No wai you're unban'd
8/10 wood b more but u leavd
Yeah what the hell is that xD Well I don't know what other view there is other than thinking that they're false stories meant to scare kids or something.
I'm sure you are quite funny black man.
To continue the species. All there is to it.
Damn skippy
Well it's better than half of my tags at least. Still kind of ******. Yeah it's pretty bad. Oh wait I need to post how you can improve or this post will be deleted... Add a light and set it to color dodge. Yeah.
Hey guys. I need a hook up and I heard this was the place...
Got all 1350 gamerscore =D It's a good game. Lots and lots of bugs though... still had fun. Oh yeah, try and hold off on getting tons of money for awhile. You'll have fun longer.
Has anyone been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
That's kinda what I was going for xD Thanks for the lovely comments guys <3
Does marvel vs. capcom 2 count o.o?
I <3 tea bagging. I only do it when I completly destroy/pwn someone though(e.g. blindfire sniper headshots, clutches ect.).
Everything's going as planned.
-sigh- .
Was bored. Saw stock. Was like "Okay; tag time." Kay. Bye.
USE A TEXTURE! make it steezy.
Yeah I do. Short and steezy ya dig? The girly's love it more though.
Yeah it sucks d!ck.