On your latest video on youtube. You misspelled *deviant* in your your video tap.
Irie is in bed.
I think it is a bad idea. But hey what do you know this has kick but some posts.
Ah, I still have so much to teach you.
Because they don't want to be awesome like me.
Yes, you actually suited up. God, I hate when I tell people too and they don't.
Burny I don't say this enough to you but.......it is time to......wait for it....... SUIT UP!
All quiet on the western front.
The delusional can't handle the truth and the arrogant won't except the truth. Man, that is why a lot of people either I can't stand or don't stand me, cause I can be brutally honest when I have to be.
Truth hurts that life, now if you do something about it is a different story.
Yeah, plus I didn't want to give one of my boring speeches. Wow, he made a depature thread.
A clear concensus.
I've always thought the rep system was flawed.
And I thought my rep history was bad.
I don't think I really changed too much..... Second that one.
That was also when I was hopefull and B was......well B is still B. xD, Except for when I had to give my speeches of just grow up.
Ah, yeah. I know what you mean.
When did this happen? Remember I went on a lot of haituses.
Yeah, for as long as I've known her she never changed it.
Yeah, I don't think I was too active with my old name.