Calm down...just check out the fan movies section. It might be just me, but the one on this site cut my ending by about 1 second.
Hey there, Rax. Did you see mah AMV?
What is going on, cause I'm kinda confused. For no reason. Damn, not again.
22394 You can't keep them forever. I'll show you. I'll show all of you!
I saw it a while back. I wanna watch it again. It was awesome! But I just watched the Simpsons Movie, and that's really funny! Lawlz, I could watch it over and over.
22392 This seems to be working. Let's see.... *takes out 'Things to do whil CtR is in an obeying state'* hmmm... Give them back!
Oh's done: Watch it, please!
I personally liked KH2 better. I did play it first (weird, I know), but I still prefer it.
When I made this, I was thinking that this might just end with clips of a lot of different people. Turns out that I use Sora and Roxas too much. Took me about 3 or 2 weeks to finish, made with WMM, and believe me, it was pain with a horribly laggy WMM to work with. Here it goes: KH-Vids: YouTube: The one on this site is missing like the last second of the AMV. Just pointing it out.
22390 I thought you lived and breathed it? :p YES! I command you all to watch.
*cry* *sob* that's .....*sob* I'm *sob* never going to see them.........again?
I can get Zexion to get them back for me. But Goimez used him in a sig. So, errm, I'm using...... /\_/\ (@-@) ( > < ) Nerd bunny. Fear his awesomeness.
22388 My job at being random doesn't pay enough. Well, I haven't posted much random things lately....maybe that's why....
Banned for seeking revenge behind me.
22385 We were solving a murder case a while back. I had to give my underwear to some guy...I still wonder how CtR got them though.
22383 This is the scene of the crime. Give meh my underwears back CtR.
You know, I've posted here a lot. And I haven't been here as long as a lot of people....interesting.....oh, and CtR. You still need to give them back.
OMG! OMG! OMG! As I type, I'm uploading my video onto the site! Victory! I know I'll at least get into the top 5! Well.....I better I put 3 weeks into this AMV. I'll post the URLs here later. YAYS!
First you need to save it as a movie, because WMM files can't save. What you do is press File, Save Movie, then save it to your computer. Then it'll become a different file that's Windows Media Player. It's that file that you upload onto the site.
Hi Smokey.....