This is a simple picture...
Not really, Neku's in treverse town. But maybe you have to save shibuya, I dunno. BTW, Neku looks super cute!
I didn't , I just asked, hihi. Do you like it? (Neku is in KH3D!!!!) >3<
Indeed, I don't understand it either. Hey, do you know The World Ends With You?
I think they are pets, because Sora and Riku both fight with them... Here it is! Look at Riku, OMG
Yeah, I understand, well, you should check the homepage, Riku is there, and to be honest, he looks pretty handsome now....
Did you enjoy your vacation? And short haired Riku is from 3D.
Hihi, I know!
Yes I do, What is it, it's super cute!
Cody!!!!! Omg, you're back, how have you been? (I've missed you) Have you seen short haired Riku?
It is, and suprisingly interesting for someone who's 17 years old....
Has any of you seen this?
OMG, haha, I'm sorry for the two awesomes
XP, I've watched the first 4 episodes at the moment, and I have to say, it's pretty epic
OMG, seriously! That's so awesomeeeeeee!!!!! I saw his face, on the cover of the Hugo Boss parfume thingy And than I asked my mum, hey, does Dad...
Indeed, XP, Meh I want to go back to the dolphins... I had my first day at school this monday, and it was boring.... But it was nice to see my old...
OKay, XP, well, sounds like I should watch the series then, haha