I think that when you do, you move on, Since i'm a Christian, but...No one really nows...That's my small thought, I try not to think about it..then it leads me to futher more to think about it. You should live your life out the the maxinun, and when you die...you can tell for yourself.
" Hmph, I want to gain YOUR old status, now, you can save your friend or run! " Shegetsu said as he squeezed Kiba's neck harder, his body started to struggle less, his eye lids slowly, started to close. He was about to lose all of his oxygen in his body.
OOC: Yeah, it's called Forum Assasstince...my bad, heh, reply on G.A. Psh...I'm killin yo Soul Foo! xD! Use Acid's Bio...he's bpretty good and funny. ^.^ Seeya then Mike.
OOC: Thanks ALot Mike...But if you have questions, for to the Help Forum, I cna tell you there...You'll get a warning if you ask that stuff here...go to teh Help Forum...and Join! " Sorry My Dear, by Sora gave the orders...and Kiba is wanted... " Shegetsu laughed cold-heartedly. He went over to the rocks and grabbed Kiba's body...he was bleeding and unconcsious. " If you leave, I won't hunt you down... " He smiled. Choking Kiba's body, Kiba woke up, gasping for breath, struggling.
Finally the Real Shegetsu appeared. Kiba rushed at him, his swords dragging, the floor tearing up, Shegetsu stomped on the ground, rocks blasted Kiba high into the air. Shegetsu was above him, his giant weapon was on Kiba's back. Kiba's eyes widened as Shegetsu threw his weapon blade on Kiba's back, he shot at the gound which exploded with Sharp rocks. Shegetsu rushed at Xidar, he swung his might blade.( Alot like Lexasus's. ) earth came out of the ground from behind Xidar and attacked her.
Kiba rolled between to fakes, he rapidly stabbed both in the knees with both swords, then swund up and around, severing their heads. He jumped at another Fake, locked pole with swords. 3 Fakes jumped at Xidar, lunging and firing Ice at her. Only 5 remained, Three attacking Xidar and Kiba beening attacked by two. Kiba tripped the one locking him in, then quckly stabbed him, the last one for Kiba jumped on his back, yanking the pole down, Kiba shot Lightning into the fake who did. He turned to Xidar.
Shegetsu smiled, 10 more of of appeared...copies. Kiba turned around slowly. He looked over his shoulder to Xidar, " Five Each sound good? " He asked as he jumped at one, the pole swung at Kiba, who dived down, jumping, and stabbing the chest of a Fake. Another fake lunged towards Xidar, swinging the pole wildly.
I'm going to read it, I've read all the others, also, I'm with Catch The Rain, the plot took a long time to acually get to the Interesting stuff. The others were better, but hopefully, This one will be even better, but I don't like some of the rumors about it...>.<! Yagaskardig.
Shegetsu laughed then he pulled a long pole from out of nowhere. " Xidar, Kiba...both of you are wanted Dead or Alive by Sora...Jade also but she isn't here, I'll make do with you two! " He cackled " Nice Magic Trick... " Kiba muttered as he pulled out Soul's Requem, his new blade. It was pitch black with blue circles along the blade. He also pulled out another new sword. Soul's Victim. A White blade with Re lines along it. Kiba waited to see what Xidar would do.
" Xidar, you don't remember me? " He asked as he dropped his head, the mangled face was there. Kiba snorted. " Shegetusu? Man..I gues you still have my parting gift! " Kiba interuppted. He looked at Xidar.
OOC: Coolio... Kiba got up, he sighed, then headed off, towards Xidar, " Come on! " He siad as he ran past her, up a flight of stairs and throught doors, until a member of Organization itself stood before him.
OOC: Heyo Peeps! Since I'm off school now, I am free to RP all day...sadly! So anyone on?
Kiba walked back, checking if anyone was following them, he found no one. He sighed and leaned on a wall, sliding down he was sitting.
Kiba said nothing, he sighed, he wasn't as samrt as he thought. " You tow go ahead, I'll look for traps. " Kiba said and turned around, not waling off yet. He waited.
" No. " He said roughly to Jade as he turned to her, just looking at her, then turned and ran to a wall, putting his hand he said nothing. He then hit the wall with his foot. He felt a shockwave in himself as he stopped. " Damn Wall... " Kiba muttered under his breath.
Kiba walked on, soon met by Nobodys, of which he disposed of. He finished by getting to a single door room. He looked around. " What is this? " He muttered, he was confused.
Kiba grunted, " Come on! " He said to both of them and flicked his hand, a Dark Portal appeared, he ran intside. Then appeared in Sora's castle. He looked around. He grunted once more.
Kiba, saw Jade and Xidar, he sighed a sigh of relief, but it soon ended, the ground shook. Parts of it broke, he was balancing one foot, he looked down, Oblivion. He said nothing. " Sora...it's time... " He said and waited for the other two to catch up.
OOC: Nope, I waved my magic Stump and freed you.
OOC: PHRAISE THE LORD! * CLears Throat* No Your not, anyway...back to the plot. Nice to talk to you by the way. ^.^. The nearby buildings shrunk out of view as a giant castle came into view...Sora's base. The final battle was coming up. A Black Portal appeared, it was the only way. Kiba appeared infront of it, loking back to see if Jade or Xidar were there.