Help me gather poision, doesn't matter what type, just make sure it's deadly but has a cure. Then help me pour it into the water mains. Do you see where this is going?
Yea. Hmm. Anyone wanna help me take over the world? I have a plan.
Thanks B I'm such a lazy ass when I need to get something done, I hope I can finish the animation soon. e_e
Never know when he may turn raepist, good idea to stay away. Hmm, new topic? I finished this just a little while ago, it's still in the making, but yea, some feedback on it would be nice. If you don't mind that is.
Yes well that's him, not any of us. One questions why you even speak around him if you think it's so sick the way he twists words?
We're not like that here. :/ Though there was that horrible incident that other time.... We all like to pretend that never happend.
We where discussing my gender, of which I never said anyone was correct yet, then my avi and sig was brought up... The 1/3rd thing you would only get if you read MTNN. Then there is the fact I like to play mind games on people. Very fun to do, you should try it sometime.
Surely to some point you must have an idea, would you liek me to explain the rest?
Hmm.. you're a third right. Though in that form Sai is genderless.
I'm Sai. Burnitup is confused about who I am I think.
Wrong. One more guess~
I said diseases. Ch, unless you are talking about that ass hole Sicks, he can just die.
Indeed it is, frostbite too, you skin starts to peel off all on it's own~
If you wish, I can list where I know it from. While I'm at it, anything else you want to know? Mental Conditions, over population leading to homosexual activity in mice, various diseases maybe? Oh, wanna learn about flesh eating diseases? Those are fun to talk about.
Like I said, from a few places.
Oh. Simple, I know you froze time. Or tried to, you know it wasn't fully successful.
Various places. Depends on what info are are refering to, I got human gender list from 3 places, kinda 4.
Why, should I not know such things? Are you mad?! You've been gone 7 years as of yesterday....
There isn't just boys and a girls in humans. Technically... there is 5 different things you could be. 4 natural, 1 unnatural. You could say 3 are unnatural, though why I say 1 is because the 1 you can't be born as. And in platypus...well they have 10 sex genes so I'm pretty sure that means there are 10 different genders. As if they weren't weird enough already.
Why 3 guesses? There are more options than just boy or girl. Well if you ask a platypus there are 10 different genders....