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  1. rikurep

    Death Note

    "exactly," Takumi said, who had thought of it in a similar way in his head. "I've already brought it down to several suspects through the data, one of them is definitely a student" he said while doodling stuff down in his notebook
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. rikurep

    Death Note

    "That's correct," Takumi said stepping over a seat and going down in a crouched position with his legs crossed. "you're pretty good" he said commenting on Micheal's deduction
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. rikurep

    Death Note

    Madoka got some milk and gave it to Micheal. "First of all, I've been looking at the times of death of criminals" Takumi said as a TV screen showed the data "what's strange is that the pattern, it's very irregular for anyone's schedule.. there may be more than one person committing murders"
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. rikurep

    Death Note

    "Over there" he said while holding the pencil in his mouth. "well now that every one is here, I think we can start, but from now on please be sure to call me Takumi"
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. rikurep

    Death Note

    "Thank you" Madoka said before letting him in "T, everyone who volunteered is here" she called out. Someone else came out from within the room, a young man who seemed like he could be in high school or college by now walked slowly in. He wore long black baggy pants that settled on his bare feet. He had dark brown messy hair that nearly covered his eyes that had dark circles around them, an apparent sign of lack of sleep. He wore a neckband that resembled a dog collar and a buttoned shirt with very long sleeves.In one hand was a notebook full of papers with random sketches in them, and in his mouth was an old pencil covered with bite marks. "Welcome everyone..." he slowly said, "I am T"

    ooc: if anyone wants to know, they can check my detective profile to see what he looks like
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. rikurep
    Nate nearly choked on his candy bar "c-children!" he said suprised "i guess so, why'd you ask?"
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. rikurep
    "Pretty weird huh? And I'm in love with a human" Nate said
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. rikurep
    this time it's a design for a lesser nobody

    tell me what you think
    Thread by: rikurep, Oct 30, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. rikurep

    Death Note

    Madoka opened the door, this time without the clothes she had previously worn but rather some clothes that looked more appropriate for her age. "Oh, it's you again! Welcome" she said with a smile "please come in" she opened the door to the reveal the the people who had volunteered in the room. "before you come in I need any electronic devices, like cell phones" she said holding up a container
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. rikurep

    Death Note

    ooc: deathsight44, PM me when you reach the hotel...Madoka will be waiting there for you
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. rikurep

    Death Note

    "unfortunately for me any records of the past investigation were destroyed, so i still must figure out how you do it.......but there will be plenty of time to ask you, once i catch you" He said before the large T dissapeared from the screen

    ooc: should we do the meeting soon?
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. rikurep
    "I'm sorry, but we're nobodies" Daxent said walking up to her and placing a hand on her shoulder "It won't be of any use to pretend that you have any emotions"
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. rikurep

    Death Note

    "The man you did kill was a decoy, a criminal senetenced to death today although his arrest wasn't on the news or the internet....... it seems there are even some people that you can't judge if you don't know about them" he said "If not, try to kill me" he joked
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. rikurep

    Death Note

    "It seems that you're not the old Kira" the person continued "you fell for the same trap," he chuckled a little then said "I now know where you are Kira, although you may have thought this was brodcasted everywhere in was only seen in the Kanto region, that's where you are"
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. rikurep
    "I love you too Precious" he said giving a smile that showed his fangs
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. rikurep

    Death Note

    A few people had rushed over to the dying man and wre seen dragging him away from the veiw of the camera. The scene changed to a large picture of a large black T on the screen. "......t-that's pretty unbeleivable!" a high pitched computer voice said. "I've heard stories, but I'd never believe that you could actually kill without any physical contact Kira.......This, is the real T"
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. rikurep

    Death Note

    The man continued to talk about the evils of Kira, but suddenly he grabbed his chest in pain. he collasped on the floor, bring papers with him as he tried to stand up in vain.
    Etsuko paused as he saw this, and looked down at the Death Note. It was blank, he didn't write anything. Did someone else have a note? he thought to himself
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. rikurep

    Death Note

    "this guy....." Etsuko thought to himself "how stupid is he to challange someone who can kill anytime" he started saying out loud as he took out his pen and Death Note "I'm going to teach the world a lesson, that no one defies Kira!" he said staring at the man's face.

    ooc: Kairigirl22, it's okay to kill him
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. rikurep

    Death Note

    ooc: hey I'm on, what's happened?
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. rikurep
    Nate kissed back and put his arms around her
    Post by: rikurep, Oct 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home