This was something that I decided to do on Photoshop that surprisingly only took me 5 minutes to do. I might be making more soon :3 Click the pics to see the full versions. These are just simple backgrounds for people's computers. Something I did in an attempt to make these look more active :3 Tis an explosion of binary.
Is it true that there's a certain point in a human head, where if you shoot it, it explodes?
Didn't think I'd make it into this one, but yay!
Meow! *dives on a random ball of yarn*
Avvy: Was gonna give it 7/10 until it moved. 9/10 Sig: 7/10
I don't get why people are correcting Mike...
Granted, but your PS2 blows up whenever you turn it on. I wish I had a boyfriend that was sexy.