Still just you 2...
I see things that aren't there, hear things no one else does, and occaisanlly laugh loudly, insanely, and uncontrollably at nothing. :stupid:
I gotta try that. I hear unexplained noises all the time. I may just be crazy, though. :cheers:
For real.:star-wars-smiley-02
Where is it?
That's pretty cool! Disney world has really long lines though.
When I was little there was a bee in my sandwich. It was hairy. Ew. I stung my tounge. Ow.
I live in madison, VA. The middle of nowhere. I'm moving to charlottesville soon though!
Harsh... My birthday was the 11th!:noworries:
I'm sorry to hear that...:star-wars-smiley-02 The fight agaist cancer!:noworries: Shut up! :yessir:
Yay, let's be friends! We'll talk about monkeys! :poke: Okay...? Okay...? Okay...?
I wanna be a monkey! *eats bananna*:censor:,I'm not a monkey!
*Turns into dragon* Yummy puppy!
Please don't hurt me! :sorry: No wait...Why am I apoligizing?
I definitely didn't expect Leslie to die! I wouldn't have on a field trip alone with my teacher...Suck up... Got that right!
That movie sucked! My little sister was scared! At least there wasn't :kiss:.
Actually, it's one of those souls that evaporate on contact! hehe look at this:mail::noworries:
Anyway, I'm selling my soul for video games, only 10 cents! :guiltygearXpc37:
Only losers cheat! :yelling:
You MONSTER! We must fight! :star-wars-smiley-02 I am good!