Hi! I like blue!
Oh my god, really?! that's scary.
I'm getting pretty offended here! I'm an american! I'm obessed with video games, but I'm perfectly normal! (Except for sugar but that doesn't have to do with this)
Oh, thank god! I thought it was real! I knew death dates were too cruel to be real!
Yay! I just got adopted! :guns: Obey me! I am your new leader! :rofl: You fell for it!
Thats the sickest thing I've ever heard! These people... They're insane!! How can people do such sick and twisted things?! They should be tortured within an inch of their lives! and then some!
What?! That's the biggest load of sh** I've ever heard!
My friend's brother joined the army... I hope he's OK.
Shirley temples and Dr. pepper. I have a serious addiction. for real.
Parents, howmework,little siblings, girls who never shut up, summer math, summerpre-algebra(Ima progidy), people at school trying to convert me to christianity, and unjust punishment.
I'm a gamer and an aeitheist, and IDIOTS at my school keep trying to "convert" me. It's really getting to me. I can't beleive that people belive something written in a book that has no proof. I blame the parents, not videogames. although videogames can influence it, like in FFX when Rikku questioned Yevon. "Where's the proof?"
That sucks, man! Even though I'm 12, my mom doesn't like me to sit in the front if she can avoid it, so I'm stuck with my 3 idiot siblings. Holy ****, dude.
The Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan. My favorite character is Tyson, because he saved Percy's life so many times and he's a Cyclops!
I read it in 4th. I think it was good, but not as good as Fowl.
Hello! Name:Peter Age:12 Appearance:Brown curly hair, cargo pants for pokeballs, Black T-shirt. Other:In his hometown of Goldenrod City he was revered as the psycic (Grrr) Warrior because of his tendacies to use mostly psycic pokemon.
Not as cute, but I love that song!
I'll tell you what's cute! http://youtube.com/watch?v=0apPZZVCHLA
I memorized all the sinnoh evolutions if thats what you mean. Start what?!
O... good... :yelling: you're lucky you don't or I'd kill you!
You have those? O_o ...