NOT ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!!!! Second one I saw!!! The other one wasn't in the other chapters, but in a different one. *Continues eatings popcorn* DON'T DO IT ROXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Grabs bucket of Popcorn* How interesting! YOU BETTER NOT DO IT ROXAS!!!!!!! I like it...:)
Nice, I liked it. Especially the part about Jesse McCartney. If Roxas breaks Xed's heart, and she finds the missing keychain... is she gonna take revenge and take his--- whoops, I forgot he didn't have a heart.
Mine are Ultima, Kingdom, Fenrir, Oathkeeper, Oblivion, Mickey's Kingdom, and Way to the Dawn.
I chose strength. And eliminated protection for the game, weird huh?
I think it looks interesting. Movie material! lol. Or wait, the trailer was for the story? Heh, I knew that. Well I know I'm gonna read it.:)
1. Yami955 - YouTube 2. 4kids hater - Janime Forums 3. xValorxSorax - KH-Vids I use to be them...
How'd you make those in Paint? I can't seem to do that. I just use GIMP 2 and Photoshop CS2...
Here's something I don't get, they don't know if there's anything that can sustain us on Mars, but all of a sudden there's another Earth? That's just confusing. But hey, it would be cool to see what lies on 581c. Maybe there are already organisms living on it.
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That was hilarious with Demyx and Axel and at the end. I can picture that, lol. Great work!:D
Like I said before, AWESOME! I hope you can put up Ch. 5 soon.
That was soo awesome! I wish I could make a comic out of that. But that would be stealing it. And I don't steal. Unless I have permission to! lol
Welcome! Read the rules and spam only in the spam zone.
Welcome to the forum. Read the rules, spam only in the spam zone, and enjoy!! See you around.
My friend use to have that on her myspace. It's kinda cool.
Welcome to the forum. Post lots, and read the rules.
Welcome to the forum. Read the rules and spam in the spam zone. Hah, enjoy your stay.
Yo, welcome to the forum. Post lots, read the rules, and enjoy your stay!:D
Welcome, enjoy your stay!