I know I have to look. But where do I look? Outside the window, behold, rain! That could help. But a render....I'm not so sure where to find one. I need inspiration on what I should use... because 1) I don't watch a lot of anime, so no anime renders/stock 2) I'm tired of using KH characters, it's getting a bit old 3) I don't know a lot of video games to I stick to the ones I like best.
22596 Now I just need a sig to make for mehself.
Errm, okay, I'll look for one. The thing is, some stuff just hit me. Sure, you can go look for inspiration, but that doesn't mean you can always find one when you want to. At least that's what it is with me. I know the name I will change to when I can get one. Meh. That's what it'll be. And now, top 10 posters of the family!!! Catch The Rain 2,756 Lord Knight Xiron 1,237 Crisp 860 rikurep 622 The CH0SEN one 569 Emo Pengwin 407 x3rty 349 saxoR_vs_aroS 316 Goimez 316 Cloaked-Schemer 308
Kingdom Hearts 2, Kingdom Hearts. Those are the only ones I've got, and yes, I did paly KH2 before the first one (which I'm still working on).
22594 I'm so proud of meh AMV.
I need a render. If I don't get inspiration at least once every two days, I might dry up. That's bad for my artistic health.
22592 Fine, fine fine..... *being nice*
4:12 Meh again.
*ignores* You're no help.
22590 There might be a few bugs in my inner person. It might be the evil side. I dunno.
Fine. You're not gonna tell me.
*eats cookie* I'm okay. SvA has the problem.
Thom? I have no idea what you're talking about.
I need an anime render for a new sig. And a color.
22588 SvA has a problem. Seriously.
Does no one cares about my inner person?
I would suggest Guild Wars, but there are 3 campaigns out, 1 expansion pack coming out at the end of August. But you need to buy all that. If you need a free MMO, I'm stuck there. But a lot P2P MMOs are good.
It's not working for me..... invalid URL. Thanks a lot SvA! >< I like actiony stuff-ish-ness....
I did...I guess that's the problem. Let me try again.
22583 Yay for the emo side....?