Sounds like a glitch. Stuff like that happens to me all the time. I'm about 3/4ths of the way through KH2Final Mix.
About his keyblades actually. I just figured out that he has used two different keyblades. In Ansem the Wise's Secret Reports, Ansem said that King Mickey was weilding the keyblade at the time. Wasn't that BEFORE he found the Dark Relm's Keyblade? Plus, what's with him weilding the Star Seeker in the KH2FM Secret Ending? Remember Goofy telling Sora that Yen Sid was the King's trainer? Yen Sid must of been training King Mickey to use the keyblade. I am guessing that he was using the Star Seeker keychain at the time. Then, when the King set out to find the Dark Relm's Keyblade and seal the Door to Darkness, he must of left the other keyblade with Yen Sid, maybe hoping that Sora might find it a help to his journey ahead. Anyway, the point is that it's seems that every keyblade master is able to weild two keyblades. Why? I have an idea, but it needs some work. I hope that was interesting enough.... heh. ^^;
Yay! Someone to share my rant with! XD I've though about this more, and I now think the PSP wouldn't be so bad. At least there would be voice acting and no sprites(there's something REALLY non-threatening about sprites). Could you imagine that bald evil dude as a sprite!?! I would have difficulty playing the game because I'd be laughing so much! I don't own a PSP, but I did some research and the graphics aren't that bad. However, I still would prefer joysticks. I just hope it's not on the DS.
It's on There's a link to it on KH Vid's main page under Affiliates. I know they're far better than they were, but they still aren't as powerfull as a stationary system. I noticed some other replies stated that this is old news. If I missed that post, I appologize. But I still wished to state my feelings on the matter.
I just read on Kingdom Hearts 2 NET that Nomura stated that the next KH installement will probably be on a hand-held platform. This really dissappointed me, not only because the last KH game that was on a hand-held platform wasn't very popular, but also because of new AND better platforms that are out there, such as the PS3. A hand-held platform can only do so much: limited control, moderate voice acting, and undeveloped graphics. As a huge KH fan, I would like to Square Enix take advantage of a highly advanced platform and put on a great show in the next KH installement. The only problem is that such a platform, (example:PS3), is not well-"embraced." The PS3 is costly and does not have very popular games at the moment, (though it sounds like there are some good titles coming out soon). But, I really would rather pay the price and play with awesome capabilities of the PS3 instead of watching a bunch of sprites running around. (Not counting the PSP. But its graphics still suck compared to the PS3). This new story looks awesome, and I hope they don't ruin it by puting it on a platform that can't give it justice. What do my fellow KH fans think? .... geez! That was a long rant! :P
OMG I know! I think it's just Sora's shadow, though. It happens in the regular game, too.
More than likely they will make the next KH installment on the PS3. The PS3 supports high definition graphics that the creators of KH can work with. I would personally be delighted if Square Enix took advantage of PS3's phenomenal graphics and put on a good show for us. Plus, I expect the gameplay will be more dynamic as well.
Maybe a frozen arm and an arm that never moves are similar because they both don't move? XD JK Anyway, it might mean that Terra and Riku are connected in another way other than the similarity in the meaning of their names.
I don't think Aqua's dead though. Xemnas was talking to her in the room of sleep, right? At least that's what Xigbar said.
Yup! :D Since we both have a similar idea, would it bother you if I finished mine and posted it here and on deviantART? I don't have a account.
Wow! You guys have some great theories! Omoide, you bugar head! You stole my idea for my fanfic! XD Oh well! I'm almost finished with the first part.
I'm thinking the old mansion in Twilight Town. Supporting the theory of four knights (Earth Wind Water AND Fire), there are four chairs in the dining room. Also, I've noticed a number of different symbols around the mansion. First is the repetition of wing symbols. Sometimes there are two wings together, and in other places there is just one. I've come to think that these wings represent twilight (dawn and dusk). Second, is the symbol of the crown in the dining room. As you well know, this symbol is associated with Sora, who is somehow connected to the knight Ven through Roxas (hope that makes sense). Something that should also be taken note of is the command menu when inside the mansion. Kinda reminds me of a particular keyblade.*Points to Terra's keyblade* There's loads more, but what do you guys think?
Does anyone know where I can find some sheet music for "Destati?" I've been wanting to start of remix of it but making it would be difficult without the sheet music. Thanks. ~twilightsbringing
Of course, you are right. But keep in mind that I am referring to the regular KH2 about Riku's arm. KH2 came out before KH2FM+. Though, they could have planned the whole thing out beforehand. Still, when looking at the time frame of when Roxas dealt his attack on Riku and time it took Sora to get to TWTNW, would Riku really be hurting that bad after such a great amount of time?
I don't know a word of Japanese, but I am able to play it fine. You eventually learn what to do. You should make note of this, though: The X button is jump, and the O button is attack.
Obviously, there's a little more evidence now then there was before. First of all, their names are similar in meaning, and as you know, names mean a lot in KH. Second, Terra's left arm is frozen in the Final Mix Secret Ending. Riku hardly ever moves his left arm in The World That Never Was. In fact, he doesn't move it at all when he's walking. (Go back to TWTNW, I swear). Plus, he also wears a bandage or something on his left arm. I know I made a thread similar to this one a while back. I'm doing it again because now there is more evidence. P.S. To add, if following the theory that Terra has a connection to KH2 Xehanort, then he would have a direct relation to Riku. But I don't necessarily believe in that theory just yet.
In the original CoM on Gameboy, I laughed at Vexen. But now... I don't know. It is kinda sad, especially since he starts crying. And the way Axel kills him! Yikes! Even Hojo from FF7 didn't deserve that! (Well maybe, since he created Sephiroth among other things). I think Sora felt sorry for him, too. Mad scientists need more love. :(
Perhaps, but he'd have to fight Huey, Duey, and Luey for that job! Considering he's a teenager he'd probably win! XD
Sure! Why not? Max is a great character! They could have some funny scenes with him. (If you've seen The Goofy Movie then you know what I mean). I don't know if he'd be a part of a major plot line, but then again, Donald's nephews really didn't play a big role, did they? He might have a minor part, but to tell the truth, that's all I would want to see.