True... out of all the stories I like, they're my favorite villians! :p
By Nomura's last interview, I think that he was saying something about incorperating something from the Final Fantasy 13 Versus coming out. Perhaps a boss battle?
If the Organization is in the next KH sequel, should they be good guys or bad guys? The reason I ask is because not only did the story leave it open for a plot twist like this but, I am indecisive on what I, a KH fan, would want. I love villians, but I like the protagonists, too. I would very much like to hear your imput on this, so don't be shy! :) Edit: I see a lot of people are posting that all of the Organization members are dead. I am well aware of this and I do have something in my defense: I don't know if you guys read the news posted a few days ago on the home page, but part of it said that the Roxas/Axel eating icecream scene occured AFTER the Sora vs. Roxas fight. That means it occured AFTER Axel's death, correct? Hmmmmm?
I love KH music! When will this set be coming out? 'Cause I totally want to get the set if I can. :D
I just came up with something else! I was thinking about that picture skellingtondan posted. Now this may be a shot in the dark here, but I think this man is responsible for Roxas' heart. I don't know if any of you have been looking through the KH2FM+ info, but I found this line in the script for the trailer: Roxas: I'm returning to my original form... Axel: I've been thinking for a while. Namine has been saying it too. Roxas, maybe you do have a heart. *holds icecream in one hand* Roxas: I'm not really sure about that myself... Roxas: Sora will find the answer. Kind of spooky, huh? Anyways, looks like this knight's in for a real beating. By the expression on his face, looks like he's been betrayed or something. Also, the fragment of a shadow is reflected on the non-broken part of his helmet. Perhaps he is defeated and killed? O.o I also think he is the shorter of the knights (the one who picks up the Road to Dawn keyblade). However, we do not have a full picture of this knight, so I not completely sure about this. Another thing: I do think the knight to the big knight's right is female, simply because of the way she walks. Let's just say I hope that's not a man, 'cause if that knight is, Marluxia is going to have some serious compitition! :p
Weird... I have a funny feeling that the main knight is Xehanort. Xehanort was able to open the door to Radiant Garden, so perhaps he is a keyblade master. He lost his memories according to the Secret Ansem Reports, so maybe he just forgot all about being a wielder of the keyblade. The big question is, what made him forget? As for the other Knights, I have no clue who they are...
): I'm sorry to say that Re: Chain of Memories is going to be in Japanese. But hopefully they will bring it to North America!
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix+ is a 2-disc set. It contains KH 2 Final Mix and KH: Chain of Memories remade into 3d form instead of the Gameboy version. In KH 2 Final Mix there is a new form for Sora (its the same as his old costume in KH 1 with the same abilities like sonic blade...I think). The forms from before will still be there. As for the Org. 13 mushrooms, the only thing I know about them is that they aren't friendly. Also, I guess they immitate the members of the Organization. Marluxia in Final Mix is a boss fight in the Colloseum, along with the other Org. members from Chain of Memories. As for when it comes out, I think it comes out in Japan this March. Whether or not there will be a release of KH2 Final Mix+ in North America remains to be heard. Glad to help! :)
I'd totally want to play as some of the bad guys, especially Organization 13! Villians rule! Plus, its fun sometimes to give the protagonists a good kicking. :D
Hmmmm... good discusion question! :) I have a lot of theories on who those people might be. Here are some: 1. I think that keyblades are passed down, sorta like generation after generation. Perhaps these people are responsible for Riku's, Mickey's, and maybe Sora's keyblades. Also, these knights are standing in a crossroad. A crossroad is made up of 4 roads all together. Keep in mind that the number 4 is often used as a symbol of the life cycle. Because of this, I'm guessing there's a fourth knight, too. 2. At the end of CoM, we see this same crossroad except without all the keyblades. Diz mentions the name of all the roads: The road to light, the road to darkness, the twilight road to nightfall, and the twilight road to dawn. I can only guess that each of these knights represent one of these roads. However, which knight goes with which, I have no idea. 3. I do have one idea on who one of these knights may be: Xehanort. I know that might sound a little strange, but there are clues to this. First of all, Xehanort should not have been able to open the door in Radiant Garden. Sora and Riku, both keyblade masters, were able to open doors similar to Xehanort's. Also, there is the written text in the end "Xehanort's memories." When Ansem the Wise found Xehanort half dead, Xehanort did not have any previous memories up to that point. This leaves the potential for him to be a weilder of the keyblade himself. ... I have a lot more ideas, but GOOD LORD I WROTE A LOT!!!!!
I like Namine better, simply because Kairi seems a little shallow. Sure, she is a princess of heart, but why? What does she do that really makes her a great character? Namine, however, seems to be a really deep character. She put herself in danger to defend Sora and took a blow for him. Kairi always seems to be the one needing rescuing. Though, I have to admit: I like Kairi in the second game WAY more than I dd in the first game. Her voice actor in the first game makes me bleed from the ears! Too high... too squeeky...:(
Yes... I believe it is in the Mansion at Twilight Town. I think it's in the room leading to the white pod room where Sora woke up in the beginning.
That's easy! Beat the snot out of them of course! They'd be tracking darkness all over my white carpet!
OMG Twilight Town!!!!!! Love that place! It's purdy and it has trains!:p None of the other worlds have trains! Plus, I can go chill with Yen Sid in that tubular tower of his. :D
KH3 could be fun on the Wii, but judging by the speed needed to swing the keyblade when attacking an enemy, the game's progress would need to be seriously slowed down. That means no more fancy combos and probably no party members either. Also, battles would be increasingly longer. We really don't want that now do we? It would be nice to have KH3 on X-Box 360, but given the series's obvious lean towards Sony systems, that is unlikely, but not impossible. I personally wouldn't be surprised if KH3 did indeed come out in PS3 format. With the PS3, Square Enix has many more opportunities to expand the Kingdom Hearts gameplay. I'm sure they would take advantage of the HD graphics, too. However, being a huge fan of the series, I really don't care what console it comes out on. I'll play it at a friend's house if I had to. :D
I've been thinking about that, too. I think there was more than two, though. When examining the others, some said things like "this hasn't been used in a while," or "this looks like it could be still used." I know when examining the last one it says: "Who built this? And for what purpose?" Interesting, yes?
Ha! That would be funny, but highly unlikely! It's hard for me to imagine Kadaj as a Keyblade master... whoa...that's a scary thought. O.o Though, I have to agree; Sora does look like Kadaj, his facial structure anyway.