What is PAUNCH?! Baby don't KICK me, don't KICK me, no more~ Well that will be stuck in my head for a while now.
That was to Darkest Blade, B. I realize that, if I didn't want you hearing something I wouldn't have posted it here.
First off, Burnitup, not all brothers are ***holes, mine is an amazingly awesome person. Secondly, far to many times have I seen people act like this, and you knwo what? Darkest blade isn't the only one who doesn't care anymore. Where you really not to care, I could shove you down and take a knife to your throat, and you wouldn't even squirm. But because you're posting your dramaz on the internet, you do care. Now good day to you, and I can give you a lesson on how to tie a noose so you can make yourself taller, if you so choose to keep saying you don't care, as anyone who really doesn't care would do. Other than that I would like to have no further involvement in this.
Yea well same here, I'm the outcast of my class and tend to always be brought up when everyone starts joking about who's gonna lose it and bomb the school or stab everyone. It sucks to be left out, but hey, I have two good friends :/ and that's all I really need. Will you just TRY too look on the bright side of things? There's gotta be at least one person you know who really cares like a good friend should. Also, I dunno, sure to the new member I suppose.
First off, I posted I think 18 reasons. There are 7 there, therefore I still posted at least 10 relevant ones. Secondly, your argument, though to a point true, is rather weak and doesn't make much sense to say. Third? Maybe it was an accident but you have You have friends in with that quote. If nothing, if nothing at all you can be thankful for but for one thing, if there is one sole thing in the world to be lucky to have, it is friends. Friends who care can dim down the pain and hopelessness of ANY situation, you name it, a friend can help. Fourthly, quite simply you are being pessimistic. Should you not be happy such things haven't happened to you? Are you sad they haven't? There is no good reason to be pessimistic, being to optimistic can be bad, but being a pessimist is just...stupid. They only bring themselves down, and that can drag others down.
5 manga ideas? :/ I don't wanna burst your bubble but if you're new to it you should only develop and work on one at a time, otherwise the already low chances of finishing drop even more. There are very few experienced mangaka that even work on more than one thing at a time. Not saying there aren't those who do work on more than one, but still.
MapleStory? God it was hard to level in that game, borring to. I always quit between 30 and 40. It just stops being fun around that point :/ or maybe it was never fun and it takes that long to notice? Who knows. Also, that is an unfair challenge, you two could be at different levels to start with.
It's slow around here, I think the last record was 4 days without a new post.
I had a friend who asked everyone if they where mexican. To this day I still have no idea why.
Yea, it looks fun. I wish I knew how, to lazy busy to learn though.
People who can breakdance well can put on some pretty amazing performances, it's awesome to watch most of the time. Hey B, forgetting how Kir talks aready?
Having any luck? Maybe you just need a break from life for a bit.
The littlest things can be the biggest agitators, unfortunately there seem to be a lot of little things. Besides your newest game addiction, what have you been up to? It's been half as fun without you here.
You're getting mad at the human race for that when there are so many other countless reasons to hate people?
I was wondering what dragged you off this time. I need to find a good game to play, damn 360 and PS3 for taking all the new games :/
I get that reaction a lot, B Kir: Holy ****, you're still alive?
You haven't commited suicide. You haven't gotten in a car accidnet and broken your leg in one or more places. You haven't has a serious head ingury that caused loss of brain cells. You haven't died of cancer. You haven't been raped You have friends Your house hasn't blown up/burnt down from a gas leak You haven't been bitten by something with a deadly toxin A hobo hasn't mugged you You still have paren(s)/gaurdian(s) that take care of you. You must have at least once lost something of importance but found it again thought those 5 years. You have food water and shelter You haven't needed to eat dog food because there was nothign else You have peopel around you that really do care You can still get out a good laugh or a smile once in a while You don't have people abusing you night and day You haven't had an amputation You're lucky enough to have a computer, video games, and a phone (home phone, even more lucky if you have that and a cell phone) Oops, that's more than 10 First things that popped into my head, I just typed them out, some of them are a little closer to home than...getting bitten by a animal with a toxic bite, though that too is a good thing most people over look.
Girls aren't the only ones to give good advice, many times I've heard guys give great advice.
Would you like me to fire of 10 good things that have happend in your life in the last 5 years without even knowing you beyond the short time you've been in this family? Why not just call in sick? If not that, then at least for the other girl you can just tell her you don't feel up to dancing, not just you don't want to dance with her. Also, asking someones friends to ask them to dance with you is just a lame thing to do, remind yourself never to ever do that. Seriously.
I like playing games with people's minds, bad habit, but I can't help it. If you're losing sleep over wondering I'll tell you, if not, happy...