, it seemed like a unusual group for them.

    "Fate must be bored if she decided to make this a group, how original..." Tsukasa said sarcastically and continued onwards.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme
    A ball of light appeared in the middle of the field before the youths and expanded, forcing them to if not, cover their eyes in a attempt to protect their eyesight as there stood a golden armoured warrior with his hands at his sides, this was Garmore, the beign who brought these people into this world.

    "Welcome, to the Realm known as Soren, I am Gamore, the one who brought to this world where intially, you were to be tested for humanity's ideals of acquiring the powers no human ever has, but unfortnately you shall be pitted agianst true forces of darkness that are attempting to erase Earth from ever existing in the first place, Void, the one who sees anything as insigifcant is attempting this as we speak, so I had no choice but to change your test into oen that could very well decidde the fate of Mankind as you know it." The warrior explained to them.

    "You were all gifted with the abilites you chose by your heart's desire and indivually, I explained what you're capable of with this powers beforehand , use them wisely in your battles and you will be victorious in your efforts, but alas, Void has summoned his own allies from your world's fantasies to defeat you, however, I myself cannot intervene in this battle directly as spoken by my fellow men, now allow to ask you all this question, will you stand and protect your world or will you allow it to be destroyed and knwo the fact countless lives are resting upon your shoulders?" He asked them all.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme
    Masaru gave a quick movement of his Menu opened with accuracy, flung one of Star's Daggers into Masmune's unguarded back, which seemed to have caught him surprise as he charged at him, using <<Sprint>> to his advantage and his sword glowed a light blue, indicating a skill as he used Sonic Leap to slice at his back and aim for the ribbon only to miss it, the unforeseen pincer attack worked quite well. even though it wasn't part of the plan and he turned his head towards Masamune.
    "As much as you say having a PKer and a real-life killer as a ally, we can't be picky unless we want to clear this death trap, you can atone for your crime in the Real World." He said neutrally. "And we're not friends, I still haven't forgiven you for what you done that day, the thought of me working with you makes me wish I couldn't but I can't be picky, we aren't friends, buddies or anything, just two people who want out of this game, if you continue PKing, go ahead, someone will come and Jail you, I'd rather work with the Clearers or even party with a Beater if possible." he said with a sigh, he looked at the contacts asked to be added to his friend list, it was simple, all he had to do was click the Blue Circle to accept or press the Red Cross to refuse it.

    "...I wish I didn't have to deal with him, I can still refuse even now but... the backlash from such a thing may turn this into a ugly brawl..." Masaru thought and took a few moments to consider the options, he did clearly state he'd rather work with Clearers or even Beaters, plus, could he really trust Masamune to watch his back and not PK him from behind to get rid of a nuisence? He listened to what his heart was telling him and moved his hand to the Menu, tapping the Red Cross, refusing the rquest.

    "Sorry, but this...just doesn't feel right to me." he answered.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme
    Masaru held his ground and listened to Masamune's words. "It's your own fault for even being a part of that Guild in the first place." He said and twisted his foot to sweep at his leg and make him lsoe ablance as he jumped back. "I don't spend just a few days on the Front-Lines, I spent if not most of my time dedicated to clearing this game, but I never looked down upon people, thinking I'm better than them because if I did, that'd be becoming someone I'm not."
    He would shift hsi stance and continue. "I confrontned and jailed PK's but everyone deserves a chance at life, even someone like you despite what happened that day we all spilt apart... there's never a day I forget what occured but I push on, despite the guilt I carry because of it." He finished stared at Masamune, eyes directly confrotning his. "I could never take someone's life but neither would I leave someone to die, be it enemy or friend."

    "But you're not a PKer anymore, you're Green, so currently, all I see right now is a fellow Player who wants this game to be cleared and getting back to where we truly belong." He stated and pointed Dream Eater at Masamune.

    "I need more allies, friends to call upon to aid me in the task of clearing this game, this is what I ask of you, will you be my ally and help me or will you refuse and work alone?" he finished, hearing the crowd's protests at this conversation.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme
    Eiji Hino/Kamen Rider OOO (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
    Captain Marvelous/GokaiRed (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Tsukasa Kadoya/Kamen Rider Decade (Kamen Rider Decade)
    Noel Kriess (Final Fantasy XIII-2)
    Dean Stark (Wild Arms 5)
    Black Mage (8-Bit Theatre)
    Ventus (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)
    Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX/Dissida Duodecim)
    Tidus (Final Fantasy X/Dissida Duodecim)
    Shotaro Hidari & Phillip/ Kamen RiderDouble (Kamen Rider Double)
    Tsunayoshi Sawada (Katekyo Hitamn Reborn!)
    Takuya Kanbara (Digimon Frontier)
    Narutaki (Kamen Rider Decade)
    Harold Potter (Alt. Harry Potter)
    Yu Narukami (Persona 4: the Animation)
    Gentaro Kisaragi/Kamen Rider Fourze (Kamen Rider Fourze)
    Haruto Souma/Kamen Rider Wizard (Kamen Rider Wizard)
    Aoi (Hyperdimension Neptuinia OC)
    Yuri Volte Hyuga (Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts Covenant)
    Johnny Five (Short Circut 1&2)


    Yu Narukami (Persona 4: the Animation)
    Daiki Kaito/Kamen Rider DiEnd (Kamen Rider Decade)
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme
    Masaru looked at the two opponents carefully and as the Timer counted down to zero, he charged forward, utlizing his <<Sprint>> skill to it's full potenial, bringing Dream Eater to clash rather hard against Masamune's sword,c reating a reaction of sparks between the two swords as metal grinded against metal, with Masamune's hands occupied by holding his sword by both hands, most likely catching both Masamuen and Mya off guard as he seemed distracted by something, it was a good adantage as with his free hand, moved it forward to grab Masamune's ribbon.

    "If he recovers, I'll move in that direction and think of a counterattack, this is Plan A after all, there's five others to put to use in case this fails, but they don't know that, so we have the advantage in tactics here." He thought to himself, D was a tactic he hoped to never show how much effort he put into, but it did require spilt second timing and very fast reflexes
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Jan 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme
    How are you this fine day?
    Profile Post by StardustXtreme for Lyris1026, Jan 10, 2013
  20. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Noted and added

    Noted and added
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Jan 10, 2013