33263 This needs more chat....
I think they did at one point... 10
Slightly unorganized
173 Holy crap
Avvy: 9/10 Sig: 10/10
Avvy: 10/10 Sig: 8/10 (What's with the face in the picture frame appearing and disappearing?)
Self explanatory. Go! I know that just having one word per post is a little stupid, so do something smart and chat. ONE WORD ONLY! I see too many people just simply removing the spaces between multiple words, acting as if it's a single word. It's not, and you know it's not. It's just pure laziness.
... What the crap...
Why does the guy in your sig have a backwards hand?
More Halo = Less education Less education = Less sucess Less sucess = Less money Less money = Less food Less food = More need for money More need for money = Even crappier job Even crappier job = Homeless Homeless = No video games
Quite possibly :P Or your grandchildren :O Anyone wanna watch me do stuff on Livestream? www.bit.ly/3ONLY0
... My twitter: www.twitter.com/Shade_Tail
One of those two, or you'll be dead... 33225
I've been behind the scenes of a Dominoes shop... It only takes 7 minutes to cook a pizza ::L: I'm live www.bit.ly/3ONLY0 :D
33223 I'm tired D=
Twenty! Hey guys! ::L:
I'm listening to some random ambient music...
*dances* I'm up for randomest ::L:
Who could forget you? :P 8/10