Except bananas. Did you know that if you reach past your uvula and don't throw up, your throat contracts? Don't try it. Not worth it.
Okay. At least there was fruit.
Short dinner, eh? Fruit, hard-boiled eggs, and french toast.
I gotta go! Dinner!
YAY! Cookies! I :luv: cookies!
Am I interrupting something? Sorry.
Hello everyone! I'm not really annoyed anymore! Yay! Over 1000pages! w00t!
My mom won't let me get the 7th HP book for no good reason!! I hate her! I almost cried! And because she said earliar that we could go get it, I couldn't go to the fair with my dad!! So unfair! She better hope that they have extras tomorrow! I hope the rest of you have fun reading the Deathly Hallows, likely the best book of all time!!!!!!!!!
I play maplestory too! On to my rant. My mom won't let me get the 7th HP book for no good reason!! I hate her! :ranting: I almost cried! And because she said earliar that we could go get it, I couldn't go to the fair with my dad!! So unfair! She better hope that they have extras tomorrow! I hope the rest of you have fun reading the Deathly Hallows, likely the best book of all time!!!!!!!!!:bored::cryinganime:
Hola! No wait... Konnichiwa! Check out the new avatar and user title! :guns: Or die! OMG! I can't sleep! It's light out!!! I haven't slept forever!!
I am Dr. Hobo! *holds up scalpel* Let's have a look at that brain!
Kairi is awesome! This proves it! http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=209
Why would he... oh.
Can I join you? I can move forests!
I have curly hair too. I rammed my brother into a window and broke it. No joke.
HEy, everyone, I just slammed my brother into a window and broke it. The window. No joke.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's so naggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She'll ask me to clean my room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
True, true...
Yay! Burning is fun!:D
Heheh... Peter sent out Gallade and Gardevoir. "Gallade, cut down that tree! Gardevoir, pick it up and trow it at the nearest building!"