ooc: ok then, I guess I'll just do something until i run into you guys Quid kept walking along the woods and came in front of a large mansion. Moss and vines had covered the abandoned walls as the building itself had cracks and crumbles everywhere. "HELLO!" Quid shouted towards the mansion, wondering in anyone was still there. He saw that the gate was open, and it looked like it was done recently. And despite the weird feeling he got he proceeded to enter the building.
ooc: lol nice sig by the way Deathsight44 Etsuko finished writing his names in, then put it in his bag and prepared for work. He constantly heard whispers of Kira and T and chuckled to himself as he exited the subways
ooc: hey guys i'm on cool we have another detective
ooc: back as my other character "hmm, what should I do about T" Etsuko thought while lying down on his couch," it would probably be too dangerous to continue the killings the way i normally do," he considered silently " he might see a pattern developing, but with the other Kiras it would be hard" He got up and proceeded towards his desk. "i wonder how much i can manipulate when they die" he said as he started writing down names
"yes we should" T agreed, "be sure to take some caution" he added while drawing a picture of the several suspects
"good, i'm looking forward to working with you" he said "now, we'll show Kira that justice will prevail." he said giving everyone a cheerful smile
"this is good" he said as he walked back to the couch and sat in his sitting position "I'm hope you are just as smart as your uncle and grandfather"
"Yagami?" T said, he remembered that he had looked up on the details of who worked on the old Kira case "Was your grandfather named Sochiro? (sp?)" he asked with a strange look on his face as he chewed on his pencil
"ah, it seems we have another volunteer, " T said peering over Micheal "Hello, I am T, but please call me Takumi" he said holding a hand up
Nate put a hand on her head and laid down on the ground
ooc: okay I'm on now People inside heard the door. "Madoka, will you please get that?" T asked while placing down his book. "yes Takumi" she said before heading there and opening the door to reveal a young woman
"fine now that that is settled we can spend our time, finding out the other Kiras, I will be spending my time observing one the other suspects" He said still staring down at his paper. Madoka passed out belts and earpieces "these are special equipment," she explained "you'll be able to keep in touch with each other" ooc: i'll go spy on either zexion13's character or mine
"hmmm, probably one of you" Takumi said as he sketched a picture in his notebook. "who would like to volunteer?" occ: should one of us spy on her, or have other agents do it like in the anime
"Well, ...since we met" he said picking up blades of grass and watching them blow away in the wind. "and when you kissed me on the cheek"
"You must've done something to deserve it" Takumi said a little annoyed. "now continuing where we were, I'm decideing that we should have people observe the ones I suspect.. including her"
Her name is Isabella, he said as Madoka passed out some papers that showed her face.
Nate smiled back and sat down beside her
"Yes, finding out how S Kira is able to kill, will make it easier to discover find out the other Kiras." He said holding up a piece of paper that had a human figure on it labeled S-KIRA. "here is one special fact, when I checked who has been veiwing criminal records online....there was someone who was constantly checking them"
ooc: i said several, not seven "The data shows most of it, in most of the afternoon hardly any criminals are reported to have died of heart attacks, but before and after school hours there is a large number of deaths occurring, so one of them is probably a student ...however others may be older than that Kira" Takumi said