Welcome to Kh-Vids, read the rules, post lots, stay active, and spam only in the spam zone. Death Note is my favorite Anime as well! I just got the Manga Tuesday.
....They have? Ha ha, shows how much I pay attention to the news, even though I don't watch it. Well, I mean that they're happening in rows and stuff.
Wow. Pretty Amazing.
Personally, I don't care. But, it's weird that it just started to happen all of a sudden. And I read today on Adelphia Homepage when I went onto the internet. I mean, who would plant bombings in cars?
Actually, I was surprised that it didn't effect the keyblade, that's one thing I liked. What do you mean that the effect isn't great???
Ohh. You should try though, pretty fun.
Yeah, I tried to take it out, but it didn't really work. What do you mean red? You mean the pouch? And with the text, I saw it was like one of Mouse's, you know, complicated looking. So I made the text color match the background, and put it beside Sora's head. I set it to a Dark Setting, and the effects crossed him. And with Overlay it made him fade with the background.
www.photobucket.com You'll need to register though. www.tinypic.com No registration.
Nice job on it. I like it.
Eh. I followed a Grunge Sig Tut on GimpTalk. So I added the Sora render on it... Thanks.
What the hell?! Bored... -_- What's up Emo Pengwin?
Very good. Did you use MS Paint for it? Because Kairi looks like she was drawn in Paint.
Thanks Raito, it worked. Thanks /D/J/_!DaNgEr_*MOU5E* and khchick55 for trying to help me.
I've tried that, but it confuses me soo much :nerve: I'll try it again. See if I can do it better. And if it don't work, I'll just edit this post sayin' it didn't work...
Welcome to KH-Vids. Read the rules, post lots, stay active, and spam only in the spam zone. If you need any help, feel free to Private Message me.:)
Welcome to KH-Vids, post lots, read the rules, stay active, spam in spam zone only. Hope we can be friends.:ff10sora:
Welcome to KH-Vids, post lots, read the rules, stay active, spam in spam zone only, and I think that's it.
1. Acrossing Two You have a higher chance of going into Anti-Form when you go into Final Form (TwiliteblondXIII may have the ability right, I know it deals with Final and Anti Form.) 2. Winner's Proof I have no idea what the ability is.
Good and Broken in your pants