****. .
Oh **** itss renegade
TLDR welcome to khv. read the rules and post alot. you're weird.
U R L8 sgsgsdsd
Hey. Is there a point to putting that red highlight thingy in like every tag? Good job on good tag.
I'm actually content with the staff for the first time. Seriously. Kay. Bye.
xD I get comments on the ****** tag that I post but not the decent ones. LOVE IT.
Then how is it in any way, shape or form amazing if you don't even know what you're looking at?
Made this for a sotw on another forum awhile back. So of course as you can see it's complete **** and so I lost. Now I didn't like that. At all. So I revised it yesterday: Meh...Slightly better. I can look at it without vomiting at least. ccncncncnc
It's alright. I would prefer just the colored bg like in an ipod ad on tthis rather than the rather random bg you have now. Or maybe he could have a city or somthing behind him instead of the randomnessss.
Uh go to khi?
I was TBK yo
Not really.
yaya .
Wish I had a gaming tag. oh well
Might want to replace his tag otherwise it's kinda ripping in a way unless you ask him first.
I lol'd. /
I might consider it. Nevermind.
Wow. .
Well the troll had some good stuff to say. But it's all censored anyways so what does it matter?