;~; Sorry for not being here lately fams I miss you all so much!
Maybe next time I better stop procrastinating and do my homework already before it gets to late. e_e See ya later guys. ....Unless I get lazy and come back to procrastinate more.
http://drhorrible.com/index.html There you go, you're welcome.
I still have the link to it I think, want it?
Yeah, that one. Seems really hard to find people that know what it is...or I'm looking in the completely wrong places. Not always true, most of the time it's fairly easy to do, more so that it is in the real world. For most emotions anyway.
Ah, kay then. Hey, have either of you heard of Dr. Horrible?
Ehh, close, it's a TV station is Japan. :/ I've got a live stream of it but nothing good is on. B, that was a joke...
;~; There are no good kids shows on TV Tokyo... And I'm procrastinating...badly.
Ugh, at school is one of the worst times, and if you don't have time to work on your stuff at home, it's even worse.
Yea I get that all the time, I start something and finish it way later(if at all) because another idea came up. I hate when another idea tries to force it's way into being done, when you have something you need to finish that you're already working on.
I start way to many to finish, I came across a bunch of unfinished ideas and projects about a week ago... It sucks having a good idea that you never finished, seems liek such a waste
Ah, yes I know those type very well. Thanks. I've been meaning to make more of those, I keep forgetting to when I start drawing though, I've changed the way I draw quite a bit from then since I changed programs.
Knowing you, it's probably pretty messed up for you to call it weird, but define weird things.
They really that bad? I've had worse with my own friends, nothing that ended up being a bad thing though.
Ehh, I've seen worse, a lot worse.
You're not forgetting to take off your sunglasses again are you? I'm sure that would help.
I wasn't trying to. Having fun stalking me from my closet lately?
Yes, we're quite the big loving joyous family aren't we? Right down to everyone fighting like a married couple every once in a while.
Hmm I try to help, get pretty much ignored, I give up, then get told to **** off? Interesting. Hey Deii I believe you owe us our story in Purple Prose form. Or that Purple Prose how to install a towel rack. Or both. ... poor Thesaurus...
The peopel who where killed decided that the living shouldn't live happily ever after so they split up and started to accend and decend the great tree Yydrasil to tell the gods and the giants to fight, hoping to cause the Ragnarok.