I second that.
My square's tilted... D:
Must've taken ages ::L: Also, thankies for the reppies :D
Your profile pic is awesome... ::L:
Ryan ...
Nothing. 33,411
Hmm... You seem to have skipped a hundred thousand. Sneaky... 33408
33403 Hiya :D
Awesome name change :lolface:
What the feck? Why am I up for best noob? I'm one of the oldest guys on here xDDDD
Repliku, I freaking love you for this! ::L:
... Hi guys...
Well, that was interesting...
Enjoy the tasty rep ;3
My school was just awesome to me. The year I joined was the year a new headteacher was appointed, and he was very strict on anti-bullying. I remember in my first year there, I was thinking the school was crap, but after the new head reacted quickly to me being pushed down the stairs and expelling a lot of the ******bags in my year, I knew I was gonna love it :3 Some of the teachers there were the nicest people I've ever met. (I added one of the teachers on Learning Support to my Facebook cos he was so cool XD) Sure, they were as strict on the rules as the headteacher was, but they were still nice :3 I've finished school now, but I doubt College will be as much fun as school :P
I'll help... I've been here for years and still haven't got premium XD
Plain... D=
No. THIS is horrible. This is the original song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mhoEOvlxKk This is the remake (actual song starts at 23 seconds): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93-dyv1B_6E The bad thing about this is that it was in the charts for quite some time.
... Just decided to animate my little 'middle finger guy' XD
Aww, that's so cute Hissy x3 I love the one on the right.