I thought Xaale was promoted xD
... I feel like the odd one out... Advent's old profile as proof of his original name: http://bit.ly/pPXPO
Shader Tailr
Cup him in your hands, hug him, then give him a free ride on Porcelain Express. Don't wanna use your hands? Use a cup and slide a bit of paper underneath it to trap the spider... THEN flush him down the toilet.
And then there were 3...
*thwack* No cheating. 33148
*hugs* :3 33146
.... God sequence ftw.
33144 *slurps tea*
33136 Hard to believe how long this has been going on for...
And it continues from 33131 :D Original thread Version 2 33132 :3
... No sympathy from me until there's proof.
*gives cpr*
http://www.livestream.com/shadetail That's the place to go :3
Anyone wanna watch me play Scrabble? http://www.livestream.com/shadetail
Eight .
144 ÷ 24
Avvy: 6/10 Sig1: 1/10 Sig2: 5/10
Now for a challenge: