How many people do we have here? If we have 6 I don't think one of them is gonna like it very much....
I do have a Rena cosplay, yes, but I let others wear it. Caitlin did when I let her ride around in the little red wagon we found in a trash pile. Even Connor wore it around and we forced him to go onto a busy street and wave to passing cars.
Evergreen tea is harder to come by than the neighbors cat that happens to just wander in your door when you leave it open. Burnitup, you know 100% that that is me?
Yea so can I, though it works better to replace the pepsi with a cat. PROOF NAO PLZ.
You have proof do you Burnitup? Alright, let's see it.
Come on now Burnitup, stop messing with the new kid, making him think for sure I'm a girl.
Why is that Darkest?
You're stalking me are you not? I assumed you would be watching.
Deii is a liar, I am not a quitar. B, those are the best song lyrics ever, even better than a song going AHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAH AHAHA HA HA HA AAHAHAHA the whole tiem. I'll be on if I'm not grounded....or watching movies
Invisible pink capuchin unicorn rabbit it is then.
Just as long as you don't leave dead bodies in my closet. Possibly, will said... creature be invisible? IPU owns anybody. No competition....besides maybe Hanyuu. That's nice, but how will you end it Dark?
I suppose normal people are more frighning, so though it maybe the death of me, I'll return your love I rather like my Invisible Pink Unicorn over rabbits or capuchin monkeys.
I'm not sure whether to be sacred or not when a homicidal maniac confesses love. ._. The boxes? Perfectly square and made of glass, no glue used of course~ Such a pretty red colour when filled too.
Dark: I thought it wouldn't be to hard cause the replys I give are related to who said what so yea :/ just whatever is relevant to the convo would be how to tell. I'll start marking the replies though.
Dark: Aww... I wanted to though for your location being "in a box" My plan to rule the world is in action~ B: USODA! I...uhh.... WARK *runs away*
:/ I thought you read the first chapter, are you a liar? YES...NO....I...THAT IS..... UHHHH THAT WAS MY OLD NAME D:<
Hey hey hey, I wasn't part of that, it was Kasai and Neuro fault! I don't have a Ka in front of my name D:
No, I only said I would tell you if you where going to die from not knowing.
You people post to fast, that was to the other comment a bit back now :/
I wouldn't call it 2 on 1, I think B is just scared of peeping toms and stalkers. I would be if I wasn't a stalker mys- oh **** I AM NOT A STALKER *runs away*