Are you a big Potter fan by the way? You should Google Pottermore....
Blech...I hate rain and thunder...Unfortunatly it rains all the time, I am starting to think that summer is over...
I do liek yo picturez! Did yo draw it yoself?
I'm doing fine, and you?
Yeah, indeed.
XD, It would and I would've payd extra for it, >3<
Haha, well the only thing I need to pay is the health insurrance, and I'm still living with my parrents, so it'll work out
Indeed but It's going to rain and thunder today...
I would liek to see yo pictures, so I'mma look into yo album
Wow, that's pretty derp... I've never liked sports, so I don't fancy those athletic people. Give me a bunch of artistic gamers, and I'm happy....
Well, I know a few people who wouldn't be bothered by that... I would hate it, if that would happen to me or my brother and sister... But since we...
Dawww, well she should pay more atention to your feelings! An as an early birthday presenet hah? Few mothers give kids early b-day presents...
Oh, okay, that kinda sucks... I'm waiting for Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica to be out on DVD, I've already seen the series, but it was so awesome...
Really, haha, my maximum is 38, but I'm living in the Celcius zone, so it always sounds a lot cooler..
Yeah, although, I've never noticed how much I liked that guy...And Harry shuold have punched Dumbledore on his face... He made me so pissed of!...
Yeah, I'm always lazy during the summer...
It's from Ghibli, you should ggogle it, it looks very promissing. My sis and I collect anime stuff, cuase it's kinda rare in Holland... So we...
I have Summer Wars on DVD, waiting for Arriety to come to our cinemas
Uhm, not really...
Ik zou graag je deviant art willen, en ik kan die van mij ook wel doorgeven als je dat wilt