~ Oh thank God...Phew...It's Xidar. ~ Kiba sighed as he drew his blade, at the ready, just incase, " It's been a while, Xidar " Kiba shouted as he was at the ready, legs bent and all. His eyes narrowed, knowing what was to come. Sora got up, walking out of the chamber, walking out into a staircase.
Acccidental...But still Scary...
OOC: No, Sora was talking to a new person that's coming into teh story..and I was talking about Ienzo's Character.
OOC: People that are new...That I just Accepted, make your way into the market or bump into Kiba somehow, so you can get into the plot... Kiba stopped, he saw someone...that looked like from the Organization...He cursed...someone he knew from when he had joined Sora long ago. he watched the person, hoping not to be spotted. He swallowed slowly, sweat trickling down his neck.
The strangest thing happened today...I have this teacher that has alot of saggy skin and she turned around and hit my best friend in the face! I was scared...Lol, Don't know why I said this...but it happened...
OOC: Me. Wow, I lost my ID, I need one for school and I was heading for the bathroom and It was attached to my sleeve...O.o, Lol. Kiba back away, ~ Now you've done it Kiba... ~ He thought sarcasitcly, the Nobodys attacked him, Flipping in the iar, he smashed one of their skulls with his blade and darted off. he had gotten what he had came for. Now he need to find Jade... " Where would she go? " He asked himself, as he hid himself away. ------Sora Sora sat in the chamber room, the 13 chairs all there, he was talking to someone, hooded, " This place has been emtpy, but now is fulling up. Thanks for joining. Here's the Heart as promised. " Sora grinned as he gave the person the Heart. " Do your job. " Sora said strenly as the person disappeared. OOC: NOTE: All Members with Sora have a Heart if the wanted.
OOC : Ienzo!!!! Howzitgoin? Lol.
OOC: I'll messege her If She doesn't get here...
OOC: Wow, Losts of People...I read all of the Bios...All Are In. Once Jade or Ienzo Get on, I'll go from there, Adding people to the list now...
The world disappeared into darkness, soon appearing in a dark alley, Kiba looked at Jade for a moment and walked to the wall. " I have to go find someone, look around, BUT I repeat DON'T Trust ANYONE! " Kiba told her, leaving fast. ooc: I got to go, I'll be on tomorrow, So Ienzo, if Jade stays on, she can help you I think. Jade and Kiba were attacked and now are stocking with supplies before going to fight Sora...so you can ambush them if you want...Anyone hat joins is in if Jade says so while I'm gone...Ta-Ta!
OOC: YAY! Ienzo is here! Comdey gone wildish! In.
" We won't take long, do you trust me? " Kiba asked, his outstrechted hand still there, he was looking at her now, his green eyes were not visible. He waited calmly.
" Let's go my way... " Kiba said holding out a gloved hand, " Don't want them noticing the ship. Espcailly if Sora summons the old Organization agasint us. " Kiba added to her. He then looked at her, waiting to see what she would say.
" Let's just say, I'm taking a risk....if anything goes run, get in the ship and GO. " Kiba said and looked out. " Just don't get happy...it's a really poor nation... " Kiba said heavily, he remembered much. He just didn't want Sora to summon Marluxia or any Organzation Members back to fight them.
Maybe becuase you have the URGE to check, you' re a mod(Correct?) and really maybe have nothing else to do and like to read stuff...? I'm just taking a random guess...
" Well, where I lived for the first five years of my life...and my family is there..shelter until next set off... " Kiba said and sighed. His weapon appeared. " Never can be TOO careful. " He added. The only thing he was afraid of was his family right now. He sighed once more. He woundered why Jade hid her Emotions like with the smile just now.
" Uhh... " Kiba said and turned around, he quickly disappeared and reappeared, " Now nothing will shoot us down... " He smiled under his hood. He then frowned to himself, " Make sure you bring a weapon or two, we'll be stocking up here, last rest you could say. " He said to her...
Kiba said nothing, he stared out the window in slience. he saw something familar, " We're here... " He said and then uttered something. He went back towards her but went to the window, his hand flared in colors. He jerked his hand down and his arms went out, he then was in his old black cloak, fixed ofcouarse. He pulled the hood up. " I might be off for a while, so don't trust anyone when we get there. " Kiba told Jade. Partly he didn't want to be see much at all there. The small planet was seeable now.
Yea...How did you? Even I'm interested...Lock the door and throw the key under the door?
I had that happen to me once, except I broke into my Grandma's only to find that I had turned the door handle the wrong way. So it was never locked. But I had one time to get in because I locked myself out.