It's a little bit...I dunno, but it's different because it's on youtube. But it's not the final copy, so I'm just gonna leave it at that.
....say, "Look, a monkey!" followed by pointing behind him. Then you try to escape by running past him, but your pants get stuck on a wire on your way back home.. You take off your pants, and run in your underwear to a safe location.
Name: x3rty Class: coffee mug Element: any liquid that can burn your tongue. Talented at: horrible spelling Fear meh.
Weeee, it's here! Well, 42 seconds of it! Following is 42 seconds from my latest AMV-in-progress. Hopefully I can get it done today.
I wanna be invisible! SW: Erm, that would be too hard. I was thinking of renders (and I need something besdies KH to work with *gasp*, I know).
*runs around* because I'm invisible for now :D
I feel so....I dunno.... oh em gee! I can't feel!
Banned being in my breadbin.
Anybody got good pcitures I can use for sigs? I'd use them tomorrow, but since I'm not on my computer the best thing would be to PM me. I'd even give you a sig. I'm just trying to improve. Maybe I can use both GIMP and's an idea.
Ooh, me too. I need to work on my sigs. I downloaded GIMP, but it's sooooo hard to understand right now. But I did get better with Corel with only a couple days of practice....I'll try again tomorrow morning, it's pretty late where I am.
I suggest you watch it. It's awesome. Kinda shorter than anybody wants it to be, but it was awesome.
Yeah I agree. It doesn't look like a black suit, it looks more like someone just colored everything that was clothes black. Try getting in the shading/lighting for a more 3Dish thing.
What has everyone been up to? I just watched the Simpsons movie today.
22127 Greethings.
What, you're asking if the battle did happen? It did, they showed the battle actually happening while your still playing Roxas. I think that's when Riku got consumed by darkness, or whatever happened to him, and that's when he became to look like Ansem. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Guys, stop fighting. It's another way the Man is keeping us down.