Ahh... let me think I know Spitfire was something like xx_kyle...something something _xx ...what ever happened to him even? :/ I can't seem to remember yours, it's been quite a while...I still feel bad I can't remember.
Deii has a point, and I mean you obviously like him enough to change your username to his. Same reason for why I changed mine. That and my old one was massive fail.
Darkest: Idea that I am a girl? There's also the idea I am 4 other possible things.
Nah, I'd rather stay invisible and pink.
Darkest: Let's go over what points to me being a girl again? B: Love is war. Happy marriage. EDIT: My god you all post so fast.
Oh look, B and Darkest are in love. Or at war. I dunno.
No you didn't, he's been like that since LOOONG before you where even born.
He killed himself, and not really even that because he's kinda still hanging there, poke him, he'll start complaining that he isn't dead yet.
Ah yes but B, you're not the teacher now are you.
Hah, nice I...wow, I have nothing. A hundred and one half jokes simply for "many cats", yet not one for blind people.
Damn, I really should have bee able to guess that one.
I'm thinking it's possible our names have gotten mixed up if you're the one not wanting to wear pants. Just stay away from that blind guy, I think he knows something. A knife? Oh no that was just an example, I have a torture chamber's worth of stuff.
Oh they wouldn't notice anything wrong even if I walked out the door laughign with a bloody knife.
Oh ho ho, so you've gotten into the series now? You're fine Kir, but B just gives me that cold "holy ****, this person is a nutcase, I should get out of here before they snap and try to kill me" look. It hurts D: ...if I deserve it or not is a whole other point.
What? I didn't say anything, stop looking at me like that B.
Actually, that's just a prop so people don't realize for a while that the real one is already d- um... ...Let's just pretend I didn't say anything right there.
Being a grammar nazi as always Kir?
Oh god you actually belived that? I would think you would realize I was being sarcastic with the whole 'there are no women on the interwebz' thing. I'm still not telling you what I am. Also, Kir....he DID say he was the mother of this family... Quite possibly I'm not the only gender confused one around here.
Seems like it. Okay you want the real anwer? ..... keep going down I am a man, as there are no women on the interwebs. EVERYBODY knows that.
It does and yet doesn't. He wanted to know Sai's gender right? I was simply quoting Sai's take on the matter ...I think was that even actually said?