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  1. Redeyesblackdragon
    *throws Pure Sorrow to the positive side of the graph* 14
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Redeyesblackdragon
    I understand Greek blameless, because I would get equal enas on this path. But friction over the close red! you just said.
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Redeyesblackdragon
    संस्था गंदगी का एक टुकड़ा की एक एक माँ है. 6​
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Redeyesblackdragon
    okay, but
    संस्था गंदगी का एक टुकड़ा की एक एक माँ है.
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Redeyesblackdragon
    संस्था गंदगी का एक टुकड़ा की एक एक माँ है. 221​
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Redeyesblackdragon
    Fackpóźno! isnt it obvious 210​
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Redeyesblackdragon
    You are described as the three words that follow and I qoute "
    Майната ви!" 208​
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Redeyesblackdragon
    man, there sure are alot of code geass fans around. by the way code geass = ge! ass! 3
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Redeyesblackdragon
    thats okay sorry you dont feel good.
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Redeyesblackdragon
    ......Our Body slows down, but continues to function. Its under basic Antinomy. 17
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Redeyesblackdragon
    OOC: Rezignation Of Character, I am dropping Xarred, he is up for graps if anyone wants him.
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Redeyesblackdragon
    Sick and discusting entity, I mean Xaren. 18
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Redeyesblackdragon
    DR? Doctor I dont know sorry got to go just wanted to say hi. 4
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Redeyesblackdragon
    Star Wars:
    Chronicles of General Tyrano
    Rebublic Falls
    Chapter 1

    "Sir the enemy is closing! What should we do?" the Admiral asked. He asked again, but I didn't respond to his question. I Just stood there motion less thinking off the top of my head. Finally he
    moved to order the fleet himself, when I took grip of his arm ; yanking him toward me.
    "Move our ship to the south. Then move our two backup ships to the east and west. We will make haste and send them into a storm of fire. Be sure to tell the other ships to wait for my signal, for if they don't, it could turn dire." I told the Admiral.
    "Yes Sir!" the Admiral exclaimed, as he contacted the two ships to our sides. "This is leader
    ship 663 , move to coordinates 23,25 ship 223. Ship 224 move to coordinates 33,56. Both ships hold
    positions till signal is commanded by Sargent Tyrano."
    One of the ships replied back, "What happed to the Captain and General?" The Admiral looked
    surprised into the transmitter. He thought a minute, knowing that the Sargent killed them both. He knew
    if he told them he would definitely be target next.
    Finally he replied by asking, "The both died because a poisoning in the food given to them by the Naboo. Any other questions?"
    "No sir!" the starboard ship answered.
    "Sir the enemy is in range and approaching fast, should we fire?" questioned the Admiral. I Knew
    the CIS ship was approaching, but I needed time; time I did not have. I straitened my balance and
    called out the order.
    "Admiral release the bombers, tell them to activate the radar jamming beacon and wait for my ship to greet them. I will explain our attack there." I ordered.
    "But Sir, if they detect you; they will attack you and your bombers. You must understand!" he
    "Follow my orders or you will be having a swift talk with the chancellor." I explained Cooley.
    "I will do as you instructed Sir. I will dispatch the bombers." the Admiral explained.
    I walked toward the hanger only to find blood on the floor. Then I knew why the Admiral questioned
    me. It was all because he knew what I had done. "Well now I must kill the Admiral," I thought "but first I must dispose of these bodies. Thats it I'll take them aboard my ship after cleaning."
    I Arrived to my ship only to find some one started it. I approached its side, and out from under the gust hell the engines shot off and my ship left the hanger. "What happened to my ship!" I screamed. I
    looked out the shield to see the admiral had beat me to my ship and taken it himself. Now thats a witness to my killing we cannot have.
    I ran as fast as I could to our Fighter planes, there was only one left. I Approached quickly opened the hatch and shot him in the head. I Took the Fighter and started to fire. I knew where to fire because I created my ship. I Shot at every weak spot open, and in a sudden burst of fire the Admirals engines exploded. I Slowly released a proton bomb destroying my ship, the only ship I had ever actually built ; excluding the plans I had for my new line of Star Destroyers, but the damn god forsaken Chancellor intercepted them.
    I forgot about the bombers and thought of doing the mission myself. I decided to do it myself, it was a good thing too. For if they would of found them like they found me, we would of lost insignificant lives. I landed in hangar twelve of their ship.
    I exited the vehicle, only to see the droids ships were all piles of junk. Some of them had blast holes which looked like those of Kenobi's fleet. I approached slowly to the exit of the hanger into the long elevator to the bridge.
    I waited in the elevator only to realize that my men were out there probably being shot at right now.
    To my surprise when I got in their bridge there was no one in the bridge. The hyper-drive had been hot wired and soon ran out of power. "Damn!" I thought "Kenobi's fleet must be close by." I Realized that the droids didn't fire at me, they only had autoturrents activated.
    In instant fire began to be shot at the bridge. I grabbed my comlink and contacted leader ship 663.
    "Whats going on, I'm being shot at I'm in the bridge of the other ship!" I screamed angrily.
    "Sir were not firing, their is another republic fleet approaching." a man said into the transmitter.
    "Contact them, and tell them to quit firing!" I yelled.
    "Sir some one is jamming our transmissions!" he exclaimed.
    "I don't care! Send a distress signal now!" I Screamed into the comlink. Just as I ended the transmission the firing ceased. The elevator door opened, there in a mist of blue was a lightsaber. It was General Kune.
    "I heard you were in trouble." Kune said.
    "No no, I Heard you were in trouble!" I said quickly as I shot his lightsaber hilt. "Without your lightsaber you will die. I shot again ending his life, the shot shot through his rib cage and out the back of his heart ; then I pulled out his still beating heart, and smashed it between my fingers.
    I searched him after his death to find another lightsaber. Which I used to cut the rest of his body up splattering blood all over the walls dieing them dark red. The blood looked almost coagulated when it reached the walls.
    I went into the elevator that the dead General Kune came out of. I used my comlink to contact my ship. "Leader ship 663 this is Sargent Tyrano. Do you copy? I will set the engines to self destruct. See you all in two point three minutes. General Kune has been killed by a battle droid hidden in one of the elevators.
    I tried to save him, but he died ; due to the injury. It pierced his left lung and clipped his heart."
    "Sargent before you leave, I need to let you know that Admiral Fin came looking for you." the ships leader replied.
    "I know he was shot down in space as he approached my ship. It was all because of those damn auto turrets." I told the leader. "What is your position leader ship 663?" I asked.
    "Our position is mark 12 or 55,62 on the coordinate plane Sir." the leader replied.
    "Thanks." I told them, while walking to the elevator. The elevator door opened and I got what I said, a droid appeared. Fire began instantly, but I knew how to hit these worthless droids. I shot its head off with my rifle and that was the end of it. I got into the elevator and awaited it to land at the bottom of the god forsaken slope.
    Finally I reached the bottom of the slope. I got into my Fighter and escaped, before the ship exploded. "I only wish this war would end now." I thought.
    I picked up my comlink, "Leader ship 663, my left engine just blew can you get me into a tractor beam?" I asked.
    "Yes, we can try to activate the tractor beam, although it hasn't been used in years." the ships current leader said. He went to activate the tractor beam, when my second engine blew.
    "We got a problem hurry with the tractor beam this ship has been sabotaged. Hurry!" I screamed
    At that moment the tractor beam activated and I quickly drifted toward the ship. I landed in the ship and spoke into the comlink, " Secured, I'm in the ship, but this ship down here could blow any second, I'm getting up to the bridge. Our Next stop Coruscant!" I exclaimed as we made the jump to light speed.
    Thread by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 2, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Redeyesblackdragon
    bored of doing what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thats just Nasty!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Redeyesblackdragon
    Ha ha Xaren oops I mean entity actually thought I told him the truth when I told him I saw the commercial. lol Mean maybe, but he believed me 100% 21
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Redeyesblackdragon
    Anyone get the Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories yet, please dont tell me about the game just tell me if you got it. 18
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Dec 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Redeyesblackdragon
    Guys look at this


    Sorry if its a little inappropriote.
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Nov 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Redeyesblackdragon
    Spider Pig! 28
    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Nov 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Redeyesblackdragon

    Post by: Redeyesblackdragon, Nov 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone