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  1. VI schemer


    I knew carrying around a Wii, DS, TV, and generator would pay off!:D... I have no gammmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

    I can't live without games! :eek: * tries to shoot self but realizes he has no gun* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Already, someones dead. I wanted to kill him!:mad:
    Post by: VI schemer, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. VI schemer
    Forcystus: What's going on? isn't someone going to atleast aknowledge my existence? Talk avout a soap opera.

    I am gay however Riku is not:p

    Sorry, that was my ******ed brother
    Post by: VI schemer, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. VI schemer
    Thanks, I'm new at this stuff.:D
    Post by: VI schemer, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Help
  4. VI schemer
    How do I put 1 of those pokecard things in my sig? Or something bigger than 1,000 bytes? I'm a total noob...:(
    Thread by: VI schemer, Jun 20, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Help
  5. VI schemer
    Mine is about Zexion because he used to be my fav character...and I don't know how to change it...:confused:
    Post by: VI schemer, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. VI schemer
    name: Forsystus
    age: 15
    gender: male
    appearance: black shirt with heart on it, jeans
    personality: keeps to himself mostly, unobservent, lazy
    interests: Video games, NOT girls, especialy NOT Kairi <_<...>_>
    element: light...ning?
    weopon: empty honeypot
    other: watch out for when he gets sugar or caffeine... DOESN'T have a crush on kairi, has no idea what's going on.

    Forcystus:Am I interrupting something? Is Kairi here?! ...Not that I care...
    Post by: VI schemer, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. VI schemer
    Water. It's just so cool:cool: and refreshing.
    Post by: VI schemer, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. VI schemer
    How the heck did I get Heartless?!:confused: They are so lame!:mad:
    Post by: VI schemer, Apr 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone